Virginia Weekly # 26 Directions School Desegregation and Massive Resistance:

Virginia Weekly # 26
Name: __________________________________
Directions: After you read the entire weekly, answer the following questions using complete sentences.
School Desegregation and Massive Resistance:
What is a good definition for prejudice? ___________________________________________________
What were the Jim Crow laws? __________________________________________________________
Who were they against? _________________________________________________________________
What did the Supreme Court rule in 1896? __________________________________________________
How do you think being poor hurt black people from getting a good education? ____________________
What did Brown v. Board of Education case of 1954 decide? ____________________________________
What is desegregation? _________________________________________________________________
How did Senator Harry Byrd Sr. feel about desegregation? _____________________________________
What years did Virginia schools begin to desegregate? ________________, _______________________
Moving Toward Equality:
Who was Martin Luther King Jr.? __________________________________________________________
What act outlawed the Jim Crow laws? _______________________; when was it passed? _________
The poll tax was stopped in what year? _______; by what act from congress? ______________________
You Can Visit Historic Civil Rights Sites:
Where is the Newsome House Museum? ___________________________________________________
Who were the Tuskegee Airmen? _________________________________________________________
Who is Ralph Sampson? _________________________________________________________________
Who is Arthur Ashe? ____________________________________________________________________
This Week’s Question:
After which war did segregation end in the military? __________________________________________
What President opened the military branches to all races? _____________________________________
Writing Connection:
List and explain three reasons why Virginia cities experienced growth in the 20th century. This needs to
be done in paragraph form. (Use the space below and/or your own notebook paper to write your