Document 17571309

Physical Education Curriculum Framework
Strand: Skilled Movement
Grade Level 7
Standard: 7.1 The student will demonstrate competence in modified versions of various game/sport, rhythmic, and recreational activities.
a. Use skill combinations competently in modified versions of team (e.g., soccer, team handball, volleyball) and individual/dual
(e.g., tennis, racquetball, golf) activities.
b. Display appropriate use of speed, force, and form in a variety of movement activities (e.g., run, sprint, kick, jump, throw).
Essential Knowledge and Skills
The student will be able to:
Explain biomechanical principles.
Understand generation of force.
Identify and apply basic scientific
principles to improve personal
skill performance.
Conduct self and peer
Practice for the purpose of
improving skills.
Adapt skills to new games.
Apply biomechanical principals to
motor learning.
Demonstrate offensive and
defensive tactics.
Detect and correct errors in
performance for self and others.
Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for
The student will demonstrate skill combinations to
include movement patterns, movement skills,
manipulatives, and implements.
The student will demonstrate competency by
consistent and correct performance of basic
movement skills.
The student will identify and demonstrate skills
and strategies that can be transferred from one
sport/activity to another.
The student will describe and demonstrate
appropriate use of speed, force and form, to
include ready position, reaction, and body position
in motion, in a variety of movement activities
Assessments: performance rubrics for skill
elements (rubrics may be used for self, peer, and
summative assessments), cognitive/knowledge
assessment to assess ability to analyze and for
understanding of concepts
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The intent of this standard is to develop and refine
basic movement skills and apply them in a variety of
modified games, rhythmic activities, and
recreational activities. Students learn how to use
mechanical principles to improve movement skill
performance in a variety of physical activity
experiences. Students recognize the importance of
rules and procedures that define safe behavior for
participation in physical activities and help prevent
injuries. Students will participate in social and
international dance.
Where “individual and team sport” are used, it is to
be interpreted to include game, sport, rhythmic,
gymnastics, dance, and recreational activities. This
standard does not require competence in all
activities. It does require competence based on
standard essential knowledge and skills.
Grade 7 students should participate in small-sided
games (7 or less).
Physical Education Grade 7
Demonstrate Abilities and Safety Precautions in Recreational Pursuits
Standard: 7.1 The student will demonstrate competence in modified versions of various game/sport, rhythmic, and recreational activities.
c. Demonstrate basic abilities and safety precautions in recreational pursuits (e.g., in-line skating, orienteering, hiking, cycling,
ropes courses, backpacking, canoeing, rock climbing).
Essential Knowledge and Skills
The student will be able to:
Perform basic skills associated with
recreational activities.
Demonstrate safety procedures.
Self-assess skill/ability level to
participate safely.
Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for
The student will demonstrate basic abilities and
safety precautions in recreational pursuits.
The student will identify safety precautions for
selected recreational activities.
The student will self assess ability to participate
safely in recreational pursuits.
The student will describe health benefits of
recreational activities on lifelong fitness.
Assessments: skill rubric; cognitive assessment for
knowledge, skills, strategies, and safety of selected
Physical Education Curriculum Framework
Strand: Skilled Movement
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The intent of this standard is to develop and
refine basic movement skills and apply them in a
variety of modified games, rhythmic activities,
and recreational activities. Students learn how to
use mechanical principles to improve movement
skill performance in a variety of physical activity
experiences. Students recognize the importance
of rules and procedures that define safe behavior
for participation in physical activities and help
prevent injuries. Students will participate in
social and international dance.
Recreational activities may include In-line
skating, orienteering, hiking, cycling, ropes
courses, backpacking, canoeing, fishing, archery,
Grade Level 7
Physical Education Grade 7
Demonstrate Folk, Country, Square, Contemporary, and/or Line Dances
Standard: 7.1 The student will demonstrate competence in modified versions of various game/sport, rhythmic, and recreational activities.
d. Demonstrate moving to a rhythm in selected folk, country, square, contemporary, and line dances.
Physical Education Grade 7
Essential Knowledge and Skills
The student will be able to:
Perform dance and rhythmic
sequences using basic social and
international dance steps and patterns
in selected folk, country, square,
contemporary, and/or line dances.
Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for
The student will create and perform a
dance/rhythmic sequence using basic social and
international dance steps and patterns.
The student will evaluate the aesthetic aspects of a
performance of a dance/rhythmic sequence.
Assessments: dance performance rubric; cognitive
rubric for dance plan, rubric for student assignment
regarding performance aesthetics
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The intent of this standard is to develop and
refine basic movement skills and apply them in a
variety of modified games, rhythmic activities,
and recreational activities. Students learn how to
use mechanical principles to improve movement
skill performance in a variety of physical activity
experiences. Students recognize the importance
of rules and procedures that define safe behavior
for participation in physical activities and help
prevent injuries. Students will participate in
social and international dance.
Dance/rhythmic sequences are usually
performed in counts of 8.
Music for student performances should be preapproved for appropriate lyrics.
Dance/rhythmic sequences may be done in small
groups, partners, or by individuals.
It is recommended that students be exposed to a
variety of experiences from which to create
dance sequences (ex. Salsa, line dances,
ballroom dance, using implements to create
beats, rhythms, and movements)
Physical Education Grade 7
Physical Education Curriculum Framework
Strand: Movement Principles and Concepts
Grade Level 7
Understand And Apply Movement Principles And Concepts
Standard: 7.2 The student will understand and apply movement principles and concepts.
a. Demonstrate proper use of movement concepts in dynamic game situations (e.g., relationship between opponents, appropriate
offensive position with the goal or ball).
b. Apply biomechanical principles (e.g., center of gravity, base of support, trajectory) to understand and perform skillful
d. Analyze skill patterns of self and partner, detecting and correcting mechanical errors.
e. Identify similarities in movements across different physical activities (e.g., overhand throw, tennis serve, overhand volleyball
serve, and overhead clear in badminton).
Essential Knowledge and Skills
The student will be able to:
Explain biomechanical principles.
Understand generation of force.
Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for
The student will demonstrate movement concepts and
principles that have been practiced and learned in
isolation in unpredictable, game-like conditions such as
spatial relationships, positioning, force, power, energy,
velocity, and acceleration
The student will adapt skills to new games.
Identify and apply basic scientific
principles to improve personal skill
The student will apply biomechanical principles to
understand and perform skillful movements.
Conduct self and peer assessment.
The student will conduct self- and peer-assessments to
analyze skill patterns to include evidence and
Practice for the purpose of improving
Adapt skills to new games.
Apply biomechanical principals to
motor learning.
Detect and correct errors in
The student will demonstrate ability to incorporate
feedback to improve performance.
The student will identify and describe how mechanical
principles can be transferred from one sport activity to
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The intent of this standard is to independently
enhance skill development through the
application of learned skills and principles of
movement. The student should have a greater
awareness of his/her motor development, and
how to improve performance. The student
should begin to focus on understanding one
physical activity to improve performance.
Student feedback should provide comments that
are specific to the performance of a targeted
skill(s) and not on the success or failure of the
Biomechanical principles may include levers,
work, energy, force, motion, weight transfer,
center of gravity, base of support, and trajectory.
Assessments: performance application rubrics; cognitive
assessment for concepts
Physical Education Grade 7
performance for self and others.
Use Basic Offensive and Defensive Tactics and Strategies
Standard: 7.2 The student will understand and apply movement principles and concepts.
c. Use basic offensive and defensive tactics and strategies while playing a modified version of a game/sport.
Essential Knowledge and Skills
The student will be able to:
Demonstrate basic offensive and
defensive tactics while playing a
modified version of a game/sport.
Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for
The student will describe and demonstrate basic
offensive tactics and strategies to include ball
control, movement with or without the ball, and
movement of the ball to gain a scoring advantage.
The student will describe and demonstrate basic
defensive tactics and strategies specific to zone
defense and player-to-player defense.
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The intent of this standard is to independently
enhance skill development through the
application of learned skills and principles of
movement. The student should have a greater
awareness of his/her motor development, and
how to improve performance. The student should
begin to focus on understanding one physical
activity to improve performance.
Assessments: performance rubrics for application
of strategies; cognitive assessments for strategies
and evaluation of use of strategies
Physical Education Grade 7
Physical Education Curriculum Framework
Strand: Personal Fitness
Grade Level 7
Apply Concepts & Principles Of Personal Fitness Planning
Standard: 7.3 The student will apply concepts and principles of training to improve physical fitness.
b. Develop a comprehensive personal fitness plan, including goals, strategies, and timeline, for improving at least three selfselected components of health-related fitness.
c. Use a variety of resources, including available technology, to monitor fitness improvement.
Essential Knowledge and Skills
The student will be able to:
Develop a personal fitness plan for at
least two areas of health-related
Identify essential components of a
personal fitness plan.
Investigate and use available
resources for monitoring fitness
Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for
The student will describe components of health-related
fitness and demonstrate how to measure each
component of health-related fitness to include Virginia
Wellness tests and Body Mass Index (BMI).
The student will complete a self-assessment of healthrelated fitness and interpret fitness data comparing
individual scores to established Virginia Wellness fitness
standards and BMI calculations to the CDC protocols
and recommendations.
The student will develop a personal fitness plan to
address at least three components of health-related
fitness to improve/maintain, including intermediate
(quarterly) and long-term SMART goals, action plan,
reassessments, and modify/alter/change plans as
The student will evaluate personal fitness plan progress
at least three times a school year utilizing all fitness plan
The student will analyze and evaluate personal fitness
plan in relation to the FITT principle.
The student will Use a variety of resources to monitor
fitness improvement that may include heart rate
monitors and/or pedometers.
Assessments: cognitive assessments for knowledge and
skills (goal setting), rubric to evaluate personal fitness
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The intent of the standard is for students to utilize safe
methods and training to improve their personal healthrelated fitness.
It is inappropriate to grade students on the results of
fitness testing. Fitness scores are only to be used to
identify personal strengths and weaknesses; not as a
means of comparison to others. It is inappropriate to
communicate individual student names and scores for
the purposes of comparing students.
Virginia Wellness testing is required. Other tests are
optional and are not to supplant the VA Wellness
Health-related components of fitness include
cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and
endurance, flexibility, and body composition
Virginia Wellness Tests should include: PACER,
cadence curl ups, cadence push-ups, trunk extensor,
backsaver sit and reach, shoulder stretch
Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation should use the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention algorithm
for children
SMART is an acronym for specific, measurable,
attainable/appropriate, result-based, time-bound
Physical Education Grade 7
Analyze Relationships Among Factors Influencing Physical Fitness
Standard: 7.3 The student will apply concepts and principles of training to improve physical fitness.
d. Analyze the relationships among physical activity, calorie intake, and body composition.
Essential Knowledge and Skills
The student will be able to:
Describe relationships among physical
activity, calorie intake, and body
Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The student will describe the relationships between
physical activity, caloric intake, and body
The intent of the standard is for students to utilize
safe methods and training to improve their
personal health-related fitness.
Assessments: cognitive assessment for
knowledge, rubric for personal fitness plan
elements may include application of knowledge
Physical Education Grade 7
Identify Safe Practices for Improving Physical Fitness
Standard: 7.3 The student will apply concepts and principles of training to improve physical fitness.
a. Identify safe practices for improving physical fitness.
e. Demonstrate correct form when performing physical fitness activities.
Essential Knowledge and Skills
The student will be able to:
Describe safety precautions for
developing physical fitness.
Demonstrate and identify the
importance of correct form when
performing physical fitness activities.
Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for
The student will describe safety precautions for
exercising in cold and hot weather conditions.
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The intent of the standard is for students to utilize safe
methods and training to improve their personal healthrelated fitness.
The student will describe use of appropriate safety
equipment in various types of activities.
The student will describe safety procedures while
exercising outdoors.
The student will demonstrate correct form when
performing physical fitness activities.
The student will demonstrate and describe the
importance of correct form when testing to obtain
an accurate assessment of personal fitness.
Assessments: rubrics for performance of fitness
measures, cognitive assessment for knowledge
and concepts
Physical Education Grade 7
Physical Education Curriculum Framework
Strand: Responsible Behaviors
Grade Level 7
Demonstrate Essential Life Skills In Physical Activity Settings
Standard: 7.4 The student will work independently and with others in cooperative and competitive physical activity settings.
a. Apply safety procedures, rules, and appropriate etiquette in physical activity settings.
b. Solve problems, accept appropriate challenges, and resolve conflicts in a responsible manner.
c. Demonstrate supportive behaviors that promote the inclusion and safety of others when participating in physical activity.
Essential Knowledge and Skills
The student will be able to:
Incorporate knowledge of problemsolving, conflict resolution,
responsibility, and safety during
physical activity.
Complete challenges in a safe
Demonstrate safety procedures while
engaging in physical activity.
Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for
The student will identify and demonstrate activity
specific rules, traditions, and etiquette.
The student will describe and demonstrate appropriate
positive verbal and nonverbal communication during
The student will describe and demonstrate how to be
gracious when winning or losing (ex. by accepting
official rulings).
The student will solve problems, accept appropriate
challenges, and resolve conflicts in a responsible
The student will describe and demonstrate problem
solving skills through cooperative and/or team building
The student will demonstrate safety needed for
cooperative and team building games/activities.
The student will participate in leadership opportunities to
develop and practice problem solving and conflict
resolution skills.
The student will demonstrate supportive behaviors that
promote the inclusion and safety of others when
participating in physical activities.
Assessments: performance rubric for application of
skills; cognitive assessment for skills and knowledge
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The intent of the standard is to provide situations
through physical activity for students to be able to
independently apply and demonstrate knowledge
of rules, problem solving, sport etiquette, and
This standard is to be explicitly instructed and
assessed as skills; not limited to being used as
behavioral expectations.
Problem solving skill set:
Clarify problem
Analyze causes
Identify alternatives
Assess alternatives
Choose and implement an alternative
Evaluate choice
Conflict Resolution skill set:
Talk about problem without assigning blame
Use active listening
Identify and clarify issues and needs
Brainstorm solutions
Choose and apply solution
Evaluate solution
Physical Education Grade 7
Demonstrate a Physically Active Lifestyle
Standard: 7.5
The student will select and participate in physical activity to produce health-related benefits.
a. Select and set goals, and participate at school and outside of school in activities that help improve flexibility, muscle strength
and endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and body composition.
b. Analyze the relationship between physical activity and stress management, and investigate ways to use physical activity to
lessen the impact of stress.
Physical Education Curriculum Framework
Strand: Physically Active Lifestyle
Grade Level 7
Physical Education Grade 7
Essential Knowledge and Skills
The student will be able to:
Identify activities that improve healthrelated fitness.
Formulate a plan of physical activity
for improving or maintaining healthrelated fitness including goals.
Define stress and stress
Examine the effect physical activity
plays on managing stress.
Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for
The student will identify activities that improve:
Cardiorespiratory endurance
Muscle strength and endurance
Body composition
The student will set goals and formulate a plan to
improve flexibility, muscle strength and endurance,
cardiorespiratory endurance, and body
composition, to include participating in activities at
school and outside of school.
The student will define stress as a physical,
chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or
mental tension and may be a factor in disease
The student will explain how physical activity can
have a positive effect on managing stress
Assessments: informal assessment of activity log
(check local division policy on homework); student
plan for physical activity participation outside of
school; cognitive assessment of knowledge
Understanding the Standard/Essential
The intent of the standard is to participate in and
understand the value of regular physical activity
in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle
through analysis and evaluation.
Stress is what you feel when you have to handle
more than you are used to. When you are
stressed, your body responds as though you are
in danger. It makes hormones that speed up
your heart, make you breathe faster, and give
you a burst of energy. This is called the fight-orflight stress response.
Some stress is normal and even useful. Stress
can help if you need to work hard or react
quickly. For example, it can help you win a race
or finish an important job on time.
But if stress happens too often or lasts too long, it
can have bad effects. It can be linked to
headaches, an upset stomach, back pain, and
trouble sleeping. It can weaken your immune
system, making it harder to fight off disease.
Physical Education Grade 7