Name__________________ Period___

Vocabulary Words for this Week: List Twenty Five
1. ostentatious (adj.) – done in order to impress others; done to attract attention.
2. prosaic (adj.) – unimaginative; ordinary
3. rancor (n.) – hatred, malice, bitterness
4. spontaneous (adj.) – without planning or preparation
5. subtle (adj.) – very faint or delicate in meaning; requiring mental focus
6. tenacious (adj.) – firmly holding; persistent
7. virtuoso (n.) – a master in a field or skill
8. wary (adj.) – watchful; alert
9. wistful (adj.) – characterized by a painful longing or yearning for something you
do not have.
10. zenith (n.) – the highest point or most climactic moment
Now, on a separate sheet of lined paper, use all of the vocabulary words
to create a picture and caption. Do one for each vocabulary word.