WOODLAND HILLS SECONDARY LESSON PLAN Name: Mr. Biondo Date: 2/17/2015 Length of Lesson: 3 Weeks Content Area: Civics STAGE I – DESIRED RESULTS LESSON TOPIC (Module, if applicable): Our Living Constitution BIG IDEAS: (Content standards, assessment anchors, eligible content) objectives, and skill focus) 5.1.9.D - Explain the basic principles and ideals within documents of Pennsylvania government 5.2.9.E - Explain the importance of the political process to competent and responsible participation in civic life 5.3.9.G - Explain how the government protects individual rights UNDERSTANDING GOALS (CONCEPTS): Students will understand: How the Constitution is changed Why the constitution has changed Who has benefit from particular changes to the Constitution The importance of having the ability to change the Constitution. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Why is it important that our constitution can be changed? How have certain amendments to the Constitution extended rights to groups of people? How has the Constitution changed with the growth of our nation? VOCABULARY: suffrage, segregation, affirmative action STUDENT OBJECTIVES (COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES): Students will be able to: -Explain the change in laws concerning slavery -Describe how the amendment process gives Americans a voice in government - Describe amendments that guaranteed rights for specific groups of people - Describe the Supreme Court's role in applying principles of the Constitution to a changing society - Describe the struggle for equality in the U.S. - Describe the debate centered around affirmative action - Explain the principles of equal protection STAGE II – ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASK: Short class reading and participation will be assessed. Students will be assessed on a skill assessment activity. Students will be assessed on their completion of guided notes. Students will be assessed on their abilty to define vocabulary in their own words. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: Summarizing Main Ideas, Exit Tickets, Graphic Organizers STAGE III: LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: Do Now Mini Lesson: Guided Practice: Independent Practice: Summations/Formative Assessments: Reflections: Do Now: Daily Collins I MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: -Textbooks, notebooks, handouts, Excerpts from the Constitution, Plessy v. Ferguson handout, Brown v. Board of Education handout INTERVENTIONS: ASSIGNMENTS: small group repitition reminders to stay on task extended time for activities -Guided Notes -Vocabulary Chart - Amendments Chart - Interpreting the Amendments - School Segregatio n Activity Writings Mini Lesson: Amendments Chart Guided Practice: Guided Notes/ Guided Reading Independent Practice: Iterpreting the Amendments Formative Assessment: Exit Tickets