 Bell Ringer

Bell Ringer
 What are the three empires part of the Islamic
Gunpowder Empires?
 Who was the ruler of the Ottoman Empire that
expanded the territory the furthest?
 Who was the ruler of the Mughal Empire that
brought in the Golden Age?
 Jahangir –video does not mention him.
 Tanzimat Reform
 Generalization of Islamic societies from 1500-1700.
 A little on the Safavids
 Continue with the documenary
Ottoman’s Tanzimat
 1839- 1876
 Goal was to save the empire.
 Modernize industry
 Granting more political and religious freedom
 Expansion of the nation’s physical infrastructure
 Introduction of Western-style education
Safavid Empire
 Iran, and parts of Turkey and Georgia.
 Safavid’s power over various tribes (Kurds, Arabs,
Turkmans and Baluchis) was not strong enough to
consolidate an absolute supremacy.
 Safavids laid claim to authority over all that had
been Persia.
Safavid Empire
 The Empire’s economic strength came from its
location on the trade routes.
 The Empire made Iran a center of art, architecture,
poetry and philosophy.
 The capital, Isfahan, is one of the most beautiful
cities in the world
 The key figures in the Empire were: Isma’il I Abbas
Reason for Decline
 The Safavid Empire was a theocracy. The state
religion was Shi’a Islam. It enforced Shiaism within
its boundaries and coerced all the Sunnis into
converting to Shiaism.
 Religious persecution led to massive revolts
weakening the empire.
Generalization of Islamic
societies 1500- 1700
 Islamic empires did not have an event like the
Renaissance and that lagged them behind European
 Economic depression and government corruption
led to the weakening of many Islamic states during
the sixteenth century.
 The discovery of new trade routes had a strong
impact on the ability of Islamic nations to maintain
economic and political control.