Creative Writing Poetry Portfolio

Creative Writing Poetry Portfolio
Your summative grade will be a portfolio that you will compile based on drafts and
completed assignments from the unit’s activities. You will have creative freedom in
the portfolio’s design and content.
Your portfolio will include ATLEAST the following poems:
“My Verse”
TWO “Perspective” Poems (one person and one inanimate object/animal)
“Dear ___” Poem
“Morning” Poem
Imagery Poem
Your portfolio must also include:
-Cover with a personalized title and design
-Table of Contents
- (a) visual(s) for each poem
The portfolio will also be assessed on the creative nature of the compilation. The material
within the portfolio should be personally created. Think about this portfolio as a way to
showcase your abilities; the pieces you display should be chosen with pride and care.
You have the creative freedom to alter the portfolio’s format.