Halloween Math Game Objective: The objective of the game is for the player to use their mouse to click correct answer bat for the question that is asked by the wizard. When an answer bat is selected the ghost will fly up and eat the bat. If the answer is correct, the wizard will say correct. If the answer is incorrect, he will say try again. Score will also be kept where one point will be added for a correct answer & one point deducted for a wrong answer. Step 1: Open scratch and find a Halloween themed background from Google, save it, load it as the background of your game. Be sure the picture fills the entire background. Step 2: Choose a new sprite from file. You will need 3 sprites to start. I used the wizard to ask the questions, the ghost to fly to the selected answer, & a bat to represent each possible answer. Step 3: Make the variables that will be needed for the game. You do not want any of the variables visible on the stage. 1. 2. 3. 4. Number1 Number2 Sum UserAnswer Step 4: Edit the costume of the bat (answer sprite). Shrink the bat. Using the text tool add a “1” using size 72 for the font size & a color that stands out against your background beside the bat as shown below. Step 7: Complete the programming for the 1st bat (answer sprite). Step 6: Creating the rest of the answer sprites. Duplicate bat 1. Now, edit the costume of the 2 nd bat. Click on text tool and change the number 1 to a 2. Go to the script and change the orange “set UserAnswer to” 2 instead of 1. Continue to duplicate the bats and changing the numbers in the costume & script until you have 20. Step 7: Complete the programming for the wizard (sprite that asks the questions). Step 8: Complete the programming for the ghost (the sprite that goes to the player’s selected answer). Step 9: The programming that picks the numbers at random, checks the question & the player’s answer to see if they are correct goes in the stage. Extended Practice 1. Add a score to the game. When the player gets an answer right, add a point and when they get it wrong, take a point away. a. Goes in the stage. b. Need to create a new variable c. 3 blocks of code needed 2. Add multiplication problems to the game. a. Need to create a new variable b. Need to change the random number pick from 1 to 10 to 1 to 5 & 1 to 4 respectively. So, the answers will not be bigger than 20.