World History II 2015-2016 COURSE DESCRIPTION ,

World History II 2015-2016
Linda Gross,
Thomas Mangan,
Briar Woods High School: 703-957-4400
This course focuses on the world from 1500 to the present day. We will examine history from political, economic,
and social perspectives. Geographic influences on history continue to be explored, but increasing attention is given
to political boundaries that developed with the evolution of nations. Significant attention will be given to the ways
in which scientific and technological revolutions created new economic conditions that in turn produced social and
political changes. Noteworthy people and events of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries will be emphasized for
their strong connections to contemporary issues.
Beck, Roger. Modern World History-Patterns of Interaction
Emergence of a Global Age (Renaissance, Reformation, Exploration, and Empires of Asia)
Age of Revolution (Absolutism, Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, Political Revolutions, Industrial Revolutions,
Imperialism, Nationalism, and European Unification)
Era of Global War (World War I, Russian Revolution, The Great Depression, Rise of Asian Nationalism, and World
War II)
Post World War II Period (Cold War, Post-Imperial Independence Movements, Globalization, and its Impact, and
Religions & Ethnic Tensions in the Modern World)
1. Be on time. Trips to the restroom or your locker should be during class changes. Your class attendance and
promptness are part of your class participation grade.
2. Be prepared. Always have textbooks, notebook, paper, pens, and pencils with you.
3. Make-up Policy-All quizzes and tests can be made up before school or during the student’s study hall Students
will have as many class days as they were absent to make up the work assigned during that time. Quizzes and
tests should be made up within one week of the student’s return.
4. Late Work Policy- Homework is due at the beginning of the period on the day it is due. Homework can be
turned in the next class period for half credit. The student will receive a zero for the assignment. Projects turned
in after the due date will lose ten points per day.
5. Treat Mrs. Gross and Mr. Mangan with respect and you will receive the same respect in return. Your classmates
deserve the same.
Students are not to have cell phones out during class. If a cell phone is out during class the phone will be:
1st offense: confiscated by the teacher and returned at the end of class
2nd offense: confiscated by the teacher and returned when a parent picks up the phone
3rd offense: confiscated by the teacher and given to the administration. A referral will be written.
The course calendar for each quarter is posted on Mrs. Gross’ Briar Woods High School Website. Additional assignments,
Power Points, and resources will be maintained on Loudoun Vision. Frequent access to a home or school computer is
important. Please let Mrs. Gross know if this is a concern.
GRADING:. Your academic grade will be based on your performance in the following areas:
1. Tests/Quizzes - Tests will always be announced several days in advance. This is not necessarily true of quizzes,
which often cover the material from the previous day’s class or the previous night’s homework.
2. Homework - Homework is assigned and checked by various forms in class. These assignments will be kept in
your notebook.
3. Participation - Participating in class activities, showing up to class on time, and being prepared for class are all
part of your participation grade.
4. Notebook - Recording class notes and studying of those notes each night is critical for your success in this
course. The notebook should be kept up to date and brought to class every day. There will a notebook quiz
given twice a quarter. The notebook should be a 3-ring binder with dividers. The dividers should be labeled as
 Notes
 Writing
 Maps
 Homework
 Tests and Quizzes
5. Projects - Students will complete at least one project a quarter. Some projects will be done in class.
GRADE ACCESS: Current class grades can be viewed online through StudentVUE or ParentVUE.
Notebook (Binder)
Pens (blue and black ink only)
Please sign to confirm that you have read and agreed to the classroom policies and expectations.
Student Name (Printed) _______________________
Student Signature _______________________
Date ___________
Parent/Guardian Name(s) _______________________
Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________
Date ___________
Student Email:______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Email(s) ______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Phone Number(s) ______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Preferred Contact Method (check one): Phone _____
Email _____