Latin Roots Agr/o, agri Ambi, amphi Ante

Latin Roots
1. Agr/o, agri-crop production, field
2. Ambi, amphi-both, on both sides
3. Ann-year
4. Enn-years
5. Ante-before
6. Aqua-water
7. Arbor-tree
8. Arium, orium, ary-a place for
9. Avi-bird
10. Ax-axis
11. Bell-war
12. Bene-good, well
13. Bi, bin-two, twice
14. Carn, carni-flesh, meat
15. Cede, ceed, cess-to go, to yield
16. Cent-hundred
17. Centi-hundredth
18. Cerebr/o-brain
19. Cide-to kill
20. Circum-around
21. Clud, clus-to close
22. Cogn-knowledge
23. Corp/o, corpor,corpus-body
24. Cred-belief, believe
25. Deca, dec, deka, ceci-ten
26. Demi-half, less than
27. Dent, denti-tooth, teeth
28. Dic, dict-speech, to speak, to proclaim, word
29. Du, duo-two
30. Duc, duct-to lead
31. E-out
32. Ego-self
33. Equ, equi-equal
34. Extra, extro-outside, beyond
35. Fid-faith
36. Flor, flori-flower
37. Fus-pour
38. Greg-flock
39. Gress, grad, gradi, grade-to step, to go
40. Ig, il, in, im, ir-not, without
41. Inter-between, among
42. Intra, introwithin, inward, inside, into
43. Ject-to throw
44. Junct-to join
45. Lex-word, law, reading
46. Lingu-language, tongue
47. Liter-letter
48. Loqu, locu-to speak
49. Lud, lus-to play
50. Lun, luni-moon
51. Magn, magna, magni-great, large
52. Mal, male-bad, evil, ill, wrong
53. Man, mani, manu-hand
54. Mar, mari-sea
55. Matr, matri, mater-mother
56. Medi-middle
57. Mill, milli-thousand, thousandth
58. Mort-dead, death
59. Nat-birth, born
60. Nom, nomin, nomen, onomas, onomat-name, noun
61. Ocul-eue
62. Omni-all
63. Part, patri, pater-father, fatherland
Quiz # 3
64. Ped, pedi, pede-Foot, feet
65. Pel-to drive
66. Per-through, thoroughly, wrong
67. Port-to carry
68. Post-after, behind
69. Purg-clean
70. Quadr, quadri, quadru, quadra-four
71. Quart-fourth
72. Quin, quint, quintu, quinque-five, fifth
73. Radic, radix-root
74. Ram, rami-branch
75. Retro-back, backward, behind
76. Rub-red
77. Rupt-to break, burst
78. Scrib, script-to write
79. Sect-to cut
80. Semi-half, partly
81. Sept-seven
82. Sex-six
83. Sol-sun
84. Spect, spec, spic-to look, to see
85. Spectro-spectrum
86. Spir/o-breathe
87. Terr, terra, terri-earth, land
88. Tract-draw, pull
89. Trans-across, through, change, beyond
90. Tri-three
91. Uni-one
92. Ver-true
93. Verb-word
94. Vers, vert-turn
95. Viv, vivi, vit-life, living, live
96. Voc, vok-to call, voice
97. Volv, volu, volute-roll, turn
98. Vor-to eat