Spanish I PACING GUIDE 2013-2014 Semester One First Quarter: “Empecemos” (Lets Begin), topics should be reviewed on an ongoing basis Theme: Personal and public identities On a daily basis throughout the year review and practice the following: o Calendar and weather- identify and discuss weather and calendar (days, months, seasons, and numbers 0-100). o Interrogative words- recognize and respond to interrogative words. o Commands- use and respond to classroom commands. Greetings- use and respond to greetings, introductions, and farewells. Emotions and feelings- express emotions and current state (introduction of verb ESTAR) Theme: Contemporary life / Sports, leisure, activities and Who am I? Activities and sports- express likes/dislikes extracurricular activities, and sports. Subject pronouns- recognize and use subject pronouns. Pastimes and hobbies-identify and discuss which hobbies or pastimes they prefer. Review and practice likes and dislikes. Verbs- action verbs. Identify ar-er-ir infinitive. Human Body- identify body parts (introduction of definite and indefinite articles). Adjectives- describe personality traits and physical characteristics (introduction of verb SER) Definite and indefinite articles- introduce definite and indefinite articles. Second Quarter: La escuela (School) y la comunidad (Community) Theme: Contemporary life / Education Classroom items- identify classroom items and describe the location (preposition of location) Possessive adjectives- express ownership using possessive adjectives. Subjects / Classes- identify subjects, describe class schedule (introduce and practice ordinal numbers) The time- tell time using digital and analog clocks. Theme: Contemporary life/ Community, professions, travel, and leisure Community- identify community locations and discusses places you go and what you will do there. Professions- identify professions and workplaces in your community. Regular: verbs (-ar, -er, -ir) Introduce the form ir + a + infinitive Spanish 1 Pacing Guide 2013-14 Semester Two Third Quarter: La comida (Food), el restaurante (Restaurant) y la familia (Family) Theme: Families and community, contemporary life, global, challenge Food- identify food items and discuss what they eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Describe food and talk about like and dislikes. Verbs: stem-changing verbs Theme: Contemporary life / Restaurant, family Restaurant- Order food at a restaurant and express wants and needs. Identify place settings on the table. Verbs- regular and irregular verbs (ar, er, ir) Introduce some reflexive verbs (pararse, sentarse) Family- Identify family members. Describe relationships, physical features, and personality traits review ser/estar verbs. Comparisons words- Compare family members using words such as: más, menos, menor que, mayor que Recycle possessive adjectives and regular verbs. Fourth Quarter: La casa (House) los quehaceres (Chores) y las celebraciones (Celebrations) Theme: Contemporary life/ Housing, shelter, family structures House- describe different rooms in a house. Describe objects, colors and items locations. Chores- discuss household chores and give commands use the form of (tener + que + infinitive) Present progressive- Tell what people are currently doing. Compare rooms using words such as: mejor que, peor que. Theme: Contemporary life/ Holidays and celebrations Celebrations- identify and discuss family celebrations. Describe what people do to prepare for a party. Talk about decorations and activities at a party. Recycle family members, possessive adjectives, verb TENER. Readings- teachers can select from the following list of suggested titles 21 Mini cuentos, Tom Alsop Carl no quiere ir a México, Karen Rowan El primer trabajo de Roberto, Laura Stade Agentes secretos y el mural de Picasso, Mira Canion Pobre Ana, Blaine Ray Repaso -Review for Final Exam **Throughout the year it is suggested to include various cultural anecdotes, perspectives and additional vocabulary related to the themes listed above. Spanish 1 Pacing Guide 2013-14