Name: Susan Tanski Date: 10/13/14 Content Area: Spanish 2 WOODLAND HILLS SECONDARY LESSON PLANS Length of Lesson: 3-4weeks STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS Lesson Topic (Modules, if applicable): Health and the Doctor Big Ideas: How to tell the gender of a (word) How do I conjugate a verb? What are subject pronouns? How do I tell time? What are some essential verbs I need to know? Understanding Goals (Concepts): How to modify nouns. How to conjugate verbs. What subject verb agreement is. Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes): Essential Questions: How do I explain a minor medical illness to a doctor? How do I describe some feelings? How do I have a prescription filled at a pharmacy? How do I describe characteristics and conditions? How do I tell where things are and where they’re from. How do I tell what happens to myself or someone else? Vocabulary: Vocabulary 8.1 Vocabulary begin 8.2 Indirect object pronouns. Students will be able to: Explain a minor illness to a doctor Describe some feelings Have a prescription filled at a pharmacy. Describe characteristics and conditions Tell where things are and where they’re from Tell where someone or something is now Tell what happens to you or someone else. STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Performance Task: To be able to discuss and communicate the previously Formative Assessments: See daily plan, Chapter tests , projects and quizzes stated objectives, through readings, writing and oral production Materials and Resources: Power Point Workbook pages Reading guide STAGE III – LEARNING PLAN Interventions: Paper copies can be highlighted. Chunk vocabulary Minimize question number. Text Think Pair Share. Procedures Instructional Procedures*: Monday 10/20/14 B Do Now: What do the following terms mean: ML: Continue to review indirect object pronouns. GP: Go over homework if excessive issues. IP: Review of ser and estar worksheet S/F Assignments none Tuesday 10/21 A Do now: Write word of the day. Complete Collin’s writing. Review Indirect Object ML: Listening activities chapter 8 GP: Review of responses IP:Respond to audio prompts sheet. S/F:Chapter 8 exam Review sheet 1 Wednesday 10/22 B Do now: Write word of the day. Complete Collin’s writing. Review of terms ML: Review of homework. GP: Review of answers. IP: Review 2. S/F: Chapter 8 exam. Complete translation section B Thursday 10/23 A Do now: Study time ML: NA GP: NA IP: Chapter 8 exam. S/F: completion of guided notes Day of the dead vocabulary *Include Do Now, Mini Lesson, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Summations/Formative Assessments, Reflections Friday 10/24 B Do now: Write word of the day. Complete Collin’s writing. Object pronouns. ML: Dia de los Muertos GP: PowerPoint and video IP: Venn Diagram S/F:Completion of Venn DIagram None