OLWEUS Implementation-Bullying Prevention Program November 2012-COMPASSION

OLWEUS Implementation-Bullying Prevention Program
November 2012-COMPASSION
Olweus Bullying Program is being implemented school wide. Each class should be utilizing
class meetings as a part of this implementation. We are going to have a theme for each
month to focus on during one of your meetings. November’s theme will be RESPECT!!!
During this month please choose one activity listed below to incorporate into your bullying
lessons. If you would like to use another idea please see Mrs. Love. Please submit your
products to Mrs. Heffley or Mrs. Love so that a display can be created. Also, please fill out
and return your reflections at the end of each month to Mrs. Heffley or Mrs. Love. Thanks!
COMPASSION…is not the same as sympathy, empathy, or altruism although each plays a part.
The compassionate person feels the suffering of another and makes positive steps to alleviate
that suffering.
Design a mobile using paper, string, and a clothes hanger. The mobile must show at
least four different ways you can show respect to yourself, other people, and property.
List at least five synonyms for the word Compassion, and then make a wordle using
these words.
Think of someone you know that is in need. What can you do to show compassion
to that person?
Make cards/crafts for our troops or patients in hospitals.
Create a class project raising money (change drive) or food to donate to charity.
Research a current public or historical figure that has shown compassion.
Write a story about using characters that display compassion.
Cut out a newspaper or magazine article about a person who showed respect. What
did they do to demonstrate respect?
Write a word for each letter in the word respect that means almost the same thing.
Make a collage for compassion on a piece of poster board. Draw pictures or paste
magazine pictures that show different ways you can show respect to others.
1. What activity did you choose? _____________________________
2. What did you like about this activity?
3. What would you change for the next time?
4. Comments/Questions ____________________________________