Liberty Elementary PTA General Meeting held on Thursday, November 12th, 2015

Liberty Elementary PTA General Meeting
held on Thursday, November 12th, 2015
Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm by: Anne Corej
Attendees: Anne Corej, Paul Pack, William M. Perry, Veronica Viswanathan, Natalia Beardslee, Peggy
Pranschke, Lisa & Jeffrey Geurin, Theodora Egyin, and M. Turcotte.
PTA President, Anne Corej: Two things have been brought to my attention. The first is that we need to
move funds around to purchase the tables. We just need to approve this. The other is that there was a
parent that passed away and we are wondering if the school can help. Nanette A., parent liaison has
already been notified and she will reach out to the family to see how we can help. We will respect the
family’s privacy and wishes.
Principal’s Comments: We appreciate all the scheduled activities. So far we haven’t gotten a great
number of people registered for the next Parent Coffee. Eagle Eye Dad should help bring in the
community. Liberty will be part of a study based in California as a model for a STEM school. As you
know, Liberty is pretty self sufficient and can run its own professional development as well as other
programs. The study will run for three years and they are very interested in what we practice. On
November 19th we will have our Leadership Meeting, and I hope to get some feedback from the
teachers about what resources need to be addressed besides the tables. The food recovery seems to be
going well.
Treasurer’s Report, William Perry: We have 28K in the account right now. Fall Fest brought in 1,376 so
we still made a profit even though the fee was lowered. So far 45K has been received from Laps for
Liberty and there are still checks coming in. I’ve started the taxes and the VA dues will be sent
tomorrow. The budget is posted online.
Volunteer Coordinator: Kerry LewisCommunication Secretary, Jen Robinette: All the Thank You messages have been sent.
Directory, Peggy: All the information has been logged. Next year we can have an online registration.
How do I distribute to only PTA members? I called LCPS to see if we could do an exclusive password.
This didn’t work so how do we control distribution? I will send it as a PDF file.
Eagle Eye Dads, William Perry: I have a VA PTA Doc that I can send you for guidance on this. I will
purchase 25 dozen donuts, four packs of O.J. so I’ll be within the budget. So far I only have 5%
MSAAC. Natalia Beardslee: At our last meeting we met our Superintendent. We talked about the
teachers, administration, working with the community, and transportation. It was really great meeting
Dr. Tyler, Director of Research on Student Achievement. The student achievement data still shows
some gaps especially for minorities. Mr. Pack explained this is due in part to the number of students
involved. For example LCPS Middle School children are taking advanced H.S. classes/tests. In this
case minorities are a small section of the whole number of test takers. For more information please
look at the website or attend the next meeting on November 18th at the Admin. Building, Wendy King
will be covering the Gifted and Talented Program. George Wolf from the Academy of Science will also
be present. I encourage parents to attend.
VP of Events, Veronica Viswanathan: Flyers went out for Bingo Night. I also sent an email with a link
so the teachers can send out to the parents as well. Since Bingo Night is set for Dec. 4th we need to
have the items donated by Nov. 30th, to assemble the baskets. It will also be posted on Facebook.
LEAP meeting was yesterday and most of the parents present were from Ashburn. We went over the
information for College Funding. They mentioned it should start as early as K and to have a sort of
road map. VA 529 was also covered and the idea is to allow the child to choose the colleges that they
are interested in, and research the options/locations/cost. If they are active participants in this, they will
see the pros and cons. They also mentioned that NOVA is a good alternative. The dining nights are
going well. At McDonald’s we raised $600. and at Panera $300. was raised. Information will be sent
for the breakfast items on Monday, drop offs begin as early as 7 am. Donuts for Dad is on Friday the
20th of November.
PBIS: See flyer
We voted on the approval for the purchase of the tables. Motion approved.
Anne Corej- Meeting adjourned at 7:42 pm.