Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Skilled Movement Grade Level 6 DEMONSTRATE COMPETENCE IN SKILLED MOVEMENT ACTIVITIES Standard: 6.1 The student will demonstrate competence in locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skill combinations and sequences in dynamic game, rhythmic, and fitness activities. a. Combine locomotor and manipulative skills into specialized sequences, and apply sequences to partner and small-group game-play. c. Demonstrate skill in a variety of individual and team activities representative of different countries. Essential Knowledge and Skills Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will be able to: The student will identify and demonstrate the critical elements of basic locomotor, nonmanipulative, and manipulative skills in isolation and in dynamic small game situations modified game play. Perform critical elements of all basic locomotor, nonmanipulative, and manipulative skills. Use manipulative skills in dynamic The student will demonstrate skill in a variety of individual and team activities representative of situations. different countries. Use locomotor, non-manipulative, The student will describe the and manipulative skills to participate in games and rhythmic contribution/influence of other cultures and/or populations on a sport, rhythmic or other physical activities that are representative activity. of a variety of cultures and populations. Assessments: performance rubrics for skill elements (rubrics may be used for self, peer, and summative assessments), cognitive/knowledge assessment to assess knowledge and concepts Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of this standard is to use combinations of locomotor, non-manipulative, and manipulative skills in a variety of cooperative and competitive modified small-group games (throwing, catching, and shooting for a goal while on the move). Students will perform rhythmic sequences that combine various locomotor and non-manipulative movements with the use of manipulative objects (scarves, balls, jump ropes, hoops). Locomotor movement is when you actually move from one place to another and non-locomotor movement is moving on the spot without going anywhere. Locomotor skills may include walk, jog, run, gallop, skip, slide, jump, hop, leap Nonlocomotor skills may include twisting, bending, swaying, stretching, turning, swinging Non-manipulative skills involve the ability of the body to balance and transfer weight from one body part to another and may include movements of rotation, transferring weight, and stationary balancing Physical Education Grade 6 Demonstrate Movement Sequences in Rhythmic Activity Standard: 6.1 The student will demonstrate competence in locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skill combinations and sequences in dynamic game, rhythmic, and fitness activities. b. Demonstrate incorporating movement sequences into a rhythmic activity. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Combine locomotor, nonmanipulative, and manipulative movements into teacher and student created rhythmic sequences. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will perform combinations of locomotor, non-manipulative, and/or manipulative movements in teacher created rhythmic sequences. The student will create and perform combinations of locomotor, non-manipulative, and/or manipulative movements in rhythmic sequences. The student will describe and demonstrate movement patterns that include use of basic elements of movement such as shape, motion, time, space, flow. Assessments: dance performance rubric; rubric to evaluate student created dance plan Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of this standard is to use combinations of locomotor, non-manipulative, and manipulative skills in a variety of cooperative and competitive modified small-group games (throwing, catching, and shooting for a goal while on the move). Students will perform rhythmic sequences that combine various locomotor and non-manipulative movements with the use of manipulative objects (scarves, balls, jump ropes, hoops). Dance/rhythmic sequences are usually performed in counts of 8. Music for student performances should be preapproved for appropriate lyrics. Dance/rhythmic sequences may be done in small groups, partners, or by individuals. It is recommended that students be exposed to a variety of experiences from which to create dance sequences (ex. Folk dance, line dances, swing dance, using implements to create beats, rhythms, and movements) Physical Education Grade 6 Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Movement Principles and Concepts Grade Level 6 APPLY MOVEMENT PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS TO PERFORMANCE Standard: 6.2 The student will apply movement principles and concepts to movement-skill performance. a. Refine and adapt individual and group activity skills by applying concepts of relationships, effort, spatial awareness, speed, and pathways. b. Use feedback, including available technology, to improve skill performance. c. Initiate skill practice to improve movement performance, and apply principles of learning (e.g., whole/part/whole, many short practices vs. one long practice, practice in game-like situations). Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Refine and adapt individual and group activity skills by applying concepts of relationships, effort, spatial awareness, speed, and pathways. Indicators for Success / Opportunities for Assessment The student will describe and demonstrate how to apply relationships, effort, spatial awareness, speed, pathways to improve skill performance. The student will describe and demonstrate skillrelated fitness concepts. The student will use feedback from teacher, peers, Describe and demonstrate skill-related or technology aids to improve skill performance. fitness concepts. Use tools, techniques, and technology resources to improve skill performance. Apply principles of learning to refine skills in modified versions of physical activities. Use skill practice, games, and activities to improve movement performance. The student will create and implement a skill practice plan that includes principles of learning to improve movement performance. Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of this standard is to improve performance through the application of movement principles and concepts. Students use feedback (including technology) to refine, assess and improve movement skill. Concepts of basic offense and defense need to be explained with the activities. Skill-related fitness concepts may include agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction, speed Technology may include video analysis of skills. Principles of learning may include feedback, whole/part/whole, practices of short and longer duration, and “scrimmage” situations. Assessments: performance application rubrics, cognitive assessment for concepts, rubric to evaluate practice plan Physical Education Grade 6 Apply Basic Offensive and Defensive Tactics Standard: 6.2 The student will apply movement principles and concepts to movement-skill performance. d. Understand and apply basic offensive and defensive tactics in noncomplex, modified activities (e.g., partner or small-group cooperative or competitive activities). Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Demonstrate basic offensive and defensive tactics while playing a modified version of a game/sport. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will describe and demonstrate basic offensive tactics and strategies to include ball control, movement with or without the ball, and movement of the ball to gain a scoring advantage. The student will describe and demonstrate basic defensive tactics and strategies specific to zone defense and player-to-player defense. Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of this standard is to improve performance through the application of movement principles and concepts. Students use feedback (including technology) to refine, assess, and improve movement skill. Concepts of basic offense and defense need to be explained with the activities. The student will describe and demonstrate use of basic offensive positioning while playing modified versions of team and individual activities. Assessments: performance rubrics for application of strategies; cognitive assessments for knowledge and use of strategies Physical Education Grade 6 Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Personal Fitness Grade Level 6 Use Personal Fitness Data and Tools To Improve Physical Fitness Standard: 6.3 The student will use personal fitness tools and data to improve physical fitness. a. Use measurement and assessment tools and data (e.g., criterion-referenced health-related fitness standards, Internet, software data-management systems, heart-rate monitors, pedometers, skinfold calipers) to develop goals for improvement in at least two fitness components. b. Describe and apply basic principles of training (e.g., FITT [Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type], overload, progression) and their relationship to implementing safe and progressive personal fitness programs. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Examine available resources for measuring fitness. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will use measurement and assessment tools and data to develop goals for at least two fitness components. The student will describe components of health-related fitness and list associated measurements. Define short-term and long-term goals and discuss their relationship to improving personal fitness. The student will complete a self-assessment of healthrelated fitness, including Virginia Wellness Tests and Body Mass Index Develop a plan for improving at least two areas of health-related fitness. The student will interpret fitness data comparing individual scores to established Virginia Wellness fitness standards. Incorporate principles of training in the personal fitness program. The student will develop a personal fitness plan using baseline data to address two components of healthrelated fitness to improve or maintain personal fitness levels. The student will describe and demonstrate the purpose and importance of warm-up and cool-down activities. The student will apply the F.I.T.T. principle to a personal fitness plan. Assessments: cognitive assessments for knowledge and skills (goal setting), rubric to evaluate personal fitness plan Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of the standard is to interpret health-related fitness data and use that information to develop a plan to improve in at least two areas of fitness. Included in this plan for improvement should be strategies incorporating various principles in training. Virginia Wellness testing is required. Other tests are optional and are not to supplant the VA Wellness testing. Health-related components of fitness include cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition Virginia Wellness Tests should include: PACER, cadence curl ups, cadence push-ups, trunk extensor, backsaver sit and reach, shoulder stretch Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation should use the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention algorithm for children Fitness plan elements may include SMART goals, action plan, documentation of activities to meet the plan, plan for reassessment, and reflection. SMART is an acronym for specific, measurable, attainable/appropriate, result-based, time-bound Physical Education Grade 6 Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Responsible Behaviors Grade Level 6 Demonstrate Essential Life Skills In Physical Activity Settings Standard: 6.4 The student will work independently and with others in physical activity settings. a. Acknowledge and understand the positive and negative influence of peer pressure on decisions and actions in physical activity settings. b. Solve problems, accept challenges, resolve conflicts, and accept decisions with reason and skill. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Identify the positive and negative influences of peer pressure on decisions and actions in physical activity settings. Solve problems, accept challenges, resolve conflicts, and accept decisions with reason and skill. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will Identify the positive and negative influence of peer pressure on decisions and actions in physical activity settings. The student will describe and apply effective positive verbal and nonverbal communication strategies in physical activity settings. The student will describe and demonstrate cooperative skills in team-building or cooperative activities. The student will demonstrate a problem solving skill set: Demonstrate how to work together in small groups or as a class to achieve a goal or play successfully as a team. Describe the importance of accepting decisions in activities/play even when they may not agree. Demonstrate problem-solving skills in physical activity settings. The student will define the term fair play as conduct that adheres to the rules or is just and equitable. The student will identify and demonstrate strategies for conflict resolution as appropriate for conflict arising from game play, including a conflict resolution skill set. Assessments: performance rubric for application of skills; cognitive assessment for skills and knowledge Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of the standard is to introduce situations where more than one solution exists, and make the appropriate choice, which solves the problem in a safe and time-efficient manner resulting in improved performance. The students develop their decisionmaking skills and learn how to benefit from that feedback. Cooperative skills set: Taking turns Active listening Ask clarifying questions Consider all opinions Everyone participates Problem solving skill set: Clarify problem Analyze causes Identify alternatives Assess alternatives Choose and implement an alternative Evaluate choice Conflict Resolution skill set: Talk about problem without assigning blame Use active listening Identify and clarify issues and needs Brainstorm solutions Choose and apply solution Evaluate solution Physical Education Grade 6 Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Responsible Behaviors Grade Level 6 Demonstrate Essential Life Skills In Physical Activity Settings Standard: 6.4 The student will work independently and with others in physical activity settings. c. Follow rules and safety procedures. d. Use practice time to improve performance. Essential Knowledge and Skills Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will be able to: The student will identify safety rules and procedures. Identify classroom rules and safety procedures according to selected. The student will describe how rules define safe behavior during physical activities in order to prevent injuries. Describe the importance of skill practice to the improve performance. The student will describe how safety inspections of equipment before, during, and after physical activity are necessary to prevent injuries. The student will demonstrate safety inspection of equipment in one team and one individual sport/activity. The student will explain why students are responsible for immediately reporting any potentially unsafe situation(s) to the teacher or other adult. The student will describe why performance of a skill for which a person is not properly trained is dangerous. The student will use practice time to improve performance and demonstrate safe, independent and group practice. Assessments: performance rubric for application of skills; cognitive assessment for skills and knowledge Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The intent of the standard is to introduce situations where more than one solution exists, and make the appropriate choice which solves the problem in a safe and time-efficient manner resulting in improved performance. The students develop their decision-making skills and learn how to benefit from that feedback. This standard is to be explicitly instructed and assessed as skills; not limited to being used as behavioral expectations. Problem solving skill set: Clarify problem Analyze causes Identify alternatives Assess alternatives Choose and implement an alternative Evaluate choice Conflict Resolution skill set: Talk about problem without assigning blame Use active listening Identify and clarify issues and needs Brainstorm solutions Choose and apply solution Evaluate solution Physical Education Grade 6 Physical Education Curriculum Framework Strand: Physically Active Lifestyle Grade Level 6 Identify And Seek Opportunities To Be Physically Active Standard: 6.5 The student will identify and seek opportunities to participate in regular physical activity at school, at home, and in the community. Essential Knowledge and Skills The student will be able to: Identify community groups, classes, and facilities available for participating in physical activity. Identify opportunities available for physical activity within the school program both during and outside of school hours. Identify activities that can be done as a family. Indicators for Success/ Opportunities for Assessment The student will identify opportunities to participate in regular physical activity at school, at home, and in the community. Understanding the Standard/Essential Understanding The student will identify and seek opportunities to participate in regular physical activity at school, at home, and in the community. The student will Identify opportunities available for physical activity within school programs. The student will conduct a community audit to identify community groups, classes, and facilities available for participating in physical activity in their community. The student will identify activities that can be done with family member. Assessments: informal assessment of activity log (check local division policy on homework); student plan for physical activity participation outside of school; rubric to evaluate community audit project Physical Education Grade 6