Document 17571312


Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Skilled Movement Grade Level 10

Demonstrate Proficiency In Basic Skilled Movement

Standard: 10.1 The student will demonstrate proficiency in all basic movement skills and patterns and competency in at least

three self-selected, lifelong, skill-related physical activities.

a. Apply competencies in all movement skills to appropriate game/sport, dance, and recreational activities.

Essential Knowledge and Skills Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment

Understanding the Standard/Essential


The student will be able to:

Apply competencies in all movement skills to appropriate game/sport, dance, and recreational lifetime activities.

Demonstrate and apply appropriate rules and strategies of selected lifetime sports or activities.

Analyze skill performance of self and others.

Establish goals of active participation in physical activity for a lifetime.

The student will correctly and consistently perform basic and advanced motor skills in selected physical activities (individual game/sport, dance, rhythmic, recreational activity).

The student will explain and apply appropriate strategies in the selected sport or activity.

The student will explain and apply appropriate rules and safety protocols in the selected sport or activity.

The student will conduct observations and skill analysis of others to improve skill performance and provide feedback to improve game and skill performance.

The student will analyze game play to identify rule violations and specific strategies for improved individual and/or team performance.

Assessments: performance rubrics for skill elements (rubrics may be used for self, peer, and summative assessments), cognitive/knowledge assessment to assess ability to explain strategies and rules

The intent of this standard is for students to demonstrate proficient performance of basic movement skills, concepts, and combinations that can competently be applied and be performed in three self-selected lifetime physical activities. Based on their experiences, students will develop plans to improve skill performance and set goals for the continued participation beyond high school in two or more self- selected activities.

Motor skills may include motor cues and feedback to correct performance problems; essential locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills; motor skills and movement patterns in increasingly complex situations; and common critical elements across a variety of activities.

Strategies may include offensive and defensive strategies, game specific situational strategies, and strategies for more effectively working with team members/partners

Design and Implement a Plan for Skill-Related Physical Activities

Standard 10.1 The student will demonstrate proficiency in all basic movement skills and patterns and competency in at least

three self-selected, lifelong, skill-related physical activities.

b. Design, implement, evaluate, and modify a plan for three or more lifelong, skill-related physical activities. Key

concepts include analysis of performance, application of principles of movement and principles of training,

setting of goals, improvement of personal skills, and planning for future physical activity beyond school years.

Essential Knowledge and Skills Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment

Understanding the Standard/Essential


The student will be able to:

Design, implement, evaluate, and modify a plan for three or more lifelong, skill-related physical activities.

The student will analyze skill performance by utilizing rubrics, teacher feedback, and other criterion-referenced methods to improve skills.

The student will engage in physical activities that contribute to acquiring competency in movement forms.

The student will develop personal activity goals and implement strategies for improvement.

The student will develop a plan for future physical activity beyond school years.

The student will utilize available technology to analyze skill performance.

The intent of this standard is for students to demonstrate proficient performance of basic movement skills, concepts, and combinations that can competently be applied and be performed in three selfselected lifetime physical activities. Based on their experiences, students will develop plans to improve skill performance and set goals for the continued participation beyond high school in two or more self- selected activities.

Plan elements may include pre- and post- skill assessment, skill analysis, identifying areas for improvement, goal setting, developing, and implementing strategies for improvement, skill practice and development, and personal reflection.

Assessments:, pre- and post-rubric for skill performance; cognitive assessment for skill analysis, rubric to evaluate physical activity plan, self/peer assessment of skill

Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Movement Principles and Concepts Grade Level 10

Apply Movement Principles & Concepts To Skill Performance

Standard 10.2 The student will apply movement principles and concepts to skill performance. a. Explain and apply selected scientific principles (e.g., physiological, biomechanical) that aid in the improvement of skills and performance in specialized movement forms. b. Integrate movement principles and concepts to analyze and improve the performance of self and others in specialized movement forms.

Essential Knowledge and Skills Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment

Understanding the Standard/Essential


The student will be able to:

Explain and apply physiological principles that aid in the improvement of movement skills.

Explain and apply biomechanical principles that aid in the improvement of movement skills.

Identify and apply characteristics of highly skilled performance to enable the development of movement competence/proficiency.

The student will design and evaluate warm-up and cool-down sequences.

The student will examine how the principles of specificity, overload, and progression (SOP) apply to selected lifetime physical activities.

The student will explain how the skeletal, muscular, cardiorespiratory, and neurological systems respond to exercise.

The student will define and develop the skillrelated components of physical fitness to improve performance.

The student will analyze movement performance of self and others to learn or improve movement skills.

Assessments:, pre- and post-rubric for skillrelated skill performance; cognitive assessment for knowledge and concepts, rubric to evaluate improvement plan, self/peer assessment of skill

The intent of this standard is to provide students with specialized knowledge to evaluate personal skill-related performance by applying scientific principles related to exercise and training.

Students will use this knowledge to improve their own movement effectiveness and performance of others by applying principles of exercise physiology and biomechanics.

Physiological terms and principles may include cardiac output, VO2 Max, aerobic versus anaerobic, energy Systems, recovery heart rate, caloric cost of activity, muscle contraction, static versus dynamic flexibility, muscular strength versus muscular endurance

Biomechanical principles may include laws of motion, leverage, balance, magnitude, weight transfer, speed, timing, accuracy, force

Skill-related components of physical fitness include agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, and speed

Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Personal Fitness Grade Level 10

Personal Fitness Planning

Standard: 10.3 The student will demonstrate the ability to independently apply basic principles of training and scientific concepts

and principles to increase physical activity and improve personal fitness.

a. Select and apply appropriate principles of training (mode, intensity, duration, frequency, progression) in a

chosen game/sport, dance, recreational pursuit, or

and/or improve performance.

fitness activity to increase regular physical activity

Essential Knowledge and Skills

The student will be able to:

Assess and analyze personal fitness and activity levels.

Create a personal fitness plan.

Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for


The student will create and implement a fitness plan to include SMART short-term and long-term goal setting, ongoing fitness assessment, evaluation, and analysis (reflection and future planning).

The student will utilize FITT and SOP principles in developing, implementing, and modifying a personal fitness or activity plan.

The student will evaluate the impact of various lifetime activities on the development of the health-related components of physical fitness.

The student will examine the impact of factors such as sleep, stress, nutrition, and family influences on personal fitness.

Assessments: cognitive assessments for knowledge and skills (goal setting), rubric to evaluate personal fitness plan

Understanding the Standard/Essential


The intent of the standard is to have students independently analyze personal fitness data and apply principles and scientific concepts of training toward increasing personal activity and fitness levels.

It is inappropriate to grade students on the results of fitness testing. Fitness scores are only to be used to identify personal strengths and weaknesses, not as a means of comparison to others. It is inappropriate to communicate individual student names and scores for the purposes of comparing students.

Virginia Wellness testing is required. Other tests are optional and are not to supplant the VA

Wellness testing.

Health-related components of fitness include cardiorespiratory function, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition.

Plan elements may include pre- and post- skill assessment, skill analysis, identifying areas for improvement, goal setting, developing and implementing strategies for improvement, skill practice and development, and personal reflection

Personal Fitness Planning

Standard: 10.3 The student will demonstrate the ability to independently apply basic principles of training and scientific

concepts and principles to increase physical activity and improve personal fitness. a. Select and apply appropriate principles of training (mode, intensity, duration, frequency, progression) in a chosen game/sport, dance, recreational pursuit, or fitness activity to increase regular physical activity and/or improve performance . (Continued)

Essential Knowledge and Skills Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment

Understanding the Standard/Essential


The student will be able to:

Apply principles of training to meet personal fitness needs.

Identify strategies for decreasing the risk of injury.

Explain and apply various types of exercise programs.

Explain the relationship between exercise, calories, and body composition.

The student will compare and contrast various methods of determining exercise intensity including perceived exertion and target heart rate.

The student will explain and apply various types of exercise programs that may include circuit training, interval training, cross training, resistance training, aerobic training, plyometrics, periodization

The student will explain the relationship between physical activity, calorie consumption/balance, and maintaining a healthy body composition.

The student will identify strategies for preventing and decreasing the risk of injury.

The intent of the standard is to have students independently analyze personal fitness data and apply principles and scientific concepts of training toward increasing personal activity and fitness levels.

Injury prevention strategies may include avoiding over-training and overuse, proper warm-up and cool-down, proper exercise progression, proper dress and equipment, proper skill technique, avoiding heat related illness and dehydration, avoiding unnecessary risks

Assessments: cognitive assessment for knowledge, rubric for personal activity and fitness plan elements that include application of knowledge, strategies, and concepts

Personal Fitness Planning

Standard: 10.3 The student will demonstrate the ability to independently apply basic principles of training and scientific

concepts and principles to increase physical activity and improve personal fitness.

b. Use a variety of resources, including available technology, to analyze, assess, and improve physical activity

and personal fitness.

Essential Knowledge and Skills Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment

Understanding the Standard/Essential


The student will be able to:

Use a variety of resources, including available technology, to analyze, assess, and improve personal fitness.

The student will assess and analyze personal fitness level

The student will utilize technology to improve personal fitness.

The student will evaluate articles and media to better understand physical activity and fitness concepts.

Assessments: cognitive assessment for knowledge, rubric for personal fitness and personal activity plan

The intent of the standard is to have students independently analyze personal fitness data and apply principles and scientific concepts of training toward increasing personal activity and fitness levels.

Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Responsible Behaviors Grade Level 10

Demonstrate Essential Life Skills In Physical Activity Settings

Standard: 10.4 The student will demonstrate appropriate behavior in all physical activity settings.

a. Initiate and maintain appropriate personal behaviors in physical activity settings.

b. Exhibit leadership and the ability to follow others when working with a group.

c. Anticipate and avoid potentially dangerous situations in physical activity settings.

Essential Knowledge and Skills

The student will be able to:

Identify appropriate behaviors for physical activity settings.

Contribute as a productive team member.

Develop leadership skills


Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment

The student will identify appropriate behaviors as a participant and spectator in physical activity settings.

The student will describe and demonstrate appropriate etiquette for a selected activity.

The student will exhibit leadership and the ability to follow others when working with a group.

The student will describe and demonstrate leadership and problem solving skills through participation in cooperative learning opportunities and other opportunities to develop communication, problem solving, and conflict resolution skills.

The student will identify, anticipate, and avoid potentially dangerous situations in physical activity settings.

The student will identify and demonstrate responsible safety practices, rules, and procedures in physical activity settings.

Assessments: performance rubric for application of skills; cognitive assessment for skills and knowledge

Understanding the Standard/Essential


The intent of the standard is for students to act respectfully in physical activity settings and work efficiently in group settings as a leader and as a group participant.

This standard is to be explicitly instructed and assessed as skills; not limited to being used as behavioral expectations.

Conflict resolution skill set may include d iscuss problem without blame, active listening, identify and clarify issues and needs, brainstorm solutions, choose and apply solution, evaluate solution

Problem solving skill set may include:

Define the problem.

Examine all potential causes for the problem.

Identify all alternatives to resolve the problem.

Carefully select an alternative.

Develop an orderly implementation plan to implement that best alternative.

Carefully monitor implementation of the plan.

Verify if the problem has been resolved or not.

Demonstrate Essential Life Skills In Physical Activity Settings

Standard: 10.4 The student will demonstrate appropriate behavior in all physical activity settings.

d. Explain the role of sport in understanding the perspectives of other cultures.

e. Demonstrate respect for differences among people in physical activity settings.

Essential Knowledge and Skills

The student will be able to:

Explain the role of sport in understanding the perspectives of other cultures.

Demonstrate respect for others by being inclusive of classmates in class activities.

Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment

Understanding the Standard/Essential


The student will Investigate cultural influences on various sports and activities.

The student will explain the historical role of games, sport, or dance on the cultural life of a population.

The student will examine the impact of age, gender, socioeconomic status, and culture on physical activity preferences and participation.

The student will describe the importance of valuing all participants for their contributions, capabilities, and uniqueness.

The student will develop strategies for including persons of diverse backgrounds and abilities in physical activity.

Assessments: performance rubric for application of skills; cognitive assessment for skills and knowledge

The intent of the standard is for students to act respectfully in physical activity settings and work efficiently in group settings as a leader and as a group participant.

This standard is to be explicitly instructed and assessed as skills; not limited to being used as behavioral expectations.

Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Physically Active Lifestyle Grade Level 10


Standard: 10.5 The student will analyze and evaluate the significance of physical activity to their present and future development and

maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.

a. Participate regularly in health-enhancing physical activities that contribute to personal enjoyment and the

attainment and maintenance of personal physical activity goals.

b. Demonstrate an understanding of how personal characteristics, participation behavior patterns, and activity

preferences are likely to change over time, and determine strategies to deal with those changes.

c. Describe common barriers to participation in regular physical activity and methods of overcoming these barriers.

Essential Knowledge and Skills

The student will be able to:

 Establish personal physical activity goals.

 Participate regularly in healthenhancing physical activities.

Identify and participate in new physical activities.

Evaluate changing physical activity needs over a lifetime.

Investigate community resources.

Identify barriers to physical activity and methods for overcoming barriers.

Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for


The student will develop personal physical activity goals as part of a personal fitness plan and demonstrate participation in health-enhancing physical activities to accomplish goals.

The student will identify and evaluate community resources that provide opportunities for healthenhancing activities.

The student will explain how personal characteristics, participation behavior patterns, and activity preferences are likely to change over time, and determine strategies to deal with those changes.

The student will evaluate changing physical activity needs over a lifetime.

The student will identify common barriers to physical activity, and identify and apply methods for overcoming barriers to regular physical activity.

Assessments: informal assessment of activity log

(check local division homework policy); student plan for physical activity participation outside of school; community assessment for places/programs to engage in physical activity for present and future

Understanding the Standard/Essential


The intent of the standard is to have students analyze the benefits of healthenhancing physical activities done in and outside of school, and evaluate progress made toward personal physical activity goals.

Barriers to physical activity may include time, motivation or energy, skill confidence, fear of injury, resources, social influences
