WOODLAND HILLS HIGH SCHOOL LESSON PLAN SAS and Understanding By Design Template Name Kuzy Date 3/30/15 updated edine and website Length of Lesson 3weeksContent Area Civics- The Judicial Branch STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC:Describe the role of the Judicial branch BIG IDEAS: (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content, objectives and skill focus) Historical context is needed to comprehend time and space. Historical interpretation involves an analysis of cause and result. Perspective helps to define the attributes of historical comprehension. The history of the Commonwealth continues to influence Pennsylvanians today, and has impacted the United States and the rest of the world. The history of the United States continues to influence its citizens and has impacted the rest of the world. World History continues to influence Pennsylvanians, citizens of the United States and individuals throughout the world today. UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): Students will understand: Identify the role of the court system ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How does the President have executive priveledge? How does the President check and balance the other branches?How is the Executive branch organized? What are the requirements to be Pres? What are the 7 roles of the President? VOCABULARY: executive, exec.orders, foreign policy, treaties, ambassadors, executive agreements, domestic policy,bureaucracy, administration, cabinet,executive privilege, recess, slates, civilian, confirm, pardon, reprieve, civil officers, misdemeanors, high crimes STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASK:Participate in review and vocabulary exercise, Complete graphic organizer, Participate in class reading, reading guides In small groups, students will create chart on presidential roles and compare and contrast executive priv. used by 3 presidents. STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS AND PROCEDURES: RESOURCES: (Active Engagement, Explicit Instruction, Daily warm-up Metacognition, activities, textbook Modeling, Scaffolding) graphic organizer chart modeling, active diagram engagemen, lectur, reading guides cooperative learning activitydaily warm-ups, student reading aloud in groups activityt MINI LESSON: warm-up exit slip manipulatives STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): testing on chapter 9 Students will be able to: Classify the roles of the presidency, Organize the offices of the executive branch Classify the roles of cabinet members.Describe the president use of executive priveilege Nixon, Truman and Jefferson Interpret their use of the Presidential office for purposes FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: #1. Exit Tickets #2. Graphic Organizers #3. Thumbs Up #4. Response Cards Others: INTERVENTIONS: ASSIGNMENTS: Reading Guides Primary Documents Graphic Organizers Q&A