Name: ___________________ Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Questions Pages 216 (line 198) – End Answer the following comprehension questions in complete sentences. Use as much detail as possible to show understanding – use QUOTES (full or partial) as proof for each question. 1. After Gawain arrives at the castle, how does the Lord of the castle act or respond toward Gawain? 2. What agreement does Gawain make with the lord of the castle? What does the lady of the castle attempt to do? 3. What two gifts does the lady offer Sir Gawain? 4. Which one of the two gifts does he agree to finally take? Why does he finally agree to take a gift? 5. Give two examples of courtly love shown between Sir Gawain and the lady from pages 216-217. 6. Why does Sir Gawain break his agreement with the lord and keep the sash hidden from him? 7. When the green knight goes to strike Sir Gawain with the knife, what does Gawain do? Briefly summarize what the knight says to Gawain. 8. Why does Gawain say he “shied away once” from the blade? 9. On page 219, Gawain stands “still as a stone” to receive the 2nd blow, and the Green Knight praises him saying “Good! You’ve got your heart back”-what does the Green Knight mean by this statement? 10. What happens with the Green Knight finally hits Sir Gawain with the ax? 11. On page 220, we learn that the Green Knight is the one who told the lady to kiss Sir Gawain and give him the sash. Why did the Green Knight do these things? 12. Why does Sir Gawain give the sash back to the Green Knight? How does the Green Knight respond? 13. What did Sir Gawain learn from his encounter with the Green Knight? 14. Does Sir Gawain ever break parts of the Chivalric Code in this story? If so, list one part of the code he breaks? What part of the code does Sir Gawain adhere to the most? Chivalry Code: To fear God and maintain His Church To serve the liege lord in valour and faith To protect the weak and defenceless To give succour to widows and orphans To refrain from the wanton giving of offence To live by honour and for glory To despise pecuniary reward To fight for the welfare of all To obey those placed in authority To guard the honour of fellow knights To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit To keep faith At all times to speak the truth To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun To respect the honour of women Never to refuse a challenge from an equal Never to turn the back upon a foe