Starter: Review Qs 1-8 with a partner. Today, I will be able to explain why the United States was unprepared for war against G.B. Discuss how the death of Tecumseh was a turning pt in the war. Explain the results of the War. Turn in 10.3/10.4 Make sure you took the 10.1/10.2 Quiz Check your grade Take your campaign poster if you want it, or it will be recycled. Grading period ends 1 April (a week from tomorrow) Early in his presidency, Jefferson drastically reduced the size of the army and navy. Our country lacked effective experienced officers. Most of the enlisted soldiers did so only for money…problem…times get tough those people desert (quit). We tried to invade/liberate Canada (again) from British rule. 3 areas of invasion: Detroit(-what!), Niagara River (by Buffalo), Montreal (by Vermont) That’s right !!! There were naval battles that took place on Lake Erie A new American hero is born: Oliver “Hazard” Perry, “We have met the enemy and they are ours.” Allies with the British (who didn’t see that coming) General William H. Harrison (going to be president) leads the U.S. military against the Tecumseh’s native confederation and wins a decisive battle at the Thames…Tecumseh is killed #ripwarrior Andrew Jackson (going to be president) leads American forces and the Cherokee vs. the Creeks; wins Battle of Horseshoe Bend Britain burns the White House August of 1814 Madison becomes a beloved figure by refusing to leave the area, rides around on horseback. The location was strategically important Jackson and his force of frontiersmen (including 100s of volunteer African Americans), dug trenches and prepared to fight the British. Jackson’s forces slaughtered the British #Warhero Fought bravely as volunteers in both the army and navy. Black males will make 15 to 20 percent of the naval corps during the war. Richard Allen and Absalom Jones (both clergy members) recruited more than 2000 men to build fortifications around Philly Some slaves escape and fought for the British under the promise of freedom Both sides agree to restore “prewar” conditions Treaty said nothing about neutrality or impressment