ELL Literacy 1 2015-2016 Park View High School

ELL Literacy 1
Park View High School
Welcome to ELL Literacy 1 at Park View High School! I am looking
forward to us having a very successful year together.
About this class
Contact Information
Ms. Caroline Murray
E-mail: caroline.murray@lcps.org
School Phone: (571) 434-4500
Google Voice: (571) 429-3385
This Literacy class is designed to help you learn English and practice reading and writing every day. The English
and reading skills you learn in this class will help you for the rest of high school – and the rest of your life!
Class Expectations
Be ready: Come to class on time, prepared to learn, with all materials you need for the day.
Be respectful: Respect yourself, others, and our environment, as well as the opportunity you have been
given to learn in this classroom.
Be honest: Do your own work. Ask for help when you do not understand. Be honest and apologize when
you have made a mistake.
For this class you will need:
 A binder.
 A folder.
 Pen and pencil/eraser.
I will post all of our class notes and homework assignments on our class VISION page. To join our class, visit
http://loudounvision.net/course/view.php?id=8777 and enter the password, “read.”
All students must sign up for Remind. Remind is an easy way for me to
send you information by text, and for you to text me. I will use Remind
to send you information about your class. You can also text me with
questions, (and I can text you) through Remind. To sign up, text
@fb65 to 81010.
Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Expectations
We will use our technology, including our phones, as a learning tool in this classroom. We will follow the follow
guidelines when we use technology in class.
 All devices must be SILENT and OUT OF SIGHT.
 Electronic devices may be confiscated by faculty if visible or in use.
YELLOW: Specified Use
 Electronic devices are permitted only for a specific purpose.
 Permission may be revoked if off task.
GREEN: General Use
 Usage is permitted without distracting others.
 Making or receiving phone calls is not appropriate.
 Loss of network access or other consequences for violating Acceptable Use
Charging: All students are expected to bring their fully charged devices to school every day. There may be
limited space available in the classroom to charge devices. Ask Ms. Murray before you plug in your device.
You will be graded based on many different types of assignments.
Assessment Type
0-10 points
15-20 points
Binder Check
20 points
Unit Tests/Projects
50 points
Some class assignments will count for points, others will not. These
assignments include daily bellringers, independent writing assignments,
and active participation in class activities.
You will have a short quiz about once a week.
All classwork, notes, and homework will be kept in your binder. You
must bring your binder to class EVERY day! You may keep your binder in
the classroom if you do not need it for homework.
There will be a summative assessment at the end of every unit. This
may be a test or project.
Retake Policy
You may only retake a quiz or test if you score below a 70%. To retake, you must complete a quiz or test
correction form first. You will need to schedule retakes before or after school, or during PRIDE. Talk to Ms.
Murray to schedule a retake.
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up any missed assignments. Get a colored PRIDE form from
the folder on Ms. Murray’s cart, fill out the top and give it to Ms. Murray. I will send copies of all work to PRIDE.
All notes, assignments and their due dates will be posted on our VISION page. If you need extra help, make an
appointment to see me before or after school.
You must follow the Park View Honor Code at all times. Cheating, plagiarism and other academic dishonesty
will result in a 0 for that assignment, and you will not be allowed to make up the assignment. Cheating will not
be tolerated and may result in a referral.
Plagiarism includes…
- copying from another student
- copying from a book or the internet
- using a source without citing it
Cheating includes…
- copying from someone else
- letting someone copy your work
- any other academic dishonesty
Extra Help
Ms. Murray is available for extra help before and after school, by appointment. If you need help, please ask and
we will arrange a time.
First Day Homework!
Assignment: To help us start the year off right, you must review this syllabus with your parent(s) or guardians
and BOTH of you must sign it and return the signatures to me by Thursday, September 3, 2015.
I have reviewed the attached syllabus and honor code.
Student name: _________________________________
Signature: ________________________________
Parent name: __________________________________
Signature: ________________________________
Phone numbers:
(home): ______________________ (work): ________________________ (cell): _________________________
Parent Email: ____________________________________________________
What language do you speak at home? ________________________________
Any questions or concerns?