Pacing Guide Spanish I 2015-2016 Semester One

Pacing Guide Spanish I
Semester One
First Quarter:
Theme: Personal and Public Identities – Language and Identity
Greetings – use and respond to greetings, introductions, and farewells
Emotions and feelings – express emotions and current state
Verbs – estar, ser, tener
Interrogative words – recognize and respond to interrogative words
Commands – use and respond to classroom commands
Human Body – identify body parts (introduction of definite and indefinite articles)
Adjectives – describe personality traits and physical characteristics
Definite and indefinite articles – introduce definite and indefinite articles
Personal Pronouns- singular and plural pronouns
Useful phrases- frequently used expressions and phrases for the classroom
Alphabet- letters and sounds / comparisons to English alphabet
Theme: Global Challenges – Environmental Issues
Calendar and weather – identify, tell the date, and discuss weather and calendar (days, months,
seasons, holidays, cultural comparisons)
Verbs-Estar, hacer
Numbers – 0-100
Time – tell time using digital and analog clocks
Theme: Contemporary life – Leisure and Sports
Activities and sports – express likes/dislikes related to extracurricular activities and sports
Subject pronouns – recognize and use subject pronouns
Pastimes and hobbies – identify and discuss which hobbies or pastimes students prefer. Review and
practice likes and dislikes.
Express agreement or disagreement - también/ tampoco
Compare sports and hobbies – que te gusta más / ni, ni
Verbs –
o ser, gustar, action verbs
o Identify –ar, -er, -ir infinitives
Second Quarter:
Theme: Contemporary life – Education
Classroom objects and items- identify classroom items and describe their location (prepositions of
Possessive adjectives- express ownership using possessive adjectives.
Singular vs. Plural nouns
Prepositions of location- Describe where things are
Estar + preposition of location
Introduce “Hay”
Subjects / Classes- identify subjects, describe class schedule and discuss various schedules
Ordinal numbers introduce and practice ordinal numbers to talk about your schedule
Tell time- To talk about classes and schedules
Conjugations of regular –ar verbs
Comparisons – Compare classes and teachers using comparative structures (más que, mejor que)
Theme: Contemporary life – Professions, Leisure and Sports
Community- Identify community locations and discuss places you go and what you will do there.
Tell day and time- When do you go to do certain activities (day, time, time of day)
Professions- identify professions and workplaces in your community
Verb/verb phrases with verb IR (to go)
Semester Two
Third Quarter:
Theme: Global Challenges – Nutrition and Food Safety
Food –
o identify food items (breakfast, lunch, dinner, beverages, desserts, fruits, vegetables)
o discuss what they eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner
o describe food and talk about likes and dislikes (Me gusta vs. Me encanta)
o talk about proper nutrition and how food tastes (saludable)
o comparisons (¿Qué te gusta más?)
Time – tell time of day: en la mañana, en la tarde, en la noche
Restaurant –
o Order food at a restaurant and express wants and needs.
o Identify place settings on the table.
o Identify people and places in the restaurant
o Family- with whom do you go to the restaurant
o Favorite- Describe your favorite restaurant and/ or your family’s favorite restaurant
(Mi restaurante favorito es de comida italiana.)
o Me gustaria
Verbs – regular –er and –ir verb conjugations
Theme: Families and Communities – Family Structures
o Identify and name family members
o Describe physical features, and personality traits
o Tell ages, names, likes, dislikes of family members
 Comparisons words –más, menos, menor que, mayor que
Verbs – regular and irregular verbs (tener / ser)
Fourth Quarter:
Theme: Contemporary life – Celebrations and Holidays
Celebrationso Identify and discuss family celebrations.
o Describe what people do to prepare for a party.
o Talk about decorations and activities at a party.
 Recycle family members, possessive adjectives, verb TENER.
Theme: Contemporary life – Housing and Shelter
House –
Identify and name objects in a room,
Identify and name various rooms in the house,
describe different rooms in a house and household objects
Use prepositions of location to describe a room and the location of the items in the room
Colors- Describe items and rooms using colors
Chores –
o household chores vocabulary
o regular and irregular affirmative ‘tú’ commands
Present progressive – Tell what people are currently doing.
Comparisons – mejor que, peor que, etc. (Examples: Mi dormitorio es major que el dormitorio de mi
hermano. Lavar los platos es peor que hacer la cama.)
Verb – tener que + infinitive