Hello parents,

Hello parents,
Thank you for all you do to continue to support your child and our school. Below is some
information about what we are doing in our class this week! Please try to reinforce this at home
to help ensure success for your child.
We are going to continue to learn about how to think and talk about our books. So far we’ve
learned how to retell a story and make predictions. This week we will learn about how readers
have connections when they read. Readers have connections when their book reminds them
about something in their own life, in another text, or in the world. There are 3 types of
connections: text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world. Work with your students this week on
making connections as they read, it will help them to stay engaged with their stories!
We finished Small Moments last week. The students wrote some WONDERFUL stories about
things that have happened in their lives! This week we will be focusing on how to make our
pictures more engaging and supportive for our stories!
Math: We are going to continue working with shapes. We are learning about squares, circles,
rectangles, and triangles. We are also learning how to identify the sides and vertices of each
shape as well as right angles. Try finding shapes around your house!
We have started our Long Ago and Today unit. Tonight your child brought home a paper book
about how things have changed over time. Use this as an opportunity to talk with your child
about how things change and how new inventions change our lives.
Questions to ask your child:
*Practice finding shapes in the real world. (clock-circle, door-rectangle, window-square, pizza
*While reading, ask your child to make some connections to their story. (What does this story
remind you of?)
How is our world different from today than it was long ago?
If you have not collected your pledges for the Boosterthon, please do so by Nov 13th.
If you have not returned your pink form sent home last Thursday please send that in tomorrow.
Report cards come home Wednesday. I am very proud of all the hard work from your students
this quarter!
Pajama and stuffed animal day is on Friday!
As always, if you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me or call the school at 571-2522120. Thank you again for all you do!