Advanced ELL Syllabus John Champe High School 2015 – 2016 Instructor: Hristina Tsanova Course Location: room 2401 e-mail: Course Overview: Advanced ELL is a program of study that is designed for Advanced ELL students and aims at providing them with essential skills and knowledge that they will need in order to be successful at the general education English classes. The students will be exposed to a variety of literary forms that will prepare them for more content specific classes during their high school career. Students will sharpen their writing skills through research papers, narrative writing, expository writing and argumentative writing. The ELLs will also be exploring the rules of word formations in order to enhance their vocabulary in English. Course Goals: • Build critical reading and analytical skills • Develop a college-level vocabulary. • Produce writing that is clear, insightful, organized, and mechanically correct. • Develop a thorough understanding of the research process. Materials: A 1.5 inch binder (any color or design) with dividers labeled: 1. HANDBOOK 2. PRACTICE 3. READING, 4. WRITING Journal notebook Loose-leaf, college ruled paper. Pencils #2 Pens: any color. Highlighters Post-it Notes for book notes Our classroom will also utilize Edmodo for handouts, assignments, skill practice, and teacherstudent communication. Hence, students are required to create a student Edmodo account online. Edmodo Group Code: Advanced ELL: Group Code: qtvvjs Edmodo is an online website that students can use to access class materials or communicate directly with me about the class assignments. Grading: You will be evaluated using the following categories: applied practice (daily activities and at-home practice; this also includes binder checks), projects/presentations, quizzes/tests, and writing. Grades will be given a point value and will be based on the Loudoun County grading scale: A+ = 98% - 100% A = 93% - 97% A- = 90% - 92% B+ = 87% - 89% B = 83% - 86% B- = 80% - 82% C+ = 77% - 79% C = 73% - 76% C- = 70% - 72% D+ = 67% - 69% D = 63% - 66% D- = 60% - 62% F = 59% and lower Assignments and Make-up Work: Our class policy is consistent with the English Department policy on assignment submission. All assignments are expected to be turned in on time. If there is ever a problem or question with an assignment or due date, see me immediately. Don’t wait until the day the assignment is due. I will monitor your progress on assignments, but it is your responsibility to monitor your own progress, and see me immediately, if a problem arises. 10% of the total points for larger/extended assignments count towards submission and directions; therefore, late work will receive a deduction of 10%. Furthermore, if a student is in school but not in class on a day that an assignment is due, he/she is still expected to turn in the assignment. if a student is attending a school function, he/she is expected to turn in all work before leaving. if a student is absent on the day that a major assignment is due, he/she is expected to make contact with the teacher to make arrangements for turning in the assignment. (phone or email) “Printer or computer problems” are not exceptions to the late-work policy. You should plan accordingly becasuse any work that is not ready for submission at the bell is considered late. If a student is missing work, it is their responsibility to turn that work in. Work that is missing can always be checked on Phoenix, as it will be labeled “missing” and will be plugged in at an automatic 50%. Floor. If a student is absent, they should check the make-up work folders located under the white board to retrieve the missed materials. The teacher will have copies of the handouts from class as well as agendas and class details on a sheet, but there may be times that the student will need to meet outside of class time to make up content taught in class. Late Work Policy: A 10% reduction will be taken automatically for any late assessment. Teachers will no longer accept late assignments from the first half of each quarter after one week prior to the interim. The same will apply for the second half of each quarter; nothing will be accepted late from the interim report to one week prior to the end of the marking period. These dates will be posted in English rooms and announced to all classes. Please keep in mind that the department honors the LCPS "50 floor." However, each teacher works at his/her discretion to have work submitted regardless. Work assigned, no matter how big or small in terms of points, is considered integral to the overall learning process taking place in that class. Retakes/Multiple Efforts: Students can meet with teacher to discuss retakes/multiple efforts opportunities for process activities (applied practice activities, quizzes, etc.). The purpose of this is for students to demonstrate an understanding of these skills and activities prior to a larger/extended assignment or test. The student must initiate this process by speaking with the teacher within ONE WEEK of a returned grade that scored a 74% or below. A student will then be asked to fill out a reflection sheet. The grade on the retake will replace the initial grade. The only larger/extended assignment that students will have an opportunity to rework is a formal writing assignment. In order for the opportunity to be made available, students must have met all process deadlines for the assignment, must complete a self-reflection form, and must conference with the teacher prior to submitting a rewritten paper. It is the students’ responsibility to initiate this process within ONE week of the assignment's return. The grade on the rewrite will replace the initial grade. A 10% reduction will be taken automatically for any late assessment. Teachers will no longer accept late assignments within one week of the due date. Class Procedures: Students should be in their seats by the time the tardy bell rings. Failure to comply with this will result in a student being sent to get a tardy pass or the consequences listed above. Homework, if assigned, will be out on your desk by the time the tardy bell rings. Students should begin work on their warm up activity or reading by the time the tardy bell rings. Classroom Behavior Expectations: Appropriate behavior and respect for others is key to student success and learning. Students are expected to follow all school policies while at school. Students are also expected to participate in the classroom in a way that is respectful to their teacher and their classmates in order to provide the best learning environment. Some examples of unacceptable behavior includes: being out of your seat without permission, throwing anything across the room, distracting students from their work, talking during independent activity, showing disrespect to other students or teachers, etc. The following actions will be taken if a student’s behavior is considered unacceptable: 1. Re-teaching session at 8:30 am within 2 days of infraction. 2. Phone call home 3. Lunch detention 4. Referral to Assistant Principal and parent teacher conference. SHIELD Expectations: Shield is built-in time in the students’ schedule that is used for advisory activities or as a study hall during FLEX. Students may only flex out during our English SHIELD periods if all assignments and work has been completed for this class, and the student has an overall average of a 75% or higher. This is your opportunity to receive specialized help from the content area teacher or from me. Always come prepared with your assignments you need help for or bring a book for independent silent reading. Please sign and date the bottom as your acknowledgement of this syllabus. Please contact Mrs. Tsanova with any questions at my email: Parent Name: Parent Signature: Date: Student Name: Student Signature: Parent Information (to be filled out by parent or legal guardian): Last Name: _____________________ First Name: ______________________ Relationship to student: ___________________________________________ Home Phone: ________________________ Work Phone: _________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Best time to reach you: ___________ Email address: ______________________ May I call you at work? YES NO Mailing address: ____________________________________________________________ Other important information: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________