WOODLAND HILLS HIGH SCHOOL LESSON PLAN SAS and Understanding By Design Template Name _Witon________ Date 9-2-13 Length of Lesson _3 Weeks_______ Content Area Algebra 2 Edline was updated this week: Yes My class website was updated this week: Yes STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC: Solving linear equations and inequalities (ch 1) Expressions and linear equations BIG IDEAS: (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content) objectives, and skill focus) Numbers, measures, expressions, equations, and inequalities can represent mathematical situations and structures in many equivalent forms. M11.A.1.3.1 Compare and/or plot irrational numbers at the approximate location on a number line. M11.A.3.1.1 Simplify expressions using the order of operations to solve problems (any rational numbers may be used). M11.D.2.1.1 Solve compound inequalities and/or graph their solution sets on a number line (may include absolute value inequalities). M11.D.2.1.3 Write and/or solve a linear equation from given problem situations. UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Students will understand: How is the distributive Property useful in calculation store savings? How are formulas used by nurses? How can you find the most effective level of intensity for your workout? How can an absolute value equation describe the magnitude of an earthquake? Linear relationships: Equation and inequalities in one and two variables: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Classifying real numbers Using order of operations and properties of real numbers to evaluate expressions. Solving linear & absolute value equations. Translating verbal expressions into algebraic expressions and equations. Solving and graphing on a number line simple, compound and absolute value inequalities. VOCABULARY: Order of operations Algebraic Expressions Distributive Property Equation Absolute Value STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): Students will be able to: Use algebraic properties and processes in mathematical situations and apply them to solve real world problems. Classify real numbers Use order of operations and properties of real numbers to evaluate expressions Solve linear & absolute value equations Translate verbal expressions into algebraic expressions and equations Solve and graph on a number line simple, compound and absolute value inequalities. STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASK: Students will demonstrate an adequate understanding via a chapter test. OTHER EVIDENCE: Daily and long-term observations STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: (Active Engagement, Explicit Instruction, Metacognition, Modeling, Scaffolding MINI LESSON: Classifying real numbers Order of Operations Properties of Real Numbers Solving Linear Equations MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Textbook Notebook Projector Notecards Colored Pencils Common core A=SSE INTERVENTIONS: Truly struggling students will be referred to guidance/SAP (RTI) Small group/ flexible grouping will occur if necessary. Students will be ASSIGNMENTS: p. 9-10 p. 15-18 p. 24-27 p. 30-32 p. 37-39 p. 44-46 Solving Absolute Value Equations Solving Inequalities Graphing Inequalities encouraged to stay for math lab, or find help with a math teacher during lunch.