Research Paper in Social Sciences Source: Purdue OWL staff Title Page Example Paper Name First and Last Name Block The Paper 2-3 pages of writing Page numbers (starting on page 2); upper right hand corner Double spaced 12 point font Times New Roman or Calibri 1” margins References Page Center the title “References” (do not bold or underline the title) Double space all reference entries For each entry, the first line is flush left, and all subsequent lines are indented Alphabetical order 3 to 5 sources In-text Citations In text citations help readers to locate the cited source in the References section of the paper. When you use a source, provide the following in parenthesis: Author’s last name, date of publication *for a quotation add a page number Other… Do not use first or include your personal opinions Be clear, do not use words like “stuff” or “things” Don’t use contractions (i.e. write out “do not”) Cite what you get from outside sources Use reliable sources – i.e. not Wikipedia, blogs, etc. Avoid grand statements like “The most significant event in all of history…”