
Name ___________________________
Character – one of the elements of a story. (Other elements include setting,
plot, and point of view.)
Character Development – authors develop their characters in several ways…
*Character’s speech or actions
*Other character’s speech or actions
*The narrator tells you
Character Traits – descriptive adjectives that tell us the specific qualities of the
character. (brave, shy, courageous, mean, etc.)
Protagonist – The main character in the story whom has a conflict
that usually gets resolved.
Antagonist – The character that opposes the main character.
Dynamic Characters – a character that undergoes an important change in
personality, character, or values during the course of the story.
Static Characters – a character that does NOT undergo an important change in
personality, character, or values during the course of the story. He or she
remains the same at the end of the story as he or she was at the beginning.