Using tallies to track data. Tallies

Tally Chart
Bar Graph
Picture Graph
Line Plot
Using tallies to track data. Tallies
get grouped in sets of 5 – four
straight lines and a diagonal line
A graph that uses bars to represent
data. They can be vertical or
A graph that uses pictures to
represent data. Each picture holds a
value that is shown in a key
A line plot looks like a number line
at the bottom and uses X to show
data being graphed. The X’s hold
one value and the numbers hold a
different value
Data is the information collected
from doing an investigation or
Asking a question that you want to
get more information about and you
prepare a survey for
Coordinate Grid
A coordinate grid has lines on an x
and y axis. Points can be plotted on
this grid. These points are located
with ordered pairs.
Ordered Pair
The coordinates being used to locate
a point on a grid. The first number
in the pair tells how far to the right it
is, the second tells how far up
The question being asked to gather
A key holds the information needed
to read the information in the graph