Have you ever wondered why:
Gas Prices Spike
Food Costs Rise
U.S. Politicians worry when other countries talk about going bankrupt
You can’t get a good interest rate on your savings account
The study of the production & consumption of goods and the transfer of wealth to produce and obtain those goods
Economics explains how people interact within markets to get what they want or accomplish certain goals
Focuses on the actions of individuals & industries, like the dynamics between buyers & sellers, borrowers & lenders
Broader view by analyzing the economic activity of an entire country or the international marketplace
A Shortage
There is Scarcity because of society’s unlimited wants exceed the economy’s ability to meet these wants
Different luxury car for each day of the week
10-bedroom mansion
4 oz. of Russian Caviar
20-carat diamond ring
Full Household staff
Private Jet
Economy could not produce enough goods & services to meet all wants
Not enough:
Adult population
Skilled workers to build
Not enough food
List only limited to:
The imbalance between wants & ability to meet those wants
Says there will never be enough to meet everyone’s wants
The set of arrangements that a society uses to allocate scarce goods
Economic system that that the factors of production are privately owned & resource allocation decisions are made by private markets
Economic system that land & capital are owned by the state & the use of these resources is determined by the state
Research a topic for a current event that is taking place anywhere in the world
Topics include:
Economic Systems