WOODLAND HILLS SECONDARY LESSON PLAN Name ____Julie Werts___ Date _December 8, 2014____ Content Area: Reading /English Language! C/D Length of Lesson __2 weeks__ STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC (Module, if applicable): BIG IDEAS: Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Word Recognition and Spelling Vocabulary and Morphology Grammar and Usage Listening and Reading Comprehension Writing (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content) objectives, and skill focus) UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Students will understand: What are the topic, main idea and supporting details in an informative text? What are the steps to writing an expository paragraph? How are prepositions and prepositional phrases used in a sentence? How do you use synonyms, antonyms, and attributes? How do you use text features to preview texts? How do you use context-based strategies to help with reading informational texts? How to spell words with open syllables The meaning of prefixes/suffixes in a word Identify synonyms, antonyms, and attributes. Identify words with –ing endings. Identify prepositions and the meaning of prepositional phrases. Identify and use have as a main or helping verb. Distinguish fact and opinion statements Write an expository (opinion) essay. Preview nonfiction reading selection using text features Define vocabulary using context-based strategies Read and understand informational texts. CC.1.4.9–10.B Write with a sharp, distinct focus identifying topic, task, and audience C.C.1.4.9-10.F Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. C.C.1.2.9-10.K Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words and phrases based on gradelevel reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools. C.C1.2.9-10.L Read and comprehend literary nonfiction and informational text on grade level, reading independently and proficiently. C.C.1.4.9-10.M Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events. VOCABULARY: STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): Students will be able to: Essential Words: good, great, right, though, through, year Comprehension Words: Infer, define, predict, generalize, use, explain, show, classify, identify, list, state, name, and describe Identify syllables in words using open vowell sound Read fluently words composed of sound-spelling correspondences. Identify antonyms, synonyms and attributes Identify and use prepositions and prepositional phrases Read phrases and passages fluently Preview nonfiction reading selection using text features. Define vocabulary words using context-bases strategies or a reference source Generate sentences using six stage processs Distinquish fact from opinion Write responses to questions with the signal words: use, generalize, infer, illustrate, explain, define, predict, show, state, discuss, list, describe Organize ideas and information in a two-column outline for an expository paragraph Read fluently and spell essential words Read and spell contractions with have Identify verbs with –ing endings Write an expository essay STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASK: FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: Students will complete workbook pages and supplemental materials. Daily attendance and participation will be assessed. Students are administered various probes throughout each unit to check for understanding, skill development and knowledge of skills presented Use thumbs up, thumbs Use of white boards Exit Slips Beginning of day Do Now: STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Do Now; Mini Lesson: Guided Practice: Independent Practice: Summations/Formative Assessments: Reflections: Language! C textbook Language! C workbook Supplemental pages Letter Cards Picture Cards Morpheme Meaning Cards Promethean Board Composition Book Highlighters Individual Wipe of Boards Word of Day Do Now: Collins Writing I Mini Lesson, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, and Summative/Formative assessment: Direct Instruction from the Language! Program. Students are presented a lesson a day consisting of six steps. The Program is scripted and scaffold to meet the needs of the student. Explicit INTERVENTIONS: ASSIGNMENTS: Specially Designed Instruction: One-on-one Instruction Small group instructions and Discussions. Individualized attention Peer assistance Step-by-step directions and redirection New concepts broken down into clearer steps Practice and repeat drills for difficult concepts Students will read text in the assigned text book and complete workbook pages that correspond to the text book and lessons. Each students will also complete supplemental activities corresponding to each lesson. Assignments will be completed independently, as a whole class and in small groups. Textbook pages: 50, Interactive Text: 130137,R51, R4. R22, R26, R60 Supplemental: Main Idea/Details Using Signal instruction is used throughout each of the six steps. Adaptations are made to meet the individual needs of each student. Checking for understanding through exit ticket, oral discussions, etc. are reteaching of skills is used throughout each lesson. The student will work through the 6 step process of each lesson. Students will complete text book readings, worksheets and supplemental pages for each step of each lesson in the unit. Each student will be responsible to complete a written assignment using skills learned in the lesson. Challenge texts will be used to reinforce new concepts learned. Six steps: Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Word Recognition and Spelling Vocabulary and Morphology Grammar and Usage Listening and Reading Comprehension Writing Words: generalize, show, use, explain, classify Explore It Prepositional Space/Time Chart Context Clues Fact/Opinion K-W-L Assessment: Fluency Check : R20, R21 Content Mastery 1011-12