AP Comparative Government Mexico and Nigeria Basic Review: Mr. Benson Nigeria Britain 1999 Mexico Spain 1917 Federal Republic, Presidential system Commander in chief, veto, introduce legislation National direct popular election, two ballot system, must get 2/3 votes from regions Up to 4 year terms Federal Republic, Presidential system Commander in chief, veto, introduce legislation National direct popular election One six year term What is the name of the legislative branch and its two houses? What is unique about the court systems? Describe the press Congress, House of Representative and Senate Chamber of Deputies, Senate Northern states have Shari a courts Robust independent, free, critical Trials held in secret Describe women’s rights Limited in northern states Identify and describe main ethnic groups. About how many ethnic groups? Oil ownership Political parties Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba Over 250 ethnic groups Colonizing country What is the date of the most recent Constitution? What type of system does the Constitution set up? What powers does the president have? How is the President elected? How long is the President’s term? Supranational organizations GDP Privatized Ethnically based, largely consolidated into People’s Democratic party OPEC, Organization of African States, UN Often supportive of government leaders Limited due to machismo culture/lots of women in congress Mestizos, crillos, Chiapas. Zapatistas are the main groups. Largely State owned Three parties, once dominated by PRI, now competitive, PRD and PAN NAFTA