Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Skilled Movement Grade Level 8 Demonstrate Competence in Game, Rhythmic, Recreational Activities Standard: 8.1 The student will demonstrate competence in one or more modified versions of various game/sport, rhythmic, and recreational activities. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Demonstrate, without cue, critical movement elements in one individual, one team, and one rhythmic or recreational activity. Analyze and demonstrate how to adjust speed, force, and flow of the body or an implement according to the changing requirements of an individual or team sport/activity. Apply elements of spatial awareness to performance of movement skills in unpredictable game/activity situations. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will demonstrate competence in at least one individual and one team activity, one rhythmic activity, and one recreational activity that demonstrates attainment of the essential knowledge and skills. Assessments: performance rubrics for skill elements (rubrics may be used for self, peer, and summative assessments), cognitive/knowledge assessment to assess ability to analyze and for understanding of concepts Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of this standard is to demonstrate competent, skillful performance of movement skills used in a variety of game/sport activities, rhythmic activities, and recreational activities. Competence includes application of elements of spatial awareness, speed, force or flow in ever changing conditions that occur in physical activity settings. Grade 8 students should participate in small sided games (8 or less). Rhythmic activities may include gymnastics, tumbling, and dance. Demonstrate skill combinations in complex activity settings. Physical Education Grade 8 Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Skilled Movement Grade Level 8 Use Skills Competently in Specialized Versions of Activities Standard: 8.2 The student will perform skills in several game/sport, dance, and recreational activities. a. Use skill combinations competently in specialized versions of individual, dual, and team activities. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Conduct a skill analysis. Detect, analyze, and correct errors in movement skill performance for self and others. Demonstrate ability to apply feedback from teacher and/or peers to correct performance. Design a plan for independent practice in and outside of school to improve skills in one individual or team activity. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The student will demonstrate competence in using skill combinations for at least one individual and one team activity, one rhythmic activity, and one recreational activity that demonstrates attainment of the essential knowledge and skills. The intent of this standard is to demonstrate competent, skillful performance of movement skills used in a variety of game/sport activities, rhythmic activities, and recreational activities. Competence includes application of elements of spatial awareness, speed, force or flow in ever changing conditions that occur in physical activity settings. Assessments:, pre- and post-rubric for skill performance; cognitive assessment for skill analysis, rubric to evaluate improvement plan, self/peer assessment of skill Grade 8 students should participate in small sided games (8 or less). Physical Education Grade 8 Demonstrate Skill In One Recreational Activity Standard: 8.2 The student will perform skills in several game/sport, dance, and recreational activities. b. Demonstrate skill in recreational pursuits (e.g., in-line skating, orienteering, hiking, cycling, ropes courses, backpacking, canoeing, fishing, archery). Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will demonstrate competence in at Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of this standard is to demonstrate Physical Education Grade 8 Demonstrate skill in one recreational activity. least one recreational activity that demonstrates attainment of the essential knowledge and skills of that activity. Assessments: skill rubric; cognitive assessment for knowledge, skills, strategies, safety, rules of selected activity competent, skillful performance of movement skills used in a variety of game/sport activities, rhythmic activities, and recreational activities. Competence includes application of elements of spatial awareness, speed, force or flow in ever changing conditions that occur in physical activity settings. Recreational activities may include In-line skating, orienteering, hiking, cycling, ropes courses, backpacking, canoeing, fishing, archery, bowling Physical Education Grade 8 Demonstrate Skill In Dance/Rhythmic Activity Standard: 8.2 The student will perform skills in several game/sport, dance, and recreational activities. c. Demonstrate moving to a rhythm (e.g., devise and perform dance sequences, using set patterns and changes in speed, direction, and flow). Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Create and perform a dance/rhythmic sequence. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will create a dance/rhythmic activity that uses set patterns and changes in speed, direction, and flow. Assessments: dance performance rubric; cognitive rubric for dance plan Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of this standard is to demonstrate competent, skillful performance of movement skills used in a variety of game/sport activities, rhythmic activities, and recreational activities. Competence includes application of elements of spatial awareness, speed, force or flow in ever changing conditions that occur in physical activity settings. Dance/rhythmic sequences are usually performed in counts of 8. Music for student performances should be preapproved for appropriate lyrics. Dance/rhythmic sequences may be done in small groups, partners, or by individuals. It is recommended that students be exposed to a variety of experiences from which to create dance sequences (ex. Salsa, line dances, ballroom dances, using implements to create beats, rhythms, and movements) Physical Education Grade 8 Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Movement Principles and Concepts Grade Level 8 Adapt Skill Movements by Using Body, Space, Effort, and Relationships Standard: 8.3 The student will apply movement principles and concepts to specific sport, dance, and recreational skill performance. a. Adapt skill movements by modifying use of body, space, effort, and relationships to meet complex skill demands. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Identify and apply characteristics of highly-skilled performance to improve skill movement. Adapt skill movements by modifying use of: o Body and space o Effort o Relationships Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will perform a variety of skills that demonstrate the ability to explicitly modify body and space, effort, and relationships to improve performance. Assessments: performance application rubrics; cognitive assessment for concepts Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of this standard is to independently enhance skill development through the application of learned skills and principles of movement. The student should have a greater awareness of his/her motor development, and how to improve performance. The student should begin to focus on understanding one physical activity to improve performance. Physical Education Grade 8 Biomechanical Principles Standard: 8.3 The student will apply movement principles and concepts to specific sport, dance, and recreational skill performance. b. Apply biomechanical principles (e.g., spin, rebound, effects of levers) to understand and perform skillful movements. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Define biomechanical principle. Describe and apply biomechanical principles to movement. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will complete a cognitive assessment to define biomechanical principle, describe biomechanical principles, and how to apply biomechanical principles to movement. The student will compare and contrast skill elements of different sports/activities in relation to biomechanical principles. Assessments: skill performance rubric; cognitive assessment for knowledge and concepts Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of this standard is to independently enhance skill development through the application of learned skills and principles of movement. The student should have a greater awareness of his/her motor development, and how to improve performance. The student should begin to focus on understanding one physical activity to improve performance. Biomechanical Principle may be defined as: Rules related to the study of forces that can help a person move the body efficiently and avoid injury. Biomechanical principles may include levers, work, energy, force, motion, weight transfer, specificity, overload, progression (SOP), spin, and rebound. Physical Education Grade 8 Offensive and Defensive Strategies Standard: 8.3 The student will apply movement principles and concepts to specific sport, dance, and recreational skill performance. c. Understand and use basic offensive and defensive tactics and strategies while playing specialized games/sports. Essential Knowledge and Skills Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of this standard is to independently enhance skill development through the application of learned skills and principles of movement. The student should have a greater awareness of his/her motor development, and how to improve performance. The student should begin to focus on understanding one physical activity to improve performance. The student will be able to: Describe and demonstrate ability to select offensive strategies. The student will describe and demonstrate ability to select offensive strategies in relation to personal skill level, skill levels of team members, and actions of opponents. Describe and demonstrate ability to select defensive strategies The student will describe and demonstrate ability to select defensive strategies in relation to personal skill level, skill levels of team members, actions of opponents Evaluate selection of offensive and defensive strategies for a given situation. The student will evaluate (analyze and justify) use of specific offensive and defensive strategies for a given situation(s). Defensive strategies may include zone, player-toplayer, combination Assessments: performance rubrics for application of strategies; cognitive assessments for strategies and evaluation of use of strategies Physical Education Grade 8 Movement Principles and Concepts Standard: 8.3 The student will apply movement principles and concepts to specific sport, dance, and recreational skill performance. d. Analyze skill patterns of self and partner. e. Analyze the skill demands in one physical activity, and apply principles of motor learning (e.g., feedback and knowledge of results, whole/part/whole, transfer of learning) to improve performance. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Analyze critical skill elements, movement patterns, and strategies of self and others in at least one activity. Apply principles of motor learning to improve performance in at least one activity. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will perform self and peer assessments for at least one activity. The student will apply feedback., knowledge of results, whole/part/whole, and/or transfer of learning to improve performance in at least one activity. Assessments: pre- and post-performance rubrics; cognitive assessments such as self and peer assessments with recommendations for improvement; create and implement a plan of improvement that includes one or more motor learning principles Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of this standard is to independently enhance skill development through the application of learned skills and principles of movement. The student should have a greater awareness of his/her motor development, and how to improve performance. The student should begin to focus on understanding one physical activity to improve performance. Motor learning principles may include feedback., knowledge of results, whole/part/whole, transfer of learning Physical Education Grade 8 Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Personal Fitness Grade Level 8 Personal Fitness Planning Standard: 8.4 The student will apply self-assessment skills to improve or maintain personal fitness. a. Self-assess level of physical activity and personal fitness on all components of health-related fitness, and develop a plan, including goals, strategies, and timeline, for maintenance or improvement. c. Use a variety of resources, including available technology, to assess, monitor, and improve personal fitness. Essential Knowledge and Skills Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will be able to: The student will describe the components of and measures for health-related fitness and their Complete a self-assessment of health- importance to personal health and fitness. related fitness. The student will document and interpret baseline data and subsequent testing data for each component of health-related fitness in relation to Develop a plan for a personal fitness established Virginia Wellness fitness standards. program including goals, timeline, strategies, and activities. The student will develop a personal fitness plan for Identify and use a variety of resources in the implementation of a personal fitness plan. at least two components of health-related fitness to improve and/or maintain to include: SMART Goals for both long- and short-term goals Action plan Documentation of activities outlined in action plan Documentation of reassessments Reflection after reassessments Modify/alter/change plans as needed The student will apply principles of specificity, overload and progression (SOP) to personal fitness plan. Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of the standard is to use selfassessing skills to design a program for improvement or maintenance of health-related fitness using a variety of resources. Emphasis is on self assessment and acknowledging other factors that could influence personal fitness. It is inappropriate to grade students on the results of fitness testing. Fitness scores are only to be used to identify personal strengths and weaknesses; not as a means of comparison to others. It is inappropriate to communicate individual student names and scores for the purposes of comparing students. Virginia Wellness testing is required. Other tests are optional and are not to supplant the VA Wellness testing. Health-related components of fitness include cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition The student will demonstrate use of charts and technology to assist with the design of activity plans such as heart rate monitors and/or pedometers. Virginia Wellness Tests should include: PACER, cadence curl ups, cadence push-ups, trunk extensor, backsaver sit and reach, shoulder stretch Assessments: cognitive assessments for Additional measure: Body Mass Index (BMI) Physical Education Grade 8 knowledge and skills (goal setting), rubric to evaluate personal fitness plan using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention algorithm for children. Investigate Influences on Personal Fitness Standard: 8.4 The student will apply self-assessment skills to improve or maintain personal fitness. b. Investigate and self-assess the relationship among body composition, nutrition, family history, and levels of physical activity, and develop a plan for maintenance or improvement. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Identify and analyze factors that can affect personal fitness. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will describe how body composition, nutritional choices, genetic background, gamily history, level of activity, and different levels and rates of response to individual training programs, affect personal fitness. The student will identify possible obstacles in their personal fitness plan and how they will be addressed (to include factors that can affect personal fitness). Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of the standard is to use selfassessing skills to design a program for improvement or maintenance of health-related fitness using a variety of resources. Emphasis is on self assessment and acknowledging other factors that could influence personal fitness. Assessments: cognitive assessment for knowledge, rubric for personal fitness plan elements may include application of knowledge Physical Education Grade 8 Resting and Target Heart Rate Standard: 8.4 The student will apply self-assessment skills to improve or maintain personal fitness. d. Demonstrate the ability to calculate resting and target heart rate. e. Monitor heart rate before, during, and after vigorous physical activity. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Calculate resting and target heart rate Monitor and analyze heart rate before, during, and after vigorous physical activity. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will describe and demonstrate use of charts and technology (heart rate monitor, pedometer) to assist with improving cardiorespiratory endurance. The student will describe impact of resting heart rate on personal health. Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of the standard is to use selfassessing skills to design a program for improvement or maintenance of health-related fitness using a variety of resources. Emphasis is on self assessment and acknowledging other factors that could influence personal fitness. The student will use heart rate (monitors) or pedometers to measure exercise intensity and time in target heart rate zone. Heart rate: Normal Heart Rates at Rest Children (ages 6 - 15) 70 – 100 beats per minute; Adults (age 18 and over) 60 – 100 beats per minute Count your pulse: _____ beats in 10 seconds x 6 = _____ beats/minute The student will document heart rate before, during and after vigorous physical activity. 220 - your age = predicted maximum heart rate The student will document use of target heart rate in personal fitness plan. Predicted maximum heart rate x 60% = low range of target heart rate The student will calculate resting and target heart rate. Assessments: cognitive assessment for heart rate calculations and activity application Predicted maximum heart rate x 80% = high range of target heart rate People new to exercise or that have received exercise restrictions from a doctor, start with a lower heart rate range (about 55% to 65%). Intermediate exerciser, try to stay within the range of 60% to 80%. Very fit individuals can Physical Education Grade 8 work up to 85%. Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Responsible Behaviors Grade Level 8 Demonstrate Responsible Behaviors in Physical Activity Settings Standard: 8.5 The student will work independently and with others in cooperative and competitive physical activity settings. a) Exhibit fair play and act responsibly in physical activity settings. b) Identify positive and negative effects of peer influence. c) Exhibit respect for the unique characteristics, diverse backgrounds, and varying abilities of peers. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Explain the guidelines and rules of various activities and the importance of accepting constructive feedback from teachers and peers. Describe and demonstrate appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication skills designed to improve individual or group performance. Explain the importance of respecting different points of view and identify that there is more than one way to solve or cope with challenges inherent to physical activity. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will define, describe, and demonstrate sportsmanship as a component of a sport/activity to include fair play and character. The student will describe and demonstrate appropriate etiquette particular to one or more activities. The student will analyze the importance of rules and safety procedures. Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of the standard is to direct students toward self-discipline, peer motivation and evaluation during physical activity. This can be achieved by showing respect for the opinions and abilities of peers. This standard is to be explicitly instructed and assessed as skills; not limited to being used as behavioral expectations. The student will identify positive and negative effects of peer influence. The student will describe and demonstrate verbal and nonverbal communication skills during sport or activity designed to improve individual or group performance. The student will describe contribution of varying abilities of peers in a sport or activity. The student will describe the importance of valuing all participants for their contributions, capabilities, and uniqueness. Assessments: performance rubric for application of skills; cognitive assessment for skills and knowledge Physical Education Grade 8 Demonstrate a Physically Active Lifestyle Standard: 8.6 The student will demonstrate a physically active lifestyle, including activity within and outside of the physical education Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Physically Active Lifestyle Grade Level 8 Physical Education Grade 8 setting. a. Participate regularly in health-enhancing and personally rewarding physical activities during unscheduled times. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Define unscheduled times. Participate in physical activity inside and outside of school on a regular basis. Demonstrate knowledge of physical activity benefits. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will identify activities that are health enhancing and personally rewarding. The student will document physical activity participation outside of school (times outside of school and activity practice or game schedules). Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of the standard is to participate in and understand the value of regular physical activity in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle through analysis and evaluation. The student will identify community sponsored programs that are available as a resource for individuals to find new types of physical activities. The student will identify area public parks and opportunities the parks provide for physical activity. The student will identify opportunities to engage in non-traditional athletic activities. Assessments: informal assessment of activity log (check local division policy on homework); student plan for physical activity participation outside of school; community assessment for places and programs to engage in physical activity Physical Education Grade 8 Demonstrate a Physically Active Lifestyle Standard: 8.6 The student will demonstrate a physically active lifestyle, including activity within and outside of the physical education setting. b. Analyze and evaluate personal behaviors that support or do not support a healthy lifestyle. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Analyze and evaluate personal behaviors that support or do not support a healthy lifestyle. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will identify effects of exercise on the body: physiological and psychological responses that occur during exercise. The student will evaluate action plan documentation for personal behaviors that presented obstacles to achieving goals and how to adapt the action plan to overcome them. Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of the standard is to participate in and understand the value of regular physical activity in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle through analysis and evaluation. Energy balance may be defined as the balance of caloric intake (consumption of foods) with caloric expenditure (physical activity) The student will define energy balance. The student will describe effects of exercise on the body and long-term benefits of regular participation in physical activity. The student will describe the importance of rules in defining safe behavior during physical activities in order to prevent injuries. The student will evaluate and create safety measures for one sport or activity. Assessments: create and evaluate safety measures for classroom use in small sided games; knowledge assessment of concepts Physical Education Grade 8 Physical Education Grade 8