Sr Research Project Mr. Writer 04 Dec 2006 Mars Student Imaging Project Lab Notebook Review for 12/08 Rubric and Required Materials Lab Notebooks are considered professional documentation of all work done on a research project. This includes detailed logging of communications with group members as well as professionals and/or scientists with whom you correspond. Remember to time stamp (a date is sufficient) every individual entry. You will need to complete detailed notes and a summary analysis of the following: 1. MSIP Teacher Guide (special emphasis on Activities 8-15 and Appendix I) 2. MSIP Resource Manual (special emphasis on Chapters 3. 4, 5) 3. Both Surface Feature ID Chart Packets (summarize in your own words) 4. The entirety of the Question Mars Packet must be completed. 5. Review and briefly summarize Mapping the Surface of a Planet – Both Guides 6. Presentations I, II and III from Session I – Notes and Answer Questions All notes must be pasted into your notebooks in the manner described in class. 78% reduction of a written/typed 8.5 x 11 sheet is recommended. A time stamp, name and signature must accompany each sheet. You will need to have a few pages dedicated to summarizing the individuals in the group and what specific responsibilities each have been assigned. You will need to indicate your assessment for the work of each your colleagues. Finally, you will have a summary discussion and analysis page which reflects your perspective on the work done over the week. The Lab Notebook review will be worth 75 points. 10 points each for #1-6; 15 points for the summary discussion, analysis and reflections. Important Note: Any groups or individuals caught sharing or using work with or from persons outside of their assigned group will receive a grade of zero on this assignment. The policy goes both ways. AOS policy on late assignments will be enforced. I will not accept any excuses on the day the assignment. You must contact me via email at least 24 hours before the assignment is due if you are going to have a problem getting it in on time. See also the attached General Lab Rubric for maintaining a technical journal/lab notebook. Sr Research Project Mr. Writer 04 Dec 2006 Maintaining a Journal/Technical Notebook: ITEM All pages should have a page number - Upper corner, outside Each entry should have a date; general subject heading and be written in first person For each lab a title is present, purpose of investigation, hypothesis with justification, materials and detailed procedure. Write in blue or black ink, clearly and concisely Corrections should have one line through mistake. - Entries should not be changed at a later date (Make a new entry, pointing out any change.) Drawings and graphs are present where appropriate - Graphs and tables constructed correctly All letters, sketches, photos, charts or computer printouts pertinent to the project should be permanently put in the notebook with your initials and date Notes need to be in a logical order Citations are present where appropriate Unused areas have a line through them, labeled as blank, and initialed Present Absent N/A