Department of Accounting Syllabus for online ACCT 251 Summer Quarter 2016

Department of Accounting
Syllabus for online ACCT 251
Summer Quarter 2016
Personal Information:
Instructor: Mr. John Lasik, Senior lecturer, MBA CMA CPA (retired)
E-mail Use your CWU e-mail account for all course-related
correspondence. Be sure subject line includes: 251 followed by a space.
John’s home page: The ACCT 251 course site may be accessed through
John’s home page. The username and password will be provided to registered students about one
week prior to the official start of the quarter.
Course Description. An introduction to the theory and practice of accounting and financial reporting.
Topics include the accounting cycle, financial statements, and corporate accounting for assets,
liabilities, equities, revenues and expenses.
John's Philosophy for Online Courses. The level of learning experienced in the online environment
should equal or exceed the level experienced in a traditional in-class setting.
Course Objectives.
 Know the terminology and concepts that provide the foundation for understanding accounting
and financial reporting
 Understand how accounting processes collect, classify, and communicate financial information
 Know how various decision makers use the financial reports to make decisions
 Appreciate the importance of trust and ethical and legal behavior in the accounting processes
 Recognize that the current and emerging business practices will influence the evolution of
accounting practices in the future
 Know how to use computer technologies to analyze and solve accounting issues
Text and Other Required Materials
Textbook. Financial & Managerial Accounting 13th edition by Warren, Reeve, & Duchac. Bundled with
CengageNow Access Code for online homework, quizzes, and tests. Recommended purchase option
- Wildcat Shop Bundle (loose-leaf text and Access Code for Cengage). Note: This same bundle is
used for ACCT 252.
Computing. Students need dependable access to the Internet. Also, Microsoft Office software -- Word,
PowerPoint, and Excel -- is used extensively. An understanding of basic file management and
Microsoft Office software is assumed.
CengageNow. All graded homework, quizzes, and exams are accessed through the publisher's online
course supplement, CengageNow. To access the required supplement for this course, connect to: Then follow the prompts to register your
CengageNOWv2 course.
Course Conduct
Role of the student. Students should take personal responsibility for the amount of learning
accomplished. This course is challenging in terms of both complexity and volume of material covered.
On average, expect to spend approximately three hours of study time per day. The pace of the course
mirrors what would be expected in an in-person version of the course. "B" level and above
305 Syllabus, Page 2
performance will likely require a time commitment for reading, online homework, and quiz/exam
preparation that will approach 15+ hours each week, every week.
Recommended study approach. Based on extensive surveys of past students, the following study
approach is recommended:
Scan the assigned chapter in the text to get a "feel" for the topics to be covered.
Go to the 251 course website and open the study guide for the assigned chapter. Note the study
guide coverage for each chapter is arranged by chapter learning objectives.
Cover the study guide materials for each learning objective one at a time following these
a) Study the text pages listed for each learning objective. This is the most important step. Do
not take a shortcut here!
b) View the PowerPoint slides for that learning objective. Some of the slides include a brief
mini-lecture by your instructor. Look for his smiling face on an icon. Click on the icon to start
the audio.
c) Examine all study guide questions and linked suggested answers.
d) Work a reasonable cross section of the listed exercises and problems. Note links are
provided for solutions to all questions, exercises, and problems.
e) Assess your progress by answering the practice quiz questions posed. The answer blocks
initially appear blank. To view the correct answer with instruction, position your cursor in the
upper left-hand corner of the block and paint the answer block as you hold down the left
mouse button.
Following completion of the learning activities in chapter study guide, turn your attention to the
chapter's graded online CengageNow (CN) homework.
a) Each assignment is typically comprised of 5-7 problems. The CN homework is set to allow
you to check your answers as you proceed. However, each problem has a limit to the
number of times you can check your answers. You are allowed three checks for the openended answers in each section. The CN homework is set to enable you are able to save,
exit, and resume at a later time (but prior to the submission deadline).
b) The CN homework is based on the text end-of-chapter exercises and problems. In the
chapter study guides, look for the phrase "Similar to CN HW #_". The study guide exercises
and problems marked with that phrase are identical to the CN homework, except that key
input variables are changed.
c) Each chapter homework assignment has a firm submission deadline. Online feedback is
available shortly after the submission deadline passes.
Finally, turn your attention to the chapter's online CN quiz. Lasik strongly recommends that you
complete the CN chapter homework prior to starting the quiz.
a) Each quiz is comprised of 20 questions in multiple choice format. The amount of time
allowed to complete a chapter quiz varies from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the problem
content included in the quiz. Once the quiz is opened, it must be completed in a single "take."
Unlike the online homework, you are not able to save, exit, and resume at a later time.
b) Each quiz has a firm submission deadline. Online feedback is available shortly after the
submission deadline passes. Note: feedback is only available to those who take the quiz.
Grading Practices
Basis for Final Grade. Final grades are assigned based on your performance in the following areas:
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12 online chapter homework assignments @ 10 points each
12 online chapter quizzes @ 20 points each
4 major online exams @ 80 points each
Total points
The actual number of available points may deviate slightly from the number cited in the table. Finally,
your instructor occasionally offers optional 2-point bonus questions throughout the quarter.
Ranking Procedure for Graded Assignments. If the unadjusted class average on an exam, quiz, or
homework assignment is lower than 76.00 percent of the points available, an equal number of points
will be added to everyone’s score such that the class average improves to 76.00 percent. The
following additional considerations about the grading policy apply:
 If the unadjusted class average is higher than 76.00 percent, adjustment points are never be
subtracted to "curve down" the class average.
 If some students officially withdraw from the course, prior adjustment points may change as
their scores are deleted from the database.
Exams. Four online 80-point exams are required in this course. The exams are comprised primarily of
2-point multiple choice questions, including short problems. Each exam is open book, open note, with
calculator use permitted. The exam schedule follows:
 Exam 1 covering Chapters 1-3 scheduled on Wednesday, 7/6, from 7:00-8:15 pm.
 Exam 2 covering Chapters 4-6 scheduled on Thursday, 7/21, from 7:00-8:15 pm.
 Exam 3 covering Chapters 7-9 scheduled on Thursday, 8/4, from 7:00-8:15 pm.
 Exam 4 covering Chapters 10-12 scheduled on Friday, 8/19, from 7:00-8:15 pm.
Plan your schedule well in advance. It is your instructor's policy to NEVER give early exams.
Regarding late exams, please understand your instructor is not very accommodating regarding nonemergency extensions to the days and times listed. It goes without saying that you must not seek
assistance nor give assistance to anyone else during the exam. (I know this is a given, but I feel
compelled to state it anyway.)
Assigning letter grades. Your grade in this course is based solely on your adjusted overall course
percentage. To monitor your course percentage throughout the quarter, divide the total number of
adjusted points earned by the total number of points possible. Then apply the following scale:
Adj. Average Grade
Above 97.00
93.00 to 97.00
90.00 to 93.00
Lasik's Grade Interpretation
The highest grades are reserved for students who have
excelled in every phase of the course.
87.00 to 90.00
83.00 to 87.00
80.00 to 83.00
These grades denote work that is superior, but does not
warrant the special distinctiveness of the "A."
77.00 to 80.00
71.00 to 77.00
68.00 to 71.00
“C” grades indicate that a student has made substantial
progress toward meeting the objectives of the course and has
fulfilled the requirements of the course.
65.00 to 68.00
61.00 to 65.00
58.00 to 61.00
“D” grades are for students who have made progress toward
meeting the objectives of the course, but who have fulfilled
the requirements only in a substandard manner.
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Less than 58.00
The “F” grade is reserved for students who have failed to meet
or have accomplished so few of the requirements of the course
that they are not entitled to credit.
Makeup work. It is anticipated that a few of you may be forced to miss a deadline date for homework,
quiz or an exam during the quarter for various reasons. A makeup opportunity without penalty may be
given at the instructor’s discretion, but only in those instances when an extension has been approved.
Extensions may be for personal illness, emergencies in your immediate family, job interviews, and
university-sponsored trips, among others.
With the exception of emergency situations, requests for extensions must be submitted well in
advance of the deadline for the homework, quiz, or exam. For non-emergency situations, check with
me in advance before you commit travel and other arrangements involving extension requests.
Extensions for "discretionary" reasons are not normally approved by your instructor. For example, an
extension for required job-related travel may be approved, but an extension for "vacation-type" travel
during the quarter would not be approved. (Vacation-type travel is viewed as discretionary by your
Timeliness of Homework and On-Line Quizzes. On-line exams, assignments and quizzes have
specific due dates and times. Timeliness is important. Deadlines are published in this document and
in the “Key Dates” section of the course site and are set before the quarter begins. You need not wait
until the due date and time is near to start the homework and quizzes! Keys to the assignments and
quizzes are posted shortly after the submission deadline passes. Again, if you submit after the
deadline, but an extension was not approved, no credit is awarded.
Academic dishonesty. If your instructor has evidence that you’ve cheated, the letter grade of “F” will
be immediately reported to the Registrar. Further, a report of academic dishonesty may be submitted
to the CWU’s Office of Student Affairs recommending additional disciplinary action. Refer to the CWU
Catalog, Appendix A and B.
Extra credit? Extra credit is not offered on an individual student-by-individual student basis.
Students with Special Needs or Disabilities. Students who have special needs or disabilities that may
affect their ability to access information or material presented in this course are encouraged to contact
the Office of Disability Support Services at (509) 963-2171 for disability-related educational
Key dates. The following dates are set for the course. CN chapter homework assignments and CN
chapter quizzes must be submitted by 9:00 pm on the date shown. It is highly recommended that the
homework be completed prior to taking the quiz. You may submit early, but you cannot submit late. If
you miss a deadline and an extension was not approved in advance, you will receive zero credit.
Classes begin
Ch 1 CN HW
Ch 1 CN Quiz
Ch 2 CN HW
Ch 2 CN Quiz
Ch 3 CN HW
Ch 3 CN Quiz
Exam 1 (Chapters 1-3) 7:00-8:15 pm
Ch 4 CN HW
Due date
Monday, June 20, 2016
Friday, June 24, 2016
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Monday, July 4, 2016
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Saturday, July 9, 2016
305 Syllabus, Page 5
Ch 4 CN Quiz
Ch 5 CN HW
Ch 5 CN Quiz
Ch 6 CN HW
Ch 6 CN Quiz
Exam 2 (Chapters 4-6) 7:00-8:15 pm
Ch 7 CN HW
Ch 7 CN Quiz
Ch 8 CN HW
Ch 8 CN Quiz
Ch 9 CN HW
Ch 9 CN Quiz
Exam 3 (Chapters 7-9) 7:00-8:15 pm
Ch 10 CN HW
Ch 10 CN Quiz
Ch 11 CN HW
Ch 11 CN Quiz
Ch 12 CN HW
Ch 12 CN Quiz
Exam 4 (Chapters 10-12) 7:00-8:15 pm
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Friday, July 15, 2016
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Friday, July 29, 2016
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Monday, August 8, 2016
Friday, August 12, 2016
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Friday, August 19, 2016
You should anticipate that the actual conduct of the course will follow the procedures outlined in this
document. However, your instructor reserves the right to make changes if he believes that changes
are warranted. In the unlikely event that changes are made, such changes will be communicated on
the course website.