Data Types and Operators

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Data Types and Operators
1. Explain the difference between System.out.print and System.out.println
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2. What is the escape sequence to print a backslash?
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3. Give me one rule when it comes to naming identifiers:
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4. List all 4 primitive (numeric) data types that store integers:
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5. List the 2 primitive (numeric) data types that store floating point numbers (decimals):
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6. Which of the following declarations is incorrect?
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7. Explain what is wrong with the following line of code:
int days = 100,000;
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8. Which of the following is an incorrect way to declare and initialize a variable?
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9. How many possible values can a Boolean variable have?
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10. The char data type is used to store what kind of data?
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11. What is the set of numbers that are used as codes for representing characters called?
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12. Why is the following variable assignment incorrect?
15 = x;
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13. Is the following variable declaration valid or invalid?
int c = 8, y =10, x, v=2
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14. How many operands does a ternary operand require?
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15. What is the arithmetic operator for Division?
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16. Which of the following is an incorrect example of using an Arithmetic Operator?
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17. What does the % (Modulo operator) return?
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18. What would 30%0 return?
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19. Assuming we are dealing with integers, what would 5/4 equal?
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20. What is the proper order of operation for: x = 1+2*3+ 6/2 -2 ?
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21. Write 3 of the 5 Precedence Rules:
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22. What can you use to force the evaluation of a formula?
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23. In the code ANSWER = Math.pow(x,y);, explain what ANSWER equals:
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24. In the code ANSWER = Math.sqrt(x);, explain what ANSWER equals:
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