Sir Gawain and the Green Knight NAME:__________________

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Vocabulary List
Your quiz will be on ________________________________.
1. unwieldy: adj., so large, heavy, or oddly shaped as to be difficult to hold or use
2. respite: n., a period of rest or delay
3. renown: n., fame
4. chagrin: n., a feeling of embarrassment caused by humiliation or failure
5. aghast: adj., struck with terror or amazement; shocked
6. heft: v., to lift up, hoist
7. pivot: adj., acting as a center around which something turns
8. ingeniously: adv., in a way marked by skill and imagination; cleverly
9. uncanny: adj., frighteningly unnatural or supernatural; mysterious
10. reproof: n., an expression of disapproval; criticism
11. daunt: v., to destroy the courage of; dismay
12. flinch: v., to pull back from something unpleasant or surprising
13. wince: v., to spring back involuntarily, as in pain
14. efficacious: adj., effective
15. amended: adj., corrected (amend: v.)