Submission to Community Cabinet Geelong Sustainability Group 7/12/08

Submission to Community Cabinet
Geelong Sustainability Group
Climate Emergency – Urgent Action needed
“The Arctic is often cited as the canary in the coal mine for climate warming.
Now, as a sign of climate warming, the canary has died” – NASA Climate
Scientist Jay Zwally, December 2007
The basis of all of our recommendations stems from the current state of the climate.
The levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (380ppm) are already too high, and
have begun to set off the first of the “tipping points” which would lead to runaway
climate change. Scientists with access to data from Navy submarines traversing
underneath the North polar ice cap have warned that there is now a 75 percent chance
that within five years the entire ice cap will completely disappear during the summer
months. This is the first of the major “tipping points”, and it will further increase the
melting pressure on Greenland, and could unlock the methane in the frozen northern
permafrost. For a detailed report relevant to Australia, see Climate Code Red
Urgent action is needed to reduce carbon emissions as quickly as possible. We
endorse Al Gore’s challenge to Repower America : for America to be running on 100
percent zero-carbon electricity in 10 years. The Federal Government must be bold
with its targets.
10% cuts by 2020 WILL NOT lead to a safe climate
Green New Deal
With the election of Barack Obama in the US the idea of the Green New Deal has
gained further impetus. In particular any new stimulus money from the Federal
Government must solve the twin goals of addressing climate change and the
Below are the main principles of the Green New Deal being called for by the ACF /
ACT (see with local Geelong solutions in italics
1. Establish a major nationwide retrofitting program and increase incentives to make
existing residential, commercial and public buildings more energy and water efficient.
Unlike Melbourne, the Geelong region has been on Stage Four water restrictions
and the residents, businesses and sporting organizations have adapted extremely
well. Geelong region residents have shown a willingness to act quickly and
decisively to implement water saving measures (both behavioural and technical)
Geelong region residents will also act decisively on energy efficiency if given the
right assistance and incentives.
Spending to encourage energy efficiency / retrofiting would provide substantial
employment for a range of trades, industries and services.
2. Invest in infrastructure assets that reduce our carbon footprint and improve natural
and social capital – focusing on public transport, expanded rail networks for freight,
renewable and clean energy and sustainable water infrastructure.
Patronage on the Vline Geelong service has increased to the point of overcrowding. Geelong residents will support public transport when provided with
safe, reliable options
Unfortunately Geelong is one of the few areas in the world where local public
transport usage has gone backwards in the last few years. The Geelong local
public transport system needs urgent upgrading. Services must be far more
regular, must continue at night time and adequately service all areas.
We endorse efforts to upgrade the rail freight network so that Geelong can
continue to be an important freight hub
The Geelong region is blessed with an abundance of renewable energy options :
o Geothermal – Geelong and Melbourne are the best placed major cities in
the world for hot dry rock (HDR) geothermal
o Wind
o Solar
o Tidal
o Wave power
These options provide the potential for clean, renewable power, and enormous job
creation potential
Make green jobs a centrepiece of economic and industry policy, with a strong 2020
pollution reduction target, ambitious environmental policies to create demand for
green products and services, and coordinated plans to grow key green industries.
Green Cars
o We endorse the concept of a Green Car Innovation Fund
o However the Government must be bold and forward thinking with respect
to green car innovation
o Fast-moving developments in battery technology mean that electric
vehicles / plug in hybrids are likely to be the next generation of low
emission vehicles.
o The Federal Government needs to be careful that it does not spend billions
of dollars of tax-payers money supporting ‘slightly greener’ cars which
will soon be obselete as opposed to genuine low emission or emission free
National Gross Feed in Tariff
o Germany is the world leader in solar and wind technology, due in no small
part to its gross feed in tariff
o As you know the Federal Government has been swamped with applications
for the $8000 solar PV rebate even after the means testing that was
applied in the July budget.
o Geelong residents will embrace solar PV technology providing that the
Federal Government leads the way with a strong National Gross Feed in
The problem of “additionality”
o The Carbon Pollution Reduction scheme in its present form could neuter
all of the good will of citizens mentioned above.
o Actions such as buying solar cells would not cut Australia’s emissions as
the cap would set the reduction level.
o This makes no sense environmentally or economically and should be
urgently addressed.
Unlike corporate lobby groups, we are not well resourced. We do not make or receive
large donations. But we are part of the fastest growing movement in history. Climate
change action groups have sprung up in almost every town, region, suburb and
electorate within the last few year. Ordinary citizens are becoming increasingly
alarmed at the state of the world’s climate, and prepared to take personal and political
action. However we need stronger action by Governments. There can be no halfmeasures made on Climate Change – compromise will help no-one. Those who wish
to preserve the long term viability of Avalon, Shell and Alcoa at Point Henry should
note that these three places will be the first to go underwater if runaway climate
change is not urgently addressed.
The principles of the Green New Deal as applied to the Geelong region show that
Climate Change can be addressed with bold targets that benefit the environment and
the economy.