First Quarter Reading/Language Arts 2.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of oral language. 2.2 The student will expand understanding and use of word meanings. 2.4 The student will orally identify, produce, and manipulate various units of speech sounds within words. 2.5 The student will use phonetic strategies when reading and spelling. 2.6 The student will use semantic clues and syntax to expand vocabulary when reading. 2.7 The student will expand vocabulary when reading. 2.8 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts. 2.9 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfictional texts. 2.10 The student will demonstrate comprehension of information in reference materials. 2.11 The student will maintain legible printing. 2.12 The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations. Math 2.1a The student will read, write, and identify the place values of each digit in a three-digit numeral. 2.1b The student will round two-digit numbers to the nearest ten. 2.1c The student will compare two whole numbers. 2.2a The student will identify the ordinal positions first through twenty. 2.4a The student will count forward by twos, fives, and tens to 100. 2.4b The student will count backwards by tens from 100. 2.4c The student will recognize odd and even numbers. 2.5 The student will recall addition facts with sums of 20 or less and the corresponding subtraction facts. 2.9 The student will recognize and describe the related facts that represent and describe the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. 2.20 The student will identify, create, and extend a wide variety of patterns. Social Studies 2.1 The student will explain how the contributions of ancient China and Egypt have influenced the present world. 2.4a The student will develop map skills by locating the United States, China, and Egypt on wold maps. 2.4b The student will develop map skills by understanding the relationship between the environment and the culture of ancient China and Egypt. 2.5a The student will develop map skills by locating the equator, the seven continents, and oceans on maps and globes. 2.5b The student will develop map skills by locating selected rivers. 2.6 The student will develop map skills by constructing simple maps, using title, map legend, and compass symbol. 2.10 The student will explain the responsibilities of good citizens. 2.11 The student will identify George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller, Jackie Robinson, and Martin Luther King, Jr. as Americans whose contributions improved the lives of other Americans. 2.12a The student will understand that people of Virginia have student and local government officials who are elected by voters. 2.12b The student will understand that people of Virginia have diverse ethnic, customs, and traditions, make contributions to their communities, and are united Americans by common principle. Science 2.1 The student will conduct scientific investigations. 2.5 The student will investigate and understand that living things are part of a system. Second Quarter Reading/Language Arts 2.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of oral language. 2.2 The student will expand understanding and use of word meanings. 2.3 The student will use oral communication skills. 2.4 The student will orally identify, produce, and manipulate various units of speech sounds within words. 2.5 The student will use phonetic strategies when reading and spelling. 2.6 The student will use semantic clues and syntax to expand vocabulary when reading. 2.7 The student will expand vocabulary when reading. 2.8 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts. 2.9 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfictional texts. 2.10 The student will demonstrate comprehension of information in reference materials. 2.11 The student will maintain legible printing. 2.12 The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations. 2.13 The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. 2.14 The student will use available technology for reading and writing. Math 2.5 The student will recall addition facts with sums of 20 or less and the corresponding subtraction facts. 2.6a The student, given two whole numbers whose sum is 99 or less, will estimate the sum. 2.6b The student, given two whole numbers whose sum is 99 or less, will find the sum using various methods of calculations. 2.7a The student, given two whole numbers whose sum is 99 or less, will estimate the difference. 2.7 b The student, given two whole numbers whose sum is 99 or less, will find the difference using various methods of calculations. 2.8 The student will create and solve one- and two- step addition and subtraction problems using data from simple tables, picture graphs and bar graphs. 2.9 The student will recognize and describe related facts that represent and describe the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. 2.12 The student will tell and write time to the nearest five minutes, using analog and digital clocks. 2.17 The student will use data from experiments to construct picture graphs, pictographs, and bar graphs. 2.18 The student will use data from experiments to predict outcomes when the experiment is repeated. 2.19 The student will analyze data displayed in picture graphs, pictographs, and bar graphs. 2.21 The student will solve problems by completing numerical sentences involving the basic facts for addition and subtraction. 2.22 The student will demonstrate an understanding of equality by recognizing the symbol = in an equation indicates equivalent quantities and the symbol indicates that quantities that are not equivalent. Social Studies 2.1 The student will explain how the contributions of ancient China and Egypt have influenced the present world. 2.2 The student will compare the lives and contributions of three American Indian cultures of the past and present. 2.3 The student will identify and compare changes in community life over time and in terms of buildings, jobs, transportation, and population. 2.4a The student will develop map skills by locating the United States, China, and Egypt on wold maps. 2.4b The student will develop map skills by understanding the relationship between the environment and the culture of ancient China and Egypt. 2.4c The student will develop map skills by locating the regions of the Native Americans on an United States map. Science 2.1 The student will conduct scientific investigations. 2.2 The student will investigate and understand that natural and artificial magnets have certain characteristics and attract specific types of metals. 2.7 The student will investigate and understand that weather and seasonal changes affect plants, animals, and their surroundings. Third Quarter Reading/Language Arts 2.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of oral language. 2.2 The student will expand understanding and use of word meanings. 2.3 The student will use oral communication skills. 2.4 The student will orally identify, produce, and manipulate various units of speech sounds within words. 2.5 The student will use phonetic strategies when reading and spelling. 2.6 The student will use semantic clues and syntax to expand vocabulary when reading. 2.7 The student will expand vocabulary when reading. 2.8 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts. 2.9 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfictional texts. 2.10 The student will demonstrate comprehension of information in reference materials. 2.11 The student will maintain legible printing. 2.12 The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations. 2.13 The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. 2.14 The student will use available technology for reading and writing. Math 2.3a The student will identify the parts of a set and/or region that represent fractions for halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, eighths, and tenths. 2.3b The student will write fractions. 2.3c The student will compare unit fractions for halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, eighths, and tenths. 2.12 The student will tell and write time to the nearest five minutes using analog and digital clocks. 2.13a The student will determine past and future days of the week. 2.13b The student will identify specific days and dates on a given calendar. 2.14 The student will read the temperature on a Celsius and/or Fahrenheit thermometer to the nearest ten degrees. 2.15a The student will draw a line of symmetry in a figure. 2.15b The student will identify and create figures with at least one line of symmetry. 2.16 The student will identify describe, compare, and contrast plane and solid geometric figures. 2.20 The student will identify, create, and extend a wide variety of patterns. Social Studies 2.3 The student will identify and compare changes in community life over time and in terms of buildings, jobs, transportation, and population. 2.4a The student will develop map skills by locating the United States, China, and Egypt on wold maps. 2.5a The student will develop map skills by locating the equator, the seven continents, and oceans on maps and globes. 2.5b The student will develop map skills by locating selected rivers. 2.6 The student will develop map skills by constructing simple maps, using title, map legend, and compass symbol. 2.7 The student will describe natural resources, human resources, and capital resources. 2.8 The student will distinguish between the use of barter and the use of money in the exchange for goods and services. 2.9 The student will explain that scarcity requires people to make choices about producing and consuming goods and services. 2.10 The student will explain the responsibilities of good citizens. 2.12a The student will understand that people of Virginia have student and local government officials who are elected by voters. 2.12b The student will understand that people of Virginia have diverse ethnic, customs, and traditions, make contributions to their communities, and are united Americans by common principle. Science 2.1 The student will conduct scientific investigations. 2.3 The student will investigate the basic properties of solids, liquids, and gases. 2.6 The student will investigate and understand basic types, changes, and patterns of weather. 2.7 The student will investigate and understand that weather and seasonal changes affect plants, animals, and their surroundings. Fourth Quarter Reading/Language Arts 2.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of oral language. 2.2 The student will expand understanding and use of word meanings. 2.3 The student will use oral communication skills. 2.4 The student will orally identify, produce, and manipulate various units of speech sounds within words. 2.5 The student will use phonetic strategies when reading and spelling. 2.6 The student will use semantic clues and syntax to expand vocabulary when reading. 2.7 The student will expand vocabulary when reading. 2.8 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts. 2.9 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfictional texts. 2.10 The student will demonstrate comprehension of information in reference materials. 2.11 The student will maintain legible printing. 2.12 The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations. 2.13 The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. 2.14 The student will use available technology for reading and writing. Math 2.10a The student will count and compare a collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters whose value is $2.00 or less. 2.10b The student will correctly use the cent symbol, dollar sign, and decimal point. 2.11a The student will estimate and measure length to the nearest centimeter and inch. 2.11b The student will estimate and measure weight/mass of objects in pounds/ounces and kilograms/grams. 2.11c The student will estimate and measure liquid volume in cups, pints, quarts, gallons, and liters. 2.12 The student will tell and write time to the nearest five minutes, using analog and digital. 2.20 The student will identify, create, and extend a wide variety of patterns. Social Studies 2.4a The student will develop map skills by locating the United States, China, and Egypt on wold maps. 2.5a The student will develop map skills by locating the equator, the seven continents, and oceans on maps and globes. 2.5b The student will develop map skills by locating selected rivers. 2.6 The student will develop map skills by constructing simple maps, using title, map legend, and compass symbol. Science 2.1 The student will conduct scientific investigations. 2.4 The student will investigate and understand that plants and animals undergo a series of orderly changes as they mature and grow. 2.7 The student will investigate and understand that weather and seasonal changes affect plants, animals, and their surroundings. 2.8 The student will investigate and understand that plants produce oxygen and food, are a source of useful products, and provide benefits in nature.