French II SY 2015-2016

French II SY 2015-2016
AP THEME: Contemporary Life
AP SUBTHEME: Leisure and Sports
Recommended pacing: Q1 - 4-5 weeks: Teachers need to
appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students
in the class, so long as they are being given opportunities to
meet the objectives of the unit.
Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level:
National/State Standards:
FII.1 The student will exchange spoken and written information and ideas in French.
FII.2 The student will initiate, sustain, and close brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar and recombined phrases and sentences.
FII.3 The student will understand basic spoken and written French presented through a variety of media in familiar contexts.
FII.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to interpret spoken and written texts in French.
FII.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, combining learned and original language in connected sentences and paragraphs on familiar topics.
FII.9 The student will develop a deeper understanding of English and other languages through study of French.
FII.10 The student will demonstrate understanding of similarities and differences between francophone cultures studied and those of the United States.
Facts & Skills
Describe a sporting event.
Ask and answer questions about a sporting event
seen in person or on TV.
 Identify how people in the French culture
spend their free time.
 Discuss European soccer and its popularity
among francophone countries.
 Discuss the popularity of fencing in
francophone countries.
Evaluate and interpret texts and materials related
to activities such as tennis, basketball, swimming,  Discuss popular individual and team
movies and board games.
sports played in the U.S. and francophone
Understand announcements and advertisements
about sports and leisure related activities.
Comprehend spoken or written narratives about
leisure activities and sports.
 Learn about the insurance company,
SwissLife, and its sponsorship of the Swiss
National Soccer League.
Produce oral and written reports on a sporting
 Learn about the World Cup, where and
event, real or imagined.
how often it is played, and which
francophone countries have won it in the
Design a poster for a sporting/ leisure event.
Conduct a survey in class to find out if students
Learn about famous francophone athletes
prefer sports, board games or movies.
such as Zinédine Zidane, a soccer player
Describe when, where and how often one
and Laura Flessel, a fencing champion.
participates in sports and other activities.
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Compare and contrast popular
sports and other leisure activities
in the U.S. vs. francophone
Compare and contrast soccer
leagues in the U.S. and
francophone countries.
Compare and contrast cultural
and historical information about
national parks and gardens in the
U.S. and francophone countries.
Compare vocabulary usage and
structural patterns of English and
Use authentic materials to
read about and discuss
sports players and how
different games are played.
Sports and leisure vocabulary
Expressions with faire
Expression: Il faut
Introduce or review devoir
Regular –IR verbs
Irregular –IR verbs: sortir,
partir, dormir, servir, courir,
Ask questions for information
using qui, qu’est-ce que,
quand, comment et pourquoi
Forms of quel
Adverbs of frequency and
Learn how professional sports
teams are sponsored in
francophone countries.
Negation: ne…jamais;
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French II SY 2015-2016
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPA
rubrics for speaking and writing assessments
posted on Vision.
Vocabulary related to sports and leisure activities. See French 2 vocabulary list posted on VISION.
 Regular -ER verbs
 Irregular verbs avoir, être, aller, faire, prendre, comprendre, apprendre, vouloir, pouvoir, mettre, devoir
 Dual verbs (aller, pouvoir, vouloir, aimer, détester, devoir + infinitive)
 Identify French speaking countries and regions
 Negation
 Descriptive adjectives
 Possessive adjectives
 Adjective agreement and placement
 Contractions/partitive
 Il y a; il n’y a pas de…
 faire l’athlétisme
VISION course: LCPS French Teacher Exchange
Prepare and present (orally or in written form) an explanation of how to play a sport.
Create a radio broadcast of a sporting event.
Research your favorite sport and its prominence in the French-speaking world.
Create an original sport/game and relate it to the class so it may be played competitively.
Play a French sport such as les boules as a cultural activity, requiring French usage.
Have students research a sporting event in the francophone world and report back to the class for comprehension
check and discussion.
Suggested Interpretive Task
 Read a report in French about a
game or major sporting or school
Suggested Interpersonal Task
 Talk to a friend about attending a
sporting event or participating in a
leisure activity such as a picnic or a
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Suggested Presentational Task
 Design a brochure on a sporting
event or leisure activity in
France, francophone European
cities or Canada.
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French II SY 2015-2016
AP THEME: Contemporary Life
AP SUBTHEME: Leisure and Sports: Weather, Seasons, Calendar, and Birthdays
Recommended pacing: Q1 - 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate
the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class, so long
as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the
Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level
FII.1 The student will exchange spoken and written information and ideas in French.
FII.2 The student will initiate, sustain, and close brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar and recombined phrases and sentences.
FII.3 The student will understand basic spoken and written French presented through a variety of media in familiar contexts
FII.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to interpret spoken and written texts in French.
FII.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, combining learned and original language in connected sentences and paragraphs on familiar topics.
FII.8 The student will use information acquired in the study of French and information acquired in other subject areas to reinforce one another.
FII.9 The student will develop a deeper understanding of English and other languages through study of French.
FII.10 The student will demonstrate understanding of similarities and differences between the francophone cultures studied and those of the United States.
(Facts & Skills)
 Weather, seasons and calendar
 Ask and answer questions about weather in your
 Discuss how teens celebrate their
 Compare birthday celebrations in the
area (city, state, region)
birthdays in France.
U.S vs. francophone countries.
 Birthday vocabulary—dates, age,
 Exchange information about weather, seasons,
 Discuss the various activities in
 Compare and contrast U.S. National
and plans to celebrate
dates, and birthday celebrations.
which young people participate in
parks with le Bois de Vincennes and le  Weather expressions
the francophone world during
Bois de Boulogne. Describe the roles
 Le temps – definition in different
various seasons.
and levels of popularity between
contexts of weather vs. time
French and American parks.
 Understand weather reports for various regions in
 Dates – correct order of words for
 Compare and contrast French and
writing/saying dates in
American holidays and dates.
 Comprehend spoken or written narratives about
francophone world
 Learn about and discuss some
weather, seasonal activities and birthday
 Compare and contrast outdoor and
 Mathematical terms: plus, minus,
famous gardens and parks such
leisure activities in a major U.S. city
multiplied by, divided by, equals,
as le Jardin des Plantes, le Parc
and those in Montreal, Canada.
 Using a calendar, describe the key dates and
Monceau, le Parc Montsouris,
seasons of holidays celebrated in the U.S and in
 Compare vocabulary usage and
 Difference between decimal and
and le Parc des Buttes
structural patterns of English and
comma usage with numbers
 Imperative of –ER & -IR verbs
 Read about two French regions:
 Spelling-change –ER verbs
Le Pays de la Loire and Centre
 Present information about different francophone
 Frequency words such as one
and their geographical and
locations and their weather forecasts.
 Explore information about French
time, per day, monthly, etc.
cultural features.
public gardens and parks: les
 Describe time of year, season and month(s) when
 Learn about French public gardens
 Read a city guide on Montréal
Tuileries, le Jardin du Luxembourg, le
one participates in certain activities and
and parks.
and discuss sporting, cultural,
Bois de Vincennes and le Bois de
celebrates one’s birthday.
 Learn historical and cultural
and outdoor activities.
information about two French
regions and a Canadian city.
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French II SY 2015-2016
Vocabulary related to weather, seasons, calendar, and birthdays. See French 2 vocabulary list posted on VISION.
 Numbers 1 - 100
 Verbal expressions: faire de/jouer à + sports
 Irregular verbs avoir, être, aller, faire, prendre, comprendre, apprendre, vouloir, pouvoir, mettre
Dual verbs (aller, pouvoir, vouloir, aimer, détester + infinitive)
 Contractions/partitive
 Expressions with avoir: e.g, avoir faim, avoir soif
 Food and drink vocabulary
 Three meals of the day
 VISION course: LCPS French Teacher Exchange
 Prepare and present (orally or in written form) an explanation of the weather in your area.
 Create a radio broadcast for a weather event (snow storm, storm, rain, heat wave).
 Research your favorite sport, cultural or outdoor activity in a francophone region or city.
 Create a calendar with daily or weekly activities for you or your school.
 Create two teams of students. One group mimes an activity while the other team guesses the activity.
 Plan a family outing with various activities for each member of the family and as a group.
 Write about a semester or a month in a francophone city and describe the weather and different cultural, sports
activities that you and your host family or friends participate in.
 Create a brochure on a francophone country and describe the weather and activities (cultural, sports, and outdoor)
that people do throughout the year.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Suggested Presentational Task
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPA
Talk to a friend about attending a
 Look at a map of France and
 Design a brochure on a francophone
rubrics for speaking and writing assessments posted
describe the weather in various
region. Describe the temperature,
on Vision.
francophone region in a particular
weather and typical activities of the
inhabitants of the region.
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French II SY 2015-2016
AP THEME: Contemporary Life
AP SUBTHEME: Holidays and Celebrations
Recommended pacing: Q2 - 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the
number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class, so long as
they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.
Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level II
FII.1 The student will exchange spoken and written information and ideas in French.
FII.2 The student will initiate, sustain, and close brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar and recombined phrases and sentences.
FII.3 The student will understand basic spoken and written French presented through a variety of media based in familiar contexts.
FII.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to interpret spoken and written texts in French.
FII.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, combining learned and original language in connected sentences and paragraphs on familiar topics.
FII.6 The student will present in French rehearsed and unrehearsed material, including skits, poems, short narratives, and/or songs that reflect the francophone
FII.9 The student will develop a deeper understanding of English and other languages through the study of French.
FII.10 The student will demonstrate understanding of similarities and differences between francophone cultures studied and those of the United States.
(Facts & Skills)
 Vocabulary for celebrations
 Ask and answer questions related to the
 Explore different francophone celebrations, at  Compare and contrast holidays and
and national holidays
celebration of special events, e.g., holidays,
the national, regional, local and family levels.
celebrations in francophone
 Vocabulary related to stages
birthdays, weddings and anniversaries.
countries and in the U.S.
 Discuss the importance of family celebrations
of life and interpersonal
 Express and explain activities related to
in francophone countries.
 Compare vocabulary usage and
celebrations, including birthday cake and song.
structural patterns of English and
 Vocabulary related to
 Ask for and give a detailed description of a special
activities for various
 Discuss traditional foods served at special
francophone celebrations,
events in francophone countries.
such as decorating, eating,
 Explore information about special
chatting, and playing games.
events in your own community or
 Demonstrate comprehension of content from
 Demonstrative pronouns (ce,
your school and compare them to
authentic audio and visual texts relating to family,
cet, cette, ces)
French-speaking communities.
local, regional or national celebrations.
 Passé composé with avoir of
 Identify opportunities to attend
 Evaluate and interpret written texts and materials
regular –ER and –IR verbs
francophone special events or
on specific celebrations.
 Irregular past participles:
celebrations in the metropolitan
avoir, être, faire, boire,
prendre, apprendre,
 Describe a francophone celebration including date
comprendre, prendre,
of holiday, foods and activities.
surprendre, courir, pleuvoir,
 Describe present and past celebrations.
falloir, devoir
 Present rehearsed and unrehearsed material
related to a special event (skit, poem, or song).
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French II SY 2015-2016
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPA
rubrics for speaking and writing assessments posted
on Vision.
Vocabulary related to holidays and celebrations. See French 2 vocabulary list in VISION.
 Irregular verbs avoir and être
 Time (l’heure, les moments de la journée, les dates)
 The verb faire in the present tense
 Numbers 101 and higher
 Irregular -IR verbs (sortir, partir, dormir, courir, sentir, servir)
 Regular –ER and –IR verbs
 Spelling-change –ER verbs
 Prendre and boire in the present tense
 Food and drink vocabulary
 VISION course: LCPS French Teacher Exchange
 Create an invitation to a birthday party, an engagement party or a retirement party.
 Survey the class about their family celebrations regarding decorations, food, kinds of gifts given and received (funny and
 Investigate on the Internet a typical national, regional or local celebration in a francophone country such as les défilés du 14
juillet and Carnaval.
 Find pictures of holiday and/or birthday celebrations in different countries, provinces or departments and explain why
certain rituals influence the celebration.
 Write humorous skits about things that go wrong at a party, e.g., chair breaks; dog eats cake.
 Choose a famous person and imagine his or her birthday celebration.
 Using birthday items, perform a skit to describe what one needs and does to get ready for a birthday party at home.
 Send an online greeting card.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Watch and listen to a clip in which a
French-speaking person plans a
birthday party for her best friend.
Watch a video clip about Carnaval
in France or a francophone city.
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Interview a classmate about their family
celebrations. Record his/ her answers.
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Suggested Presentational Task
Using the answers from the interview,
create and present a PowerPoint /
poster / video that illustrates your
classmate’s special event including
preparations, food, and activities.
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French II SY 2015-2016
AP THEME: Beauty and Aesthetics
AP SUBTHEME : Ideals of Beauty : Clothing, Accessories, and Shopping for Clothes
Recommended pacing: Q2 - 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate
the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class, so long
as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the
Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level :
FII.1 The student will exchange spoken and written information and ideas in French.
FII.2 The student will initiate, sustain, and close brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar and recombined phrases and sentences.
FII.3 The student will understand basic spoken and written French presented through a variety of media based in familiar contexts.
FII.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to interpret spoken and written texts in French.
FII.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, combining learned and original language in connected sentences and paragraphs on familiar topics.
FII.6 The student will present in French rehearsed and unrehearsed material, including skits, poems, short narratives, and/or songs that reflect the francophone
FII.9 The student will develop a deeper understanding of English and other languages through the study of French.
FII.10 The student will demonstrate understanding of similarities and differences between francophone cultures studied and those of the United States.
-Interpersonal - Interpretive- Presentational
(Facts & Skills)
 Vocabulary related to clothing and buying
• Demonstrate comprehension of content
• Compare and contrast different
 Discuss the influence of climate and
from audio visual texts relating to clothing
styles of clothing and sizes in U.S.
geography as it affects clothing in
 Indirect object pronouns: me, te, lui,
and colors.
vs. francophone countries.
francophone countries.
nous, vous, leur
 Compare vocabulary usage and
 Learn about the fashion industry in
 Learn verbs used with indirect obj.
• Answer questions about what you, your
structural patterns of English and
France and where to buy clothes.
pronouns: demander (à), donner (à),
friend, or family members are wearing.
 Explore traditional clothing and fabrics in
envoyer (à), montrer (à), parler (à), poser
some francophone regions.
une question (à), prêter (à), téléphoner
• Produce oral and written reports/skit
describing the clothing of friends and family
• Compare and contrast clothing
 Present tense, imperative and passé
or models in a fashion show
styles in your own
composé of regular -RE verbs: attendre,
 Make connections between color
choices in clothing.
descendre (de), entendre, perdre, rendre
speaking communities.
(à), rendre visite (à), répondre (à), vendre
 Research vintage clothing in U.S. vs.
• Compare and contrast where teens
France and francophone countries.
 Present tense, imperative and passé
in the U.S. and francophone
composé of irregular –RE verbs: conduire,
 Read about Montréal, Québec and three
countries shop and how much they
construire, produire, traduire, mettre,
French regions: Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrénées
spend on clothing and accessories.
permettre, promettre, sourire, rire
and Languedoc Roussillon and their
geographic and cultural features.
 Learn about three French regions.
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French II SY 2015-2016
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
CPA rubrics for speaking and writing
assessments posted on Vision.
Vocabulary related to clothing, accessories and shopping for clothes. See French 2 vocabulary list on VISION.
 Present tense of irregular –RE verbs : prendre, apprendre, comprendre, surprendre
 Futur proche : aller + infinitive
 Demonstrative pronouns (ce, cet, cette, ces)
 Imperative
 Passé composé with avoir
 Irregular past participles : avoir, être, faire, boire, comprendre, prendre, surprendre, courir, pleuvoir
 Adjective agreement and placement
 Colors
 VISION course: LCPS French Teacher Exchange
 Coloring activities with the instructions in French.
 Play a clothing game. For example: Flyswatter game identifying clothing. Students line up and move forward based on the article
of clothing mentioned by the teacher: Frappez le/la/les (article of clothing)…; OR Have students bring in an old piece of clothing
and then distribute a piece of clothing to various students so that they do/don’t fit. Ask students: Qu’est-ce qu’il/elle porte?
C’est de quelle couleur? C’est trop large ou trop serré (etc.)? C’est à la bonne taille?, etc.
 Students create a page for a clothing catalog for a store with a chosen theme (men’s/women’s/children’s clothing; seasonal
clothing [summer, winter, etc.], shoes, accessories, activity clothing [beach, ski, formal], etc.) Include colors, sizes, prices, store
hours and telephone number/web address.
 Students create short descriptions of people, places and objects in a series of drawings.
 Students play charades. Each student thinks of a different -RE verb and acts it out. First person to guess mimes the next charade.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Students hear a description of a person and
choose the person being described based on
what they are wearing.
Students read about how Coco Chanel or
another famous French clothing designer
influenced French fashion.
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Students go shopping together and ask
their friend(s) their opinion(s) of the
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Suggested Presentational Task
 Produce a fashion show
describing the clothing of the
 Write a booklet/foldable
describing yourself and what
clothing you wear for different
occasions and seasons.
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French II SY 2015-2016
AP THEME: Contemporary Life
AP SUBTHEME: Travel: Travel and Vacations, Countries and Nationalities
Recommended pacing: Q3 - 4 weeks: Teachers need to appropriate the
number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class, so long as they
are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.
Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level:
National/State Standards:
FII.1 The student will exchange spoken and written information and ideas in French.
FII.2 The student will initiate, sustain, and close brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar and recombined phrases and sentences.
FII.3 The student will understand basic spoken and written French presented through a variety of media in familiar contexts.
FII.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to interpret spoken and written texts in French.
FII.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, combining learned and original language in connected sentences and paragraphs on familiar topics.
FII.9 The student will develop a deeper understanding of English and other languages through study of French.
Fii.10 The student will demonstrate understanding of cultural similarities and differences between the francophone cultures studied and those of the United States.
-Interpersonal – Interpretive - Presentational
(Facts & Skills)
Describe a trip by plane or train.
Discuss modes of transportation, such as metro,
RER, or bus.
Discuss and make travel plans.
Ask and answer questions about past trips and
Ask and answer questions about nationality and
country of origin.
Demonstrate comprehension of content from
authentic audio visual texts relating to travel,
transportation and vacations.
Interpret texts and materials related to travel
such as train schedules and routes.
Comprehend written texts about travel
destinations and itineraries in the francophone
world and local means of transportation.
Produce oral and written reports on trips either
real or imagined
Create or design a travel brochure.
 Identify how people in francophone cultures
 Discuss the la Société Nationale des Chemins
de Fer Français (SNCF), le Train à Grande
Vitesse (TGV), les Transports Express Régional
 Identify popular vacation destinations in the
francophone world and the typical sightseeing
and activities associated with them, such as
museum visits.
Discuss temperature and weather in
Francophone countries.
Compare and contrast oC and oF for
Discuss the use of the 24-hour clock in
francophone countries.
Explore the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, France.
Learn about the culture and geography of
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Compare and contrast travel in the
U.S. and in francophone countries.
Compare and contrast the metro
and train systems in France and the
Compare vocabulary usage and
structural patterns of English and
Use authentic materials to make
travel plans and/or to travel within
francophone countries.
Travel vocabulary
Transportation vocabulary
Vacation vocabulary
List of countries and
The passé composé with être
Direct object pronouns
Agreement of past participles
with direct object pronouns
Prepositions with names of
cities and countries
Point out faux amis such as
Question formation using
inversion with passé composé
Adverb placement using passé
Learn about the geographic
and cultural features of an
overseas French territory.
Page 9 of 16
French II SY 2015-2016
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPA
rubrics for speaking and writing assessments posted
on Vision.
Vocabulary related to travel and vacations. See French 2 vocabulary list on VISION
 The passé composé with avoir
 Regular and irregular –ER, -IR, and -RE verbs
 Irregular verbs avoir, être, aller, faire, prendre, apprendre, comprendre, vouloir, pouvoir, mettre
 Dual verbs (aller, vouloir, aimer, détester + infinitive)
 Question words and formation
 Identify French-speaking countries and regions
 Contractions/partitive
 Telling time
 Weather
 Calendar
 Numbers
 VISION course: LCPS French Teacher Exchange
 Write, review, and edit own story about interesting travel.
 Create and present travel posters on a French-speaking country.
 Read authentic travel brochures and create an original for class presentation.
 Design an imaginary trip to a French country.
 Plan and coordinate a trip to a francophone country.
 Complete a passport application from a French-speaking country.
 Request in writing information on a French-speaking country you'd like to visit.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Suggested Presentational Task
 Listen/view/read information about
 With a peer, create a skit/exchange
 Research and create an itinerary of
travel to Francophone cities
emails to discuss travel plans for a trip
travel to/from a francophone
to a francophone country.
country using authentic resources.
 Read a train or plane schedule in print
or online.
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French II SY 2015-2016
AP THEME: Contemporary Life
AP SUBTHEME: Travel: Hotel
Recommended pacing: Q3 - 4 weeks: Teachers need to appropriate the
number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class, so long as they
are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit.
Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level:
National/State Standards:
FII.1 The student will exchange spoken and written information and ideas in French.
FII.2 The student will initiate, sustain, and close brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar and recombined phrases and sentences.
FII.3 The student will understand basic spoken and written French presented through a variety of media in familiar contexts.
FII.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to interpret spoken and written texts in French.
FII.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, combining learned and original language in connected sentences and paragraphs on familiar topics.
FII.9 The student will develop a deeper understanding of English and other languages through study of French.
Fii.10 The student will demonstrate understanding of cultural similarities and differences between the francophone world and the United States.
(Facts & Skills)
Make a reservation at a hotel/youth hostel.
Check in and out of a hotel.
Ask about items/features of a hotel room.
Discuss how, when and where working people
take vacations
Research and select a hotel or hostel based on
amenities, features and location in a French
Demonstrate comprehension of content from
authentic audio and visual texts relating to hotel
Identify different types of tourist
lodging in France.
Identify popular vacation destinations
and attractions in the francophone
world, such as the Alps, and how and
when the French take vacations.
Discuss temperature and weather in
French regions.
Identify the geographic and cultural
features of three French regions:
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA),
Rhône-Alpes and Corse.
Produce oral and written reports on a hotel or
hostel in a French region.
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Compare and contrast staying in a
hotel or hostel in the U.S. and a
French region.
Compare American and French
vacation habits.
Compare vocabulary usage and
structural patterns of English and
 Utilize authentic materials and
online resources to select a hotel in
a French region.
 Hotel vocabulary
 Functional phrases for getting
help and making hotel
 Ordinal Numbers
 Sequencing expressions: (e.g.,
d’abord, ensuite, enfin)
 Dire, Lire, Écrire, Décrire in
présent, passé composé and
 Formation and placement of
adverbs of time and manner
 Formation and use of the
 Learn about geographic and
cultural features of three
French regions.
Page 11 of 16
French II SY 2015-2016
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPA
rubrics for speaking and writing assessments posted
on Vision.
Vocabulary related to staying in a hotel during a vacation in a French region. See French 2 vocabulary list in VISION.
The passé composé
Regular and irregular –ER, -IR, and -RE verbs
Irregular verbs avoir, être, aller, faire, prendre, mettre, vouloir, pouvoir
Dual verbs (aller, vouloir, aimer, détester + infinitive)
Object pronouns
Question words and formation
Identify French speaking countries and regions
Prepositions with cities and countries
Telling time
VISION course: LCPS French Teacher Exchange
Discuss with classmates and/or family members and friends different hotel brochures to decide where to stay, when
and why.
 Research and plan an imaginary hotel stay in a French region.
 Create a skit between a traveler and hotel staff member (receptionist, housekeeping).
 Read authentic brochures on hotel/hostel stays in French regions.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Suggested Presentational Task
 Read a travel brochure.
 Speak to a hotel receptionist to make
 Design your own brochure or
a reservation for a hotel room in a
advertisement for a hotel in a French
 Research and select a hotel based on
French region.
amenities, features and location in a
French region.
 Discuss with a peer the pros and cons
of hotel amenities and features based
on a student-created brochure.
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French II SY 2015-2016
AP THEME: Contemporary Life
AP SUBTHEME: Housing and Shelter: Housing, Rooms and Home Furnishings
Recommended pacing: Q4 - 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate
the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class, so
long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives
of the unit.
Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level II
FII.1 The student will exchange spoken and written information and ideas in French.
FII.2 The student will initiate, sustain, and close brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar and recombined phrases and sentences.
FII.3 The student will understand basic spoken and written French presented through a variety of media in familiar contexts.
FII.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to interpret spoken and written texts in French.
FII.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, combining learned and original language in connected sentences and paragraphs on familiar topics.
FII.9 The student will develop a deeper understanding of English and other languages through study of French.
Fii.10 The student will demonstrate understanding of cultural similarities and differences between francophone cultures studied and those of the United States.
(Facts & Skills)
 Vocabulary related to
 Discuss the home, including its rooms and
 Explore different types of housing in France,
 Compare and contrast housing in
housing, rooms and home
including the Habitations à Loyers Modérés
homes in the U.S. and francophone
 Ask for and give a detailed description of a room
 Vocabulary related to
in your house.
 Identify features of traditional houses in
 Compare and contrast luxury hotels
rental properties
francophone countries, including castles, such
in France and in the U.S.
 Rent an apartment or house.
 Some basic uses of the
as Le Chateau Frontenac in Canada.
 Compare vocabulary usage and
passé composé and the
 Discuss trends in French housing.
structural patterns of English and
 Demonstrate comprehension of content from
 Learn about the
authentic audio and visual texts relating to the
geographic and cultural
house and housing styles, including rooms and
 Make connections between styles of houses
features of two regions of
and geographical locations.
 Identify the features of apartments
France and a Canadian
or homes in authentic Internet
 Evaluate and interpret written texts and materials
rental ads.
about the home, including rooms and furnishings.
 Explore information about real
estate companies in France,
 Describe the home, including its rooms, furnishings
through print, and Internet sources.
and household objects.
 Draw the floor plan of a dream home.
 Produce an oral or written presentation about
decorating a room for a surprise party.
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French II SY 2015-2016
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPA
rubrics for speaking and writing assessments posted
on Vision.
Vocabulary related to housing, furnishings, and rental properties. See French 2 vocabulary list in VISION.
 The passé composé
 The imparfait
 Question words and formation
 Prepositions
 Contractions/partitive
 Household objects and belongings
 Travel and vacation vocabulary (past events)
 Hotel vocabulary (past events)
 Holiday vocabulary (past events)
 French-speaking countries and regions
 VISION course: LCPS French Teacher Exchange
 Prepare and present (orally or in written form) a description of your room or home.
 Create a real estate ad for a primary or secondary vacation home.
 Research various types of traditional housing and rental properties in francophone cultures.
 Create a dialogue between a real estate agent or interior decorator and a client.
 Read about trends in housing in France and report back to a small group for discussion.
 Play concentration to match home and furniture cards with pictures to cards with terms.
 Narrate a previous vacation in the past. Create a PowerPoint or make a collage with magazine pictures or photos with
captions describing place, people, and activities in the house.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Suggested Presentational Task
 Read about different types of
 Create and perform a dialogue
 Sketch or write a description of
housing in francophone cultures.
between an interior decorator or a
your room and describe to your
real estate agent and a client.
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French II SY 2015-2016
AP THEME: Contemporary Life
AP SUBTHEME: Housing and Shelter: Chores and Appliances
Recommended pacing: Q4 - 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate
the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class, so
long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives
of the unit.
Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level II
FII.1 The student will exchange spoken and written information and ideas in French.
FII.2 The student will initiate, sustain, and close brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar and recombined phrases and sentences.
FII.3 The student will understand basic spoken and written French presented through a variety of media in familiar contexts.
FII.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to interpret spoken and written texts in French.
FII.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, combining learned and original language in connected sentences and paragraphs on familiar topics.
FII.9 The student will develop a deeper understanding of English and other languages through study of French.
Fii.10 The student will demonstrate understanding of cultural similarities and differences between francophone cultures studied and those of the United States.
(Facts & Skills)
 Vocabulary related to
 Maintain a discussion related to household chores  Identify features of and trends in interiors in
 Compare and contrast household
chores and household
and home appliances.
housing in France
responsibilities among family
members in the US and in
 Ask for and give a description of the interior of
 Explore famous residences in Francophone
 Review devoir
francophone countries
your home or a home in a Francophone country
 Vocabulary related to
 Compare and contrast home
household interiors.
interiors in the U.S. and
 Demonstrate comprehension of content from
 Compare and contrast
francophone countries.
authentic audio and visual texts relating to chores  Make connections between styles of houses
the uses of the passé
and home appliances and famous homes and
and geographical locations.
 Compare vocabulary usage and
composé and the
structural patterns of English and
 Explore the history of New Orleans and its
 Evaluate and interpret written texts and materials
 Common expressions
in chores and home appliances and famous homes  Learn about the history of le château de
indicating past tense
and interiors.
Versailles in France and le château Frontenac
 Savoir and connaitre
 Access information about
in Québec, Canada.
 Vivre
home interiors and appliances
 Explore housing and regional cuisine.
 Learn about the
in francophone countries from
 Produce an oral or written presentation on
geographical and
print, internet, journal entries,
household chores for self and/ or family members.
cultural features and two
and magazines articles.
French regions and an
American city.
 Learn about the history
of two castles in France
and in Canada.
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French II SY 2015-2016
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPA
rubrics for speaking and writing assessments posted
on Vision.
Vocabulary related to home interiors, household chore and appliances. See French 2 vocabulary list in VISION.
 Time
 Adverbs of frequency
 Passé composé
 Imparfait
 Question formation
 Time expressions related to the past
 VISION course: LCPS French Teacher Exchange
 Prepare and present (orally or in written form) a description of the cleanliness of your bedroom and a list of the chores
you plan to do.
 Create a dialogue about chores you will do during a stay with a host family in France or a francophone region.
 Read or research the use of home appliances in the French-speaking world.
 Create a family chore schedule.
 Create a concentration game to match words and images of appliances so it may be played competitively.
 Conduct and respond to a survey about which chores you do, how often you do them, and what appliances you use.
 Create a commercial for a house cleaning service.
 Research famous residences in the francophone world and report back to the class for discussion.
 Discuss with a small group what chores you did as a child.
 Narrate a fictional event in the past that occurred in a home of your dreams.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Suggested Presentational Task
 Read a report in French about
 Talk to a friend about chores you do
 Write about your childhood home
famous homes or interiors in
and how often you do them
and chores you used to do as a
francophone countries.
 Talk to a friend about chores that you
like and chores that you hate.
 Write a police report in French about
a burglary in a home and describe
the stolen items.
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