2 Quarter

2nd Quarter
Identify letters, words and sentences.
Use beginning and ending consonants to decode.
Use consonant blends/digraphs to decode.
Blend words with a beginning, middle and end sound
Use knowledge of story/topic to read words.
Read familiar stories, poems with fluency and expression.
Relate previous experiences to the story
Retell stories using beginning, middle and end
Read and self-correct.
Oral Language
Follow rules for conversation using appropriate voice level
Tell and retell stories and events using logical order
Add or delete sounds to make new words.
Expand and use oral descriptive vocabularies
Ask and respond to questions in a small group setting
Follow simple two step directions
Ask for clarification and explanation of words or ideas
Increase listening and speaking vocabularies.
Space words and sentences.
Focus on one topic.
Begin sentences with a capital letter and use ending punctuation.
Form letters correctly.