Post-Civil War Reconstruction Name: _______________________________ USVA History

Name: _______________________________
USVA History
Post-Civil War Reconstruction part I notes
Main Idea – Congress _____________________ Lincoln’s and Johnson’s plans for _________________
and instead implemented its own plan to rebuild the south
Aftermath of the War
What issues need to be dealt with in order for the north and south to move forward?
After the Civil War
Federal government gets more power
Northern economy ________________
Southern Economy ________________________
360,000 _______________ soldiers died, 260,000 ________________________ died
1881- ____________________________ established the American Red Cross
_________________________ Amendment- (1865) ________________ the slaves in the United States
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the
party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to
their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation
Can you find anything in the "fine print" of this amendment that could be used to interpret this law
Reconstruction- ________________ during which the US began to __________________ after the Civil
Lasted from ______________-_________________
Also refers to the process in which the federal government _____________________ the
Confederate states
Reconstruction plans
_______________/Davis—proposed _________________, not the President, be responsible for
reconstruction. They would require a majority of the state’s population pledge an allegiance to
__________% Plan—______________________ plan. He required 10% of the state’s
population pledge an allegiance to Constitution. Lincoln would all ___________________ all
confederates (except high ranking officials accused of war crimes).
50%--_________________________ plan. Same as Lincoln’s, but called for 50%
________________________ to Constitution and ratification of the _________ Amendment.
Didn't address ___________ of former slaves, Southern states had to pay annual war
Radical—Run by the ________________________. Also called the
________________________________________ Act. Congress set up ________________
zones in the former confederacy. In these zones, the Civil Rights Amendments (13, 14, 15) were
enforced. The Freedman’s Bureau was implemented and black codes were ________________.
Also, all remnants of the confederacy must be surrendered and all former members of the
confederacy must take the iron-clad oath.
Lincoln’s Assassination
April 14, 1865, 5 Days after Lee surrendered to Grant at __________________, Lincoln and his
wife went to ____________________ Theatre in Washington DC to see a play
o John Wilkes Booth, a 26 year old actor and southern sympathizer shot Lincoln
o Lincoln died the next day
Freedmen’s Bureau
Moderate __________________________ pushed for a new law to fix weaknesses in Johnson’s
Feb. 1866, Congress enlarged the Freedmen’s Bureau
o __________________ former slaves and poor whites by distributing clothing and food.
o Set up hospitals, ____________________, industrial institutes and _________________training centers
Civil Rights Act of 1866
Gave African-Americans _________________________ and forbade states from discriminatory
laws called “_______________________”
o Prohibited blacks from carrying weapons, serving on juries, testifying against whites,
marrying whites and traveling w/o permits
Johnson vetoed the bill, moderate and radical Republicans joined forces to take over the
Reconstruction plan
o Overrode the veto
Fourteenth Amendment
Made “all persons born or naturalized in the US” _____________________ of the country.
o Given __________________ protection under the law, due process
Johnson didn’t like it because it treated the Confederates too harshly and it was wrong to force
states to accept an amendment
Amendment was ratified in 1868
Reconstruction Act 1867
Radicals and moderates joined to pass the Reconstruction Act of 1867
o Didn’t recognize state gov’ts formed under the Lincoln and Johnson plan
o Divided the former Confederate states (all but Tennessee) into 5 military _____________
headed by a Union Gen.
o All had to ratify the 14th Amendment
o Constitutions had to ensure African-Americans the right to _________________
Johnson ___________________ the bill, Congress overrode it
Johnson Impeached
Johnson wasn’t carrying out the _______________________________ and Congress tried to
_________________ him- Formally charge him with _______________ in office
Needed ________________ majority to impeach him, Johnson was 1 short of the majority