Student Name:_________________________ Teacher:______________________________ English:_________, Block:_______________ Date:________________________________ Socratic Seminar Grading Rubric_____/30 points Text:________________________________ Domains Conduct Speaking and Listening Reasoning Expert (5) Proficient (4) Intermediate (2) Novice (0) Exhibits clear respect for the learning process: *Prepares for discussion with thorough reading AND quality annotation of assigned material Exhibits respect for the learning process: *Prepares for discussion with reading AND annotation of assigned material Demonstrates impatience or misunderstanding of the learning process: *Preparation for discussion by reading and annotating is haphazard Shows little attention to the learning process: *Does not prepare for discussion *Speaks to participants NOT TEACHER *Articulates and enunciates clearly while also taking care with word choice *Listens for opportunities to respond *Avoids repetition *All comments are respectful of peers *Makes many connections to other readings and life situations *Cites logical textual passages to support view *Addresses most comments to peers *Articulates and enunciates clearly *Is generally focused and able to respond appropriately *Is somewhat repetitive *Shows some respect when disagreeing/agreeing *Looks to teacher for guidance on responses *Rambles when speaking and is somewhat difficult to understand *Has difficultly responding at the appropriate time *Repetitive *Lacks discipline when agreeing or disagreeing *Fails to speak during the seminar *Is attentive *Speaks to another student when others are making points *Continually repeats points previously made *Is inappropriate with peers *Makes some connections to other readings and life situations *Cites text in most instances *Makes few points with little connections *Lacks appropriate textual support *Agrees with points made by others without additional information *Lacks any textual support Number of Contributions: Quality of Contributions: 0 X 1 2 √ 3 4+ √+