Quarter 3: Fifth Grade WEEK Feb. 1 – 5 ORAL LANGUAGE (integrate across all LA) READING MINI LESSON SHARED READING GRAMMAR WRITING 5.2a Maintain eye contact Book 5: Fantasy Book clubs 1:5.4l; 5.5l 2: 5.5bl 3: 5.5cjl 4: 5.5b 5.4c Knowledge of words and their parts 5.8 a. Use plural Fantasy Fiction 5.7abcd possessives 5.9 abc Construct questions about a topic.Collect information from multiple resources Use technology as a tool to research MATH CONTENT 5.5 Computation Estimation -Create and Solve Sum and Difference 5.5b,c Cells and organisms Feb. 8 – 12 5.2d Use appropriate posture Book 5: Fantasy Book clubs 5: 5.4l; 5.5fl 6: 5.5bcjl 7: 5.5bcl 8:5.5bc 5.4e Reference materials 5.8a Hyphens Fantasy Fiction 5.7efgi 5.9 abc Construct questions about a topic.Collect information from multiple resources Use technology as a tool to research 5.5 Computation Estimation -Create and Solve Quotient and Product 5.4a Matter - Solid, liquid or gas Key concepts include distinguishing properties of each phase of matter Feb. 16 – 19 (Preside nt’s Day) 5.2e Determine appropriate audience Book 5: Fantasy Book clubs 9: 5.4l; 5.5l 10: 5.2de; 5.4fl; 5.5fl 11: 5.4ce; 5.5fl 5.4f&g Studying vocabulary across content areas 5.8a Hyphens Fantasy Fiction 5.7efghi 5.9 abc Construct questions about a topic.Collect 5.8 a Measurement 5.4a Matter - Solid, liquid or gas Key concepts include distinguishing information from multiple resources Use technology as a tool to research Feb. 22 – 26 5.2h Incorporate visual media Book 5: Fantasy Book clubs 12: 5.4cefg 13: 5.5bfj 14: 5.5fl 15: 5.5fl 5.6h Cause and effect (nonfiction) Feb. 29 – March 4 5.2a Maintain eye contact Book 5: Fantasy Book clubs 16: 5.5bcf 17: 5.5bfl 18: 5.5bf 19: 5.5l 5.5f Ask questions to clarify points of view 5.8 a. Use plural LCPS Writing Performance possessives 5.7abcd 5.9 de Organize information presented on charts, maps, and graphs. Develop notes that include important concepts, summaries, and identification of information... 5.8c interjections LCPS Writing Performance 5.7efgi 5.9 de-Organize information presented on charts, maps, and graphs. Develop notes that include important concepts, summaries, and properties of each phase of matter 5.8 c Measurement 5.4a Matter - Solid, liquid or gas Key concepts include distinguishing properties of each phase of matter 5.8 e &d Measurement 5.8 Test 5.4b MatterSolid/liquid/gas Key concepts include the effect of temperature on the phases of matter. identification of information... March 7 – 11 5.2d Use appropriate posture Book 5: Fantasy Book clubs 20: 5.5l 5.5j Cause and effect (fiction) 5.8d Apostrophes in contractions and possessives LCPS Writing Performance 5.7efgh 5.9 de-Organize information presented on charts, maps, and graphs. Develop notes that include important concepts, summaries, and identification of information... 5.11 and 5.12 Measurement and Geometry 5.4b MatterSolid/liquid/gas Key concepts include the effect of temperature on the phases of matter. Review and Spiral (4 days) March 14 – 18 5.2e Determine appropriate audience Book 3: Argument and Advocacy 1: 5.6i 2: 5.6il; 5.9e 3: 5.6k; 5.9a 4: 5.6l; 5.9d 5.6i, 5.6f Facts and opinions; Structural patterns in nonfiction 5.8d apostrophes in contractions and possessives Research-Based 5.13 Geometry Argument Essay 5.7abcd 5.9 fg-Give credit to the sources used in research Define the meaning and consequences of plagiarism 5.4c The student will investigate and understand atoms and elements 5.2h Incorporate visual media Book 3: Argument and Advocacy 5: 5.6k 6: 5.4g; 5.6l 7: 5.2e; 5.6l 8: 5.2ade 5.6f Nonfiction text structures 5.8j Spelling commonly used words Research-Based 5.9 Argument Essay Measurement 5.7efgi 5.9 fg-Give credit to the sources used in research Define the meaning and 5.4c The student will investigate and understand atoms and elements, Spring Break March 28 – April 1 5.4d The consequences of plagiarism student will identify substances as being an element or a compound 5.4e The student will investigate and understand mixtures, including solutions April 4 – 8 5.2a Maintain eye contact 5.2d Use appropriate posture Book 3: Argument and Advocacy 9: 5.6k 10: 5.9e 11: 5.6fjk 12: 5.6j 5.4c Word Knowledge 5.8k Conjunctions Research-Based 5.16 Probability Argument Essay and Statistics 5.7efgi 5.9 fg-Give credit to the sources used in research Define the meaning and consequences of plagiarism 5.4c The student will investigate and understand atoms and elements, 5.4d The student will identify substances as being an element or a compound 5.4e The student will investigate and understand mixtures, including solutions April 11 – 14 (Planning Day Fri) 5.2 e Determine appropriate audience 5.2 h Incorporate Book 3: Argument and Advocacy 13: 5.4d; 5.5f 14:5.6j 15: 5.5cei 5.4f&g Vocabulary across content areas 5.8k Conjunctions Research-Based Review and Argument Essay\ Assessment 5.7efghi 5.9 fg-Give credit to the sources used in research 5.4c The student will investigate and understand atoms and elements, visual media Define the meaning and consequences of plagiarism 5.4d The student will identify substances as being an element or a compound 5.4e The student will investigate and understand mixtures, including solutions