Course: SAT Prep Teacher: Mrs. Pearson E-mail:

Course: SAT Prep
Teacher: Mrs. Pearson
Classroom: # 2609
Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to the 2015/2016 school year! My name is Mrs. Pearson and I will be your SAT Prep
teacher. This is my eighth year teaching in Loudoun County, and I am really looking forward to working
with all of you to make it a successful year. Below you will find some general information about the
course and what we will be studying this year. You will also find some of my policies and things to
expect from me as a teacher. Please take the time to read through everything and sign where indicated.
The best way to contact me with questions is through email. I look forward to working with each and
every one of you, and together we can make this a great year!
Required Materials
Spiral Notebooks with pockets
Writing utensils
*The student is responsible for all school property. If something is lost or destroyed, the student is
financially responsible for replacing that material. *
Help and Additional Assistance
 I will be available for help by appointment. The students will need to discuss times with me and
we will set up a schedule from there. I will also be available for help during SHIELD.
 I will only be at Champe/available on ‘B’ days, so please allow two days for email responses
General Policies and Procedures
 Rules are located in the John Champe handbook/agenda that each student will receive. Failure to
follow these rules will result in the consequences listed in the handbook.
 Plagiarism is using, stealing, or passing-off the ideas or words of another as one’s own. When
using someone’s ideas, one must credit the source. We will review and use proper MLA citations
in our writing and will discuss ways to avoid plagiarizing. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and
will result in a 0 on the assignment and a discipline referral. If a student is ever confused about
plagiarizing, see me immediately. When in doubt, use citations!
 The student is responsible for all school property. If something is lost or destroyed, the student is
financially responsible for replacing that material.
 SAT Prep is a pass/fail course
JCHS English Department Grading Best Practices
1. Only assignments that count towards the final grade will be listed in Clarity. Teachers have
option to “hide” non-weighted assignments; however, all teachers will track (either on paper or
electronically) student progress on all learning activities.
2. Weighted assignments will be posted in Clarity when assigned, not when graded.
3. Total points will be used for grading assignments. The following categories will be used in
Clarity: Applied Practice, Quizzes and Tests, Writing, Projects and Presentations.
Retakes/Multiple Efforts:
1. Students can meet with teacher to discuss retakes/multiple efforts opportunities for process
activities (applied practice activities, quizzes, etc.). The purpose of this is for students to
demonstrate an understanding of these skills and activities prior to a larger/extended assignment
or test.
The student must initiate this process by speaking with the teacher within ONE WEEK of a
returned grade that scored a 74% or below. A student will then be asked to fill out a reflection
sheet. The grade on the retake will replace the initial grade.
2. The only larger/extended assignment that students will have an opportunity to rework is a formal
writing assignment. In order for the opportunity to be made available, students must have met all
process deadlines for the assignment, must complete a self-reflection form, and must conference
with the teacher prior to submitting a rewritten paper. It is the students’ responsibility to initiate
this process. The grade on the rewrite will replace the initial grade.
Late Work:
All assignments are expected to be turned in on time, no matter the academic level. See the details below
concerning penalties for late work. Please keep in mind that the department honors the LCPS “50 floor.”
However, each teacher works at his/her discretion to have work submitted regardless. Work assigned, no
matter how big or small in terms of points, is considered integral to the overall learning process taking
place in that class.
 If a student is in school but not in class on a day that an assignment is due, he/she is still expected
to turn in the assignment.
 If a student is attending a school function, he/she is expected to turn in all work before leaving.
 If a student is absent on the day that a major assignment is due, he/she is expected to make
contact with the teacher to make arrangements for turning in the assignment (phone or email).
Honors/AP: A 10% reduction will be taken each class period that an assignment is late. Teachers will no
longer accept late assignments after one week of the due date.
Academic: A 10% reduction will be taken automatically for any late assessment. Teachers will no
longer accept late assignments after one week of the due date.