Title I Schoolwide Planning Components/Template

Title I Schoolwide Planning
School: Fairless Elementary School
District: Woodland Hills School District
Principal: Jean Marie Livingston
Email: mcatje@whsd.net
Address: 531 Jones Avenue
City: North Braddock
Phone: 412-271-1317
Federal Programs Coordinator:
Zip: 15104
Fax: 412-271-6657
Coordinator Email:
If revision was requested, Date of Previous Submission:
TITLE I School: YesX
Please indicate your school’s most recent NCLB/AYP status:
Making Progress in School Improvement I
Corrective Action II (1ST year)
School Improvement II
Making Progress in Corrective Action I
School Demographics
Low Income Percentage ***
Ethnic/Racial Breakdown
Asian/Pacific Islander
Native American
School Grade Span:
School Enrollment
IEP Students
ELL Students
Migratory Students
Homeless Students
Highly Qualified Teachers
If not all teachers are highly qualified, funds must be set
aside and used to ensure that all teachers become highly
qualified. See Teacher Quality and Professional
Development Section.
If Not Making AYP Identify Group(s) Not
Meeting Targets (Circle All That Apply)
Reading 45
Math 39
Science 72
IEP ELL ECD Racial/Ethnic*:
IEP ELL ECD Racial/Ethnic*:
*Identify the Racial/Ethnic group(s) not meeting AYP targets using the following:
W= White
B= Black
If Low Income Percentage is
30% and Planning
39%, an
Waiver must be obtained.
H= Hispanic
A= Asian
NA= Native American
------------------------ PDE / DFP USE ONLY ------------------------Date Rec’d:
Date Approved:
An effective Title I schoolwide plan must include the involvement and input of members of the school
community in order for plans to be comprehensive and effective. A planning team must be assembled to
develop and implement a Title I schoolwide program. NCLB requires a year long planning period prior to the
implementation of a Title I schoolwide plan, unless the LEA can demonstrate that less time was needed to
properly develop and implement the plan. Below, provide information regarding the planning and
development of the Title I schoolwide plan.
Note: Section 1114 (b)(2)(B) of the Title I law requires that the Plan be developed with the
involvement of parents and other members of the community to be served, as well as teachers,
principals and administrators.
Planning Team:
Name of Team Member
Jean Marie Livingston
Vanessa Jackson
Lisa Kristian
Heather Fox-Sutek
James Clawson
Rachel Scholze
Lara Rizzi
Rita Clary
SW Planning Period:
Assistant Principal
Instructional Coach
Data Liasion
Regular Education
Special Education
 1 Year Planning Period
 Less Than 1 Year Planning Period**
**If less than one year, provide a brief summary of the planning that took place and why the LEA believes
the planning was adequate for developing an effective Title I schoolwide plan.
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Schoolwide Planning Summary
Use the following table to summarize the steps and activities of the planning process. Include planning
team meetings, staff work sessions, visitations to schools, parent meetings, staff meetings where planning
took place and other activities conducted during the needs assessment, inquiry process and plan
Participants at Meetings
√ all columns that apply
Planning. All staff
Agenda Topics/Planning Steps
Develop survey about current level of parent
Plan winter parent event
Fall 2014
Send flier with RSVP indicator to all parents.
Promote event with fliers, robocall, website
Winter 2014
Hold event, compare number of RSVP’s to number of
attendees. Give feedback survey to attendees
Winter 2015
Use survey feedback and success from Winter
event to plan Spring event
Fall 2014
Fall 2014
Technical Assistance
The LEA provides guidance, technical assistance and support to schools developing schoolwide programs in
the areas of needs assessment, comprehensive planning,, implementation, and evaluation of a schoolwide
program and requirements
Describe the technical assistance provided. Explain why it was considered high quality technical assistance.
2. Supply the dates of meetings, the type or topic of assistance, and who provided the assistance.
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Type of Assistance
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Student Assessment of Progress
1. Describe strategies or processes that have included teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic
assessments to improve the achievement of individual students and the overall instructional program.
In order to assist students in meeting challenging achievement goals, increased instructional time is a
necessity. Please indicate (yes/no) the options for increased instructional time that students will have access
to if identified as at-risk of failing or failing to meet achievement standards:
Extended School Day/Tutoring Programs
Before School
After School
Lunch/Study Periods
Summer School Program
In-class Instructional Support
Pull Out Instructional Support
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Student Assistance
The schoolwide program must identify students who need additional learning time to meet standards and
provide them with timely, additional assistance that is tailored to their needs. This assistance must be available
to all students in the school who need it.
Describe how the school will identify students experiencing difficulty mastering skills and
standards so that they can be provided with timely assistance and support. When a child is struggling they can be
referred to the ESAP process. The ESAP screening process is used as a way to provide interventions and targeted assistance. The ESAP
team includes the classroom teacher, RTI specialist, instructional coach, school psychologist, school nurse and administrator. The ESAP
teams meet monthly to propose interventions, test interventions and reconvene to monitor progress. The ESAP team meets once a
month. For students who are struggling behaviorially the same process is used but is referred to as the RTII process. Tutoring is
available on Saturdays for all students in grades 3-6.
Describe how timely assistance and services will be provided for your struggling learners. The ESAP
screening process is used as a way to provide interventions and targeted assistance. The ESAP team includes the classroom teacher, RTI
specialist, instructional coach, school psychologist, school nurse and administrator. The ESAP teams meet monthly to propose
interventions, test interventions and reconvene to monitor progress. The ESAP team meets once a month. For students who are
struggling behaviorially the same process is used but is referred to as the RTII process. DIBELS are administered three times a year and
progress monitoring is conducted monthly. Students who are not meeting the tearget receive daily support from the reading specialist.
3. Describe services for the following special populations:
how services will be provided for your special education students; When a student is identified as a student
requiring an IEP the team (parent, regular education teacher, special education teacher, school psychologist and building
administrator) meet to develop goals based on student need. The IEP is implemented and the specially designed instruction,
adaptations and accomodations are followed by all staff. Fairless provides supports for students in emotional support, life skills
and learning support settings.
• how services will be provided for your English Language Learners; At this time there are no ELL students
at Fairless
• how services will be provided for your migrant students; and At this time there are no migrant students
at Fairless Elementary
how services will be provided for your homeless students When a student is classified as homeless the Home
School Visitor assists in arranging transportation. This can come in the form of a bus/van being assigned to pick up the student at
their homebase or the parent is provided with bus passes to use with the child to get them to school.
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Plan Implementation
Once the goals of year 1 of the schoolwide plan have been determined and the solutions selected, the planning
team must determine how to effectively implement the plan in order to ensure success for students, teachers
and parents. Implementation plans must include administrators, teachers, and parents.
What steps will building-level administrators take to ensure that implementation is occurring
effectively? Planning meetings will include parents and community members.
2. What types of milestones and timelines have been established for year 1 to help building-level
administrators gauge progress toward year 1 goals? The goal is to have a tleast 60% parent
attendance at the winter and spring parent events
3. What measures/data will be reviewed throughout year 1 to inform building-level administrators
of progress toward goals? Attendance at the parent event will be documented and compared to the
RSVP response
Formative Assessments
Benchmark Assessments
Teachers use formative assessment daily in the classroom DIBELS
Summative Assessments
Other Assessments
4. How will administrators ensure that data gathered from the above sources throughout the year
is shared with classroom teachers, reviewed, analyzed and changes to instruction made? The
teachers receive data from test results with the help of the district data liaison. He assists with
test administration, scoring, gathering test data and preparing results for the teachers after each
test administration.
How were teachers informed of the development of the schoolwide plan? The plan will be shared at a
faculty meeting and displayed on the website
2. How will teachers be involved in the implementation of the plan? There will be teachers on the planning
committee. They will consult with colleagues not on the planning team and gain their input.
3. How will feedback from teachers be obtained throughout the year? The teachers will complete a survey
and their feedback will be requested.
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How were parents informed of the development of the schoolwide plan? All parents received a letter of
the status of the school and were invited to volunteer to be a member of the planning committee.
2. How will parents be involved in the implementation of the plan? Parents will be invited to attend planning
meetings and be involved with the event
3. How will feedback from parents be obtained throughout the year? Surveys will be given to the parents.
They will be made aware of events through fliers, robocalls and the website.
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Professional Development
Professional development must be of high quality, on-going, and sustained for all staff, principals and
paraprofessionals. Teachers must receive Professional Development on an annual basis on the multiple types of
assessments. Professional Development must include ways to disaggregate data in order for teachers to
understand how to change instruction to meet the needs identified by the data. Teachers must have input on
the types of assessments being used at the schoolwide school.
1. List the professional development activities the school will engage in to implement the Schoolwide Plan. If
the team has created a professional development calendar include the calendar in the back of your plan.
Describe how each professional development activity listed above relates to the priority areas needing
improvement and how these activities will assist in improving student achievement. Job embedded PD serves
as the guiding principle by creating an environment conducive to powerful uses of methodologies. The
Standards Aligned System is a primary curriculum resource. Student centered learning opportunities are
key in evaluating the effectiveness of the PD. Informed formative and summative assessmenthelps each
activity improve the achievement. The staff engages in the analysis of student work with the data.
Describe the on-going and embedded support and follow-up to professional development to ensure staff
implementation and effective use of the learned instructional skills and strategies. Staff Development is viewed
as a continuous process that will promote life long learning and excellence for all certificated and noncertificated staff members to enhance student achievement. There are five major areas of focus for the
next two years:
Instruction and Assessment
The Standards Aligned System
Positive Behavior Supports
Data Analysis
It is understood that technology professional development under girds the above topics and is included
whenever possible.
Highly Qualified Staff
All teachers of core academic subjects and instructional paraprofessionals must be Highly Qualified. In
addition, a Schoolwide Plan must describe how it will recruit and retain Highly Qualified staff.
1. Describe strategies the school is using or going to use to recruit high-quality Highly Qualified Teachers to
high-needs schools. Staffing is maintained through Central Administration but all openings aare advertised and
all qualified individuals are encouraged to apply. All staff hired is highly qualified.
2. Describe strategies the school is using or going to use to retain high-quality Highly Qualified Teachers to
high-needs schools. The district utilizes the mentoring program. All new hires are paired with a mentor. The
mentor and mentee meet monthly throughout the first year of teaching. New hires are formally observed three
times a year and subject to walk throughs.
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Parent Involvement Activities
Describe the parent involvement activities to be conducted during Year 1 of the Title I Schoolwide Program.
(Include information on the number of meetings held, topics to be covered, parents to be invited and method
of evaluating effectiveness of activities.) The Comprehensive Improvement Plan guides and focuses effort in
improving student achievement. Each building has a team that drives the school improvement process. Parents are
active participants on this team. Shared decision-making technique engages parents. Parent surveys and evaluations
are honed throughout the year in order to get feedback and input on issues. Careful consideration is given to family
schedules and outside commitments. We vary the times of different activities to see what works best and to allow
for participation by parents with a variety of different schedules.
Describe the methods to be used to keep individual parents informed of their child’s academic achievement
and the expectations of both students and parents. (Include frequency of activity or communication,
information to be shared, follow-up to be conducted and methods for making necessary changes to activities
or communications.) The required annual Title I meeting is the first activity that buildings plan. Communication
with parents occurs by scheduling two parent-teacher conferences per year. The school has created a parent center
by purchasing parenting books, magazines, and other informative materials regarding responsible parenting. Parents
are given the opportunity to borrow these materials for review. The school process for resolving parental concerns,
including how to define the problem, who to approach first, and how to develop solutions is published. The district
requires a minimum number of hours of professional development opportunities for teachers, staff and
administrators designed with the input of parents, and created to enhance understanding of parent involvement.
Informational meetings often occur. Title I parent meetings develop instructional methodologies. Events that involve
both social and academic services, such as family oriented picnics and principal teas, are held at least quarterly. The
district supplemental parent and student reading project entitled the Millionaires Club is a huge success. Parent
conferences and activities are announced and promoted with e-mails, newsletters, etc.
Parent communications must be done in a way that is easily understood by parents. Does the school provide
parent notifications in more than one language? If no, please explain.
The district does provide translations for registration information and vital services although our ESL population is
less than one per cent of the district Ns we currently have no ESL students.
The school uses all of the normal vehicles established for information dissemination. Announcements, invitations, and
brochures are published on the district and school web pages. The e-communications messenger system sends Robocalls, text messages and E-mail blasts to the community. Feedback is elicited through surveys, a concerns hotline, and
evaluations of events
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Transition Strategies for Students
Schoolwide Plans include assisting students in successful transitions from early childhood through any other
grade or school level.
Describe how the Schoolwide Program will coordinate transitions for preschool children into primary, where
appropriate. The district is a full partner with the AIU’s HI-5 kindergarten transition program. There
are monthly meetings at the district level with Pre-K partners and local providers to smooth the
transition. For the school, three transition events are held: In August, there is the district wide
Community Day at the schools; in February, there is the “Tech for Tots” program that introduces
parents to our technology; in May, there is a "Book Buddy” event. Children and their parents are
always welcome to tour the building and visit the K classrooms. Kindergarten teachers host parent,
teachers and students in cordial informational settings.
Describe other transitions that may be applicable to your school, such as elementary to middle school, middle
school to high school, high school to post-secondary. The local Pre- K teachers visit our teachers and share
best practices. Our coach models for the Pre-K partners. The Coaches from the various buildings
meet and discuss transitions in academic programs to ensure articulation between buildings and
transition grade levels. There are “”step up” activities from our sixth grade to the seventh grade
programs including visitations, couselor meetings, scheduling days and orientations. There is a
constant flow of data between buidlings for growth and ccomparison purposes, especially in reading,
math and science. Since many of our students are transitory between buildings, there are teams that
welcome and transition them into the classrooms for academic and behavioral growth.
Describe on-going coordination with other community programs and agencies that support transitions for
students. The district has organized a Community Partnership with nearly two dozen agenices and
organizations that provide services in many fields – health care, government issuances, after-school
programs, community services, library services, etc. The district serves as the meeting place for the
agencies whereby communications, newsletters, information, etc is shared.
Coordination and Integration of Services and Programs
The purpose of a Title I Schoolwide Program is to improve the educational program of the entire school and
to improve the educational opportunities for ALL students. In carrying out the SWP, schools are encouraged
to consolidate/integrate funds from state, local and federal programs. This consolidation of funds provides
flexibility in the use of the funds and maximizes the opportunities for students, teachers and parents. Funds
eligible for consolidation are:
Any federal education program administered by the United States Department of Education, except
Reading First;
o Competitive/discretionary grants may be part of the consolidation, but activities described
within the competitive/discretionary grant application MUST be carried out.
All state and local resources available to the school (If state and local funds are consolidated within
the SWP, the school must ensure that any state and/or local requirements regarding the use of funds
are met.)
Is your school consolidating funds? If yes, please complete chart below.
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Yes X
Please indicate below the funds to be integrated within this SWP:
Federal Grant Program
Amount of Grant
State/Local Grant
Amount of Grant
Disrict Title I
District General Budget
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On-going Plan to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Schoolwide Plan
Title I-A schools must annually evaluate the implementation of, and results achieved by, the Schoolwide Plan.
Describe the process and timeline to be used by the school and district to annually evaluate the effectiveness
of the plan. Meetings are held quarterly to develop the plan for the following year and to monitor
implementations for the current year. Our schoolwide plan is based on the needs of our children and our
school. The schoolwide plan is evaluated on raising the academic achievement of ALL the students at our
school by expecting a year’s worth of growth for each student. We provide extended services to students
who need them.
Classroom instruction has changed since we first began our schoolwide reform plan with a heavy emphasis
on the Pennsylvania Common Core Standards implementation schedule. Student assessment is used as a
means to improve classroom instruction. We are accountable when our students do not meet the academic
goals we have set for them.
We maintain a "NO EXCUSES!" theme for student failure, regardless of the problems facing the student,
including home-related or other circumstances. In spite of challenges, setbacks, and failures, school
leadership continues to try and reach schoolwide goals. We employ only a highly qualified staff. The school
leaders are knowledgeable and supportive of schoolwide efforts by allowing teachers to make important
decisions about the school.
We are aligned and realigning instruction to the State standards and assessments. Professional development
is the cornerstone of our schoolwide plan, with opportunities for teachers to work, plan, and learn together
around instructional issues.
Describe who will be involved in the evaluation/review and how they were selected. Parents are treated as
partners with the school in achieving schoolwide goals. Classroom teachers communicate regularly with the
parents, including communicating about the schoolwide goals and their child's progress toward these goals.
Describe what process will be in place to ensure that revisions are completed and that staff and district have
been informed of any changes. Staff members know our schoolwide goals and the plans we have designed to
try and reach those goals and are reminded of them in each meeting, PLC and PD that they are involves
wwith during the year. All teachers employ research-proven strategies in their classroom teaching.
4. Describe how the district will be informed of the school’s progress and changes in the plan.
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• Missing or incomplete information will delay the approval of your Schoolwide
• This Template is provided as a Microsoft Word document. Please take as
much space as you need to answer all questions adequately and fully.
• Please contact your Regional Coordinator in the Division of Federal Programs at
the Department of Education with any questions you may have as you complete
this plan.
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