Spanish for Fluent Speakers I – III H 2014-2015
August 2014
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
AP THEME: Families and Communities
SFS Level I
AP SUBTHEME: Customs and ceremonies, family structure, age and class.
Recommended pacing: 9 weeks
Thinking as a Researcher: Learning who we are
WIDA Consortium Spanish Language Arts Standards:
(refer to the WIDA Consortium Standards)
1. READING AND LITERATURE: Read and respond to literature and other writings representative of Spanish-speaking societies.
A. Apply reading strategies to improve understanding of Spanish printed text: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize, analyze, and evaluate literary elements and techniques used to convey meaning: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
C. Read, interpret, and critically analyze literary and non-literary materials from Spanish-speaking countries and communities: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
D. Read in Spanish for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
2. WRITING: Write to communicate effectively in Spanish.
A. Produce written text in Spanish to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Plan, compose, edit, and present clear and effective writing in Spanish: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
3. ORAL LANGUAGE: Listen and speak effectively in Spanish in a variety of situations.
A. Listen effectively in formal and informal situations: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas using language appropriate to the situation, purpose, and audience: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
4. LANGUAGE USE AND STRUCTURE: Apply knowledge of the function and structure of the Spanish language to communicate effectively.
A. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize and use appropriate language form and style to communicate with different audiences, for different purposes, and in different settings: Middle/Junior High
School and High School level standards.
& Skills)
• Maintain a discussion related to Who are we?
• Discuss and/or debate Cultural differences.
• Express and explain Customs, heritage, food,
politics, economy, social life.
• Express opinions and react to cultural
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from
authentic audio visual texts relating to their
Hispanic Heritage.
• Evaluates and interprets written texts and
materials on research material, first draft and final
• Explore attitudes when reacting to cultural
• Make connections between historical
contexts and current attitudes towards the
Hispanic heritage, pre-Columbian, and post
modern Hispanic trends.
• Demonstrate language varieties
within cultures through comparison of
regional and/or social dialects.
• Analyze the relationship between
cultural stereotyping and its
implications in different cultures.
• Explore their Hispanic Heritage
in their own community or their school
and compare them to issues in
Spanish-speaking communities.
• Identify local Spanish speaking
communities and cultural events.
Identify and use key terms
Narrow the topic
Select of relevant
Evaluate of sources
Use technology
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
• Produce oral and written reports on peers’ oral
and written presentations.
• Produce an activity showing understanding of
their cultural heritage such as: food, music,
customs, holidays, traditions and values.
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society
related to cultural background.
According to reading selections.
Grammar focus: capitalization, punctuation, expositive paragraph, summarizing, paraphrase, outline.
Students will complete a research project assignment for this unit. Students will use graphic organizers to arrange
ideas, various media (video, audio) tools for research. Pre-reading, during reading, and after-reading activities to
enhance reading comprehension. Grammar and syntax lessons will be integrated in every lesson.
Power point or Promethean presentation will be presented to peers at the end of the unit. Students will complete a final
research essay using appropriate grammatical structures.
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing.
NOTE: The reading and writing diagnostic
evaluation on Vision should be administered at
the beginning of the course or when a new
student starts the course.
*Optional: Identify the best 2 participants to
compete during the Grammar Olympics at the
Spanish Language GALA Competition in May.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Students will view interviews on
Vision of famous immigrants (ie.
Cesar Millán, Chang) to gain
background knowledge and write a
small narrative of their contributions
to American Society.
Research information based on
presentational project rubric on
Vision. Identify and use key terms,
narrow the topic, select relevant
information, evaluate sources and
demonstrate responsible use of
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Peer evaluations for oral presentation
and first draft assignments of final
*Suggested rubric on Vision.
Suggested Presentational Task
Oral presentation and written essay of
country researched.
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
AP THEME: Personal and Public Identities
SFS Level I
AP SUBTHEME: Language and Identity, Beliefs and Values, Multiculturalism.
Recommended pacing: 9 weeks
Thinking as a Reader: Literature as the legacy of our people
WIDA Consortium Spanish Language Arts Standards:
(refer to the WIDA Consortium Standards)
1. READING AND LITERATURE: Read and respond to literature and other writings representative of Spanish-speaking societies.
A. Apply reading strategies to improve understanding of Spanish printed text: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize, analyze, and evaluate literary elements and techniques used to convey meaning: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
C. Read, interpret, and critically analyze literary and non-literary materials from Spanish-speaking countries and communities: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
D. Read in Spanish for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
2. WRITING: Write to communicate effectively in Spanish.
A. Produce written text in Spanish to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Plan, compose, edit, and present clear and effective writing in Spanish: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
3. ORAL LANGUAGE: Listen and speak effectively in Spanish in a variety of situations.
A. Listen effectively in formal and informal situations: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas using language appropriate to the situation, purpose, and audience: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
4. LANGUAGE USE AND STRUCTURE: Apply knowledge of the function and structure of the Spanish language to communicate effectively.
A. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize and use appropriate language form and style to communicate with different audiences, for different purposes,
and in different settings: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion related to myths and
• Discuss and/or debate narrative text.
• Express and explain elements of reading.
• Express opinions and react to world views
according to myths and legends from Spanishspeaking countries.
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from
authentic audio visual texts relating to Spanishspeaking myths and legends.
• Evaluates and interprets written texts and
materials on pre-reading, reading and postreading activities.
• Explore attitudes when reacting to different
perspectives of myths and legends.
• Demonstrate language varieties
within cultures through comparison of
different regional myths and legends.
• Analyze the relationship between
myths, legends and current world
• Make connections between historical
contexts and current attitudes towards
current urban myths and legends.
• Explore myths and legends in their
own community or their school and
compare them to issues in Spanish
speaking communities.
• Identify local myths and legends.
(Facts & Skills)
Use of vocabulary
Chronological order
Story elements
Main idea
Data vs Opinion
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
• Produce oral and written reports on reading
comprehension and interpretation.
• Produce an activity showing understanding on
the different native indigenous myths and legends
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society
related to a known myth or legend of the student’s
place of origin.
According to reading selections.
Grammar focus: punctuation, accentuation (diphthong, hiatus, acute, paraxytone, esdrújula) Resources available at Vision and
Manual de gramática y ortografía para hispanos.
Read and analyze a variety of myths and legends from Spanish-speaking countries from Vision, Sendas Literarias1or
Español para nosotros 1.
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing, and
evaluate the student’s journal entries. (prompts
can be found in the passing guide at Vision)
Suggested Interpretive Task
Students read and interpret a variety
of authentic readings on myths and
legends from Spanish-speaking
*Common Assessments: Midterm
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Students engage in discussions about
meaning, content, and different writing
elements. Students compare legends
between different Spanish-speaking
Suggested Presentational Task
Students create a narrative writing
based of readings from myths and
legends from Spanish-speaking
countries. Students present a myth or
legend from a Spanish-speaking
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
AP THEME: Beauty and Aesthetics
SFS Level I
AP SUBTHEME: Literature, ideals of beauty, contributions to world artistic heritage, performing arts.
Recommended pacing: 9 weeks
Thinking as a Writer: Literature as an expression of self
WIDA Consortium Spanish Language Arts Standards:
(refer to the WIDA Consortium Standards)
1. READING AND LITERATURE: Read and respond to literature and other writings representative of Spanish-speaking societies.
A. Apply reading strategies to improve understanding of Spanish printed text: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize, analyze, and evaluate literary elements and techniques used to convey meaning: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
C. Read, interpret, and critically analyze literary and non-literary materials from Spanish-speaking countries and communities: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
D. Read in Spanish for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
2. WRITING: Write to communicate effectively in Spanish.
A. Produce written text in Spanish to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Plan, compose, edit, and present clear and effective writing in Spanish: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
3. ORAL LANGUAGE: Listen and speak effectively in Spanish in a variety of situations.
A. Listen effectively in formal and informal situations: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas using language appropriate to the situation, purpose, and audience: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
4. LANGUAGE USE AND STRUCTURE: Apply knowledge of the function and structure of the Spanish language to communicate effectively.
A. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize and use appropriate language form and style to communicate with different audiences, for different purposes, and in different settings: Middle/Junior High and
High School level standards.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion related to genres of
• Discuss and/or debate short story elements and
• Express and explain uses of short stories.
• Express opinions and react to cultural effects of
short stories.
• Demonstrate comprehension of content from
authentic audio visual texts relating to short
stories and oral narration.
• Evaluate and interpret written texts and
materials demonstrating literary elements.
• Explore attitudes when reacting to literary
• Demonstrate language varieties
within cultures through comparison of
use and purpose of short stories.
• Make connections between historical
contexts and current attitudes towards
authors and their historical background.
. Analyze the relationship between
short stories and cultural impact.
• Explore short stories
in their own community or their school
and compare them to issues in
Spanish-speaking communities.
• Identify personal connections to
short stories.
(Facts & Skills)
First Draft
Creative Writing
Types of short stories
Short story characteristics
Essential elements
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
• Produce oral and written reports on peers’ oral
and written presentations.
• Produce an activity showing understanding their
culture heritage such as: food, music, customs,
holidays, traditions and values.
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society
related to cultural background.
According to reading selections.
Grammar focus: indicative verbs, adjectives, descriptive and narrative paragraph.
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing available
on Vision.
*Optional: Identify the best 2 short stories to
participate in the Spanish Language GALA
Competition in May.
Students will engage in various pre and post writing activities, based around composing their own short stories.
Students will read and analyze a variety of short stories from different Spanish-speaking countries.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Students will read various short
stories, and analyze their different
elements. Stories available in
Sendas Literarias 1, Vision, and
other sources at the discretion of the
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Peer evaluations of first draft
assignments and final stories.
*Suggested rubric on Vision.
Suggested Presentational Task
Class presentation of the student’s
final short story.
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
AP THEME: Global Challenges.
SFS Level I
AP SUBTHEME: Human rights, diversity issues, health issues.
Recommended pacing: 9 weeks
Thinking as a Speaker: Speech as an instrument for personal growth
WIDA Consortium Spanish Language Arts Standards:
(refer to the WIDA Consortium Standards)
1. READING AND LITERATURE: Read and respond to literature and other writings representative of Spanish-speaking societies.
A. Apply reading strategies to improve understanding of Spanish printed text: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize, analyze, and evaluate literary elements and techniques used to convey meaning: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
C. Read, interprets, and critically analyzes literary and non-literary materials from Spanish-speaking countries and communities: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
D. Read in Spanish for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
2. WRITING: Write to communicate effectively in Spanish.
A. Produce written text in Spanish to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Plan, compose, edit, and present clear and effective writing in Spanish: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
3. ORAL LANGUAGE: Listen and speak effectively in Spanish in a variety of situations.
A. Listen effectively in formal and informal situations: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas using language appropriate to the situation, purpose, and audience: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
4. LANGUAGE USE AND STRUCTURE: Apply knowledge of the function and structure of the Spanish language to communicate effectively.
A. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize and use appropriate language form and style to communicate with different audiences, for different purposes,
and in different settings: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion related to public speaking
• Discuss and/or debate social issues
• Express and explain elements of persuasive
speech public speaking.
• Express opinions and react to global challenges.
• Demonstrate comprehension of content from
authentic audio visual texts relating to the
influence of public speaking.
• Evaluate and interpret written texts and
materials to research their speech topic.
• Explore attitudes when reacting to
persuasive speeches.
• Demonstrate language varieties
within cultures through comparison of
opinions and reactions to a persuasive
. Analyze the relationship between
their opinions before and after a
persuasive speech.
• Make connections between historical
contexts and current attitudes towards
different opinions defending and challenging
their topic.
• Explore public speaking in their own
community or their school and
compare them to issues in Spanishspeaking communities.
(Facts & Skills)
Body Language
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
• Produce oral and written reports on a selected
• Produce an activity showing understanding on a
current global issue. Refer to possible topics on
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society
related to social challenges.
• Identify personal connections to
public speaking.
According to reading selections.
Grammar focus: types of sentences according to purpose of the speech. (Refer to Vision)
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing available
on Vision.
Students will research, write and present a given topic with more than one view, in order to create a persuasive speech.
Students will engage in class discussion about their persuasive speeches.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Students will view, listen, read and
analyze a variety of speeches.
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Peer evaluations on student’s speech
*Suggested rubric on Vision.
Common: Final exam. Please refer to Vision.
*Optional: There would be a list of words sent by
email for the Spelling competition. Please select
the best 2 spellers to participate in the
Suggested Presentational Task
Students present their written
Students will present orally a
persuasive speech to the class on a
specific topic at the teacher’s
*Suggested rubric on Vision.
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
AP THEME: Contemporary Life
SFS Level II
AP SUBTHEME: Leisure and sports.
Recommended pacing: 9 weeks
 Thinking as a Researcher: how to positively use our leisure
WIDA Consortium Spanish Language Arts Standards:
(refer to the WIDA Consortium Standards)
1. READING AND LITERATURE: Read and respond to literature and other writings representative of Spanish-speaking societies.
A. Apply reading strategies to improve understanding of Spanish printed text: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize, analyze, and evaluate literary elements and techniques used to convey meaning: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards
C. Read, interpret, and critically analyze literary and non-literary materials from Spanish-speaking countries and communities: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
D. Read in Spanish for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
2. WRITING: Write to communicate effectively in Spanish.
A. Produce written text in Spanish to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Plan, compose, edit, and present clear and effective writing in Spanish: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
3. ORAL LANGUAGE: Listen and speak effectively in Spanish in a variety of situations.
A. Listen effectively in formal and informal situations: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas using language appropriate to the situation, purpose, and audience: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
4. LANGUAGE USE AND STRUCTURE: Apply knowledge of the function and structure of the Spanish language to communicate effectively.
A. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize and use appropriate language form and style to communicate with different audiences, for different purposes, and in different settings: Middle/Junior High
School and High School level standards.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion related to Leisure
• Discuss and/or debate positive effects of leisure
• Express and explain different leisure activities.
• Express opinions and react to ways of using
leisure time.
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from
authentic audio visual texts relating to health
benefits of leisure activities.
• Evaluates and interprets written texts and
materials on possible leisure activities in Spanishspeaking countries.
• Explore attitudes when reacting to different
opinions about leisure.
• Demonstrate language varieties
within cultures through comparison of
leisure activities in different Spanishspeaking regions.
• Analyze the relationship between
effective use of leisure time and
positive life benefits.
• Make connections between historical
contexts and current attitudes towards the
evolution of hobbies and leisure activities.
• Explore leisure activities in their own
community or their school and
compare them to issues in Spanish
speaking communities.
• Identify local clubs, organizations or
places where one can participate in
(Facts & Skills)
Use of key terms
Narrow focus of search
Scan and research
relevant information
Evaluate resources
Apply the rules for
responsible use of
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
leisure activities.
• Produce oral and written reports on personal
• Produce an activity showing understanding
cultural differences of the use of leisure time.
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society
related to how to positively use our leisure time.
According to reading selections
Grammar focus: review of indicative verb tenses, active/passive voice, verb “to be”
Students will complete a research project assignment for this unit. Students will use graphic organizers to arrange
ideas, various media (video, audio) tools for research. Pre-reading, during and after-reading activities to enhance
reading comprehension. Grammar and syntax lessons will be integrated in every lesson.
End of unit project using power point or promethean presentation will be presented to peers at the end of the unit.
Students will complete a final research essay using appropriate grammatical structures.
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing.
NOTE: Diagnostic assessment should be
administered to any new student that hasn’t taken
Spanish for Fluent Speakers I. Found on Vision
SFS I, 1st quarter.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Students will read and analyze
various text related to leisure and
health in Spanish-speaking
countries. Research information
based on presentational project
rubric on Vision. Identify and use key
terms, narrow the topic, select
relevant information, evaluate
sources and demonstrate
responsible use of technology.
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Peer evaluations for oral presentation
and first draft assignments of final
*Suggested rubric on Vision.
Suggested Presentational Task
Oral presentation and expository
essay based on a specific leisure
activity researched.
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
AP THEME: Personal and Public Identities.
SFS Level II
AP SUBTHEME: Language and Identity, Beliefs and values, Multiculturalism.
Recommended pacing: 9 weeks
Thinking as a Reader: Literature as a reflection of social consciousness.
WIDA Consortium Spanish Language Arts Standards:
(refer to the WIDA Consortium Standards)
1. READING AND LITERATURE: Read and respond to literature and other writings representative of Spanish-speaking societies.
A. Apply reading strategies to improve understanding of Spanish printed text: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize, analyze, and evaluate literary elements and techniques used to convey meaning: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
C. Read, interpret, and critically analyze literary and non-literary materials from Spanish-speaking countries and communities: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
D. Read in Spanish for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
2. WRITING: Write to communicate effectively in Spanish.
A. Produce written text in Spanish to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Plan, compose, edit, and present clear and effective writing in Spanish: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
3. ORAL LANGUAGE: Listen and speak effectively in Spanish in a variety of situations.
A. Listen effectively in formal and informal situations: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas using language appropriate to the situation, purpose, and audience: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
4. LANGUAGE USE AND STRUCTURE: Apply knowledge of the function and structure of the Spanish language to communicate effectively.
A. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize and use appropriate language form and style to communicate with different audiences, for different purposes, and in different settings: Middle/Junior High
School and High School level standards.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion related to literary analyzes
of fables and novels.
• Discuss and/or debate the author’s message
through literary writing.
• Express and explain elements of reading.
• Express opinions and react to different fables
and novels.
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from
authentic audio visual texts relating fables and a
novel predetermined by the teacher.
• Evaluates and interprets written texts and
materials on plot development.
• Explore attitudes when reacting to different
perspectives of fables and novels.
• Demonstrate language varieties
within cultures through comparison of
different fables.
. Analyze the relationship between
symbols within a fable or novel.
• Make connections between historical
contexts and current attitudes towards
different perceptions of social
• Explore fables and novels in their
own community or their school and
compare them to issues in Spanishspeaking communities.
• Identify local symbols of social
(Facts & Skills)
Reading Analysis
Sentence Structure
Diacritical Accents
Special rules for
compound words
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
• Produce oral and written reports on literature
• Produce an activity showing understanding of
symbolism in literature.
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society
related to social consciousness.
According to reading selections.
Grammar focus: sentence structure, diacritical accents, special rules for compound words, subject and predicate,
regular and figurative syntax, direct and indirect objects.
Read and analyze different fables and a short novel at the teacher’s discretion. Suggested novel, El Alquimista by
Paulo Cohelo.
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing, and
evaluate the student’s journal entries. (prompts
can be found in the passing guide at Vision)
Suggested Interpretive Task
Students read and interpret a variety
of authentic readings on fables and a
short novel from Spanish-speaking
*Common Assessments: Midterm
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Students engage in discussions about
meaning, content, and different writing
elements. Students compare literary
Suggested Presentational Task
Students create a narrative writing
based of readings from fables and the
novel. Students present a written and
oral report on their interpretation of
symbols in the selected novel.
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
AP THEME: Beauty and Aesthetics.
SFS Level II
AP SUBTHEME: Literature, ideals of beauty, contributions to world artistic heritage, performing arts.
Recommended pacing: 9 weeks
Thinking as a Writer: Literature and a social commitment.
WIDA Consortium Spanish Language Arts Standards:
(refer to the WIDA Consortium Standards)
1. READING AND LITERATURE: Read and respond to literature and other writings representative of Spanish-speaking societies.
A. Apply reading strategies to improve understanding of Spanish printed text: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize, analyze, and evaluate literary elements and techniques used to convey meaning: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
C. Read, interpret, and critically analyze literary and non-literary materials from Spanish-speaking countries and communities: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
D. Read in Spanish for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
2. WRITING: Write to communicate effectively in Spanish.
A. Produce written text in Spanish to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Plan, compose, edit, and present clear and effective writing in Spanish: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
3. ORAL LANGUAGE: Listen and speak effectively in Spanish in a variety of situations.
A. Listen effectively in formal and informal situations: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas using language appropriate to the situation, purpose, and audience: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
4. LANGUAGE USE AND STRUCTURE: Apply knowledge of the function and structure of the Spanish language to communicate effectively.
A. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize and use appropriate language form and style to communicate with different audiences, for different purposes, and in different settings: Middle/Junior High
School and High School level standards.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion related to different types
of poems and literary writing.
• Discuss and/or debate elements of poetry, types
of poems, and poetic structure.
• Express and explain symbolism within poetic
• Express opinions and react to different poems
from Spanish-speaking countries.
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from
authentic audio visual texts relating to rhetoric
• Evaluates and interprets written texts and
materials related to poetry and rhetoric.
• Explore attitudes when reacting to themes
and styles within poetry.
• Demonstrate language varieties
within cultures through comparison of
poetic styles and poetic works.
. Analyze the relationship between
lyric languages.
• Make connections between historical
contexts and current attitudes towards poets
and their works.
• Explore poetry
in their own community or their school
and compare them to issues in
Spanish-speaking communities.
• Identify personal connections to
(Facts & Skills)
Creative writing
Elements of a poem
Types of poems
Poem structure
Rhetoric figures
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
• Produce oral and written reports on poetry
• Produce an activity showing understanding of
poetic rhetoric.
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society
related to poetry.
According to reading selections.
Grammar focus: rhetoric figures, poem structure, types of poems.
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing available
on Vision.
*Optional: Identify the best 3 poetry anthologies
to participate in the Spanish Language GALA
Competition in May.
Students will engage in various pre and post writing activities, based around composing a poetry anthology.
Students will read and analyze a variety of poems from different Spanish-speaking countries.
Students will compare and identify different styles of poetic writing.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Students will read various poems,
and analyze their different elements.
Poems available in Sendas Literarias
1, Vision, Español para nosotros 1
and other sources at the discretion of
the teacher.
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Peer evaluations of first draft
assignments and final stories.
*Suggested rubric on Vision.
Suggested Presentational Task
Class presentation of the student’s
final poetry anthologies.
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
AP THEME: Global Challenges
SFS Level II
AP SUBTHEME: Human rights, diversity issues, health issues.
Recommended pacing: 9 weeks
Thinking as a Speaker: Citizen rights and responsibilities
WIDA Consortium Spanish Language Arts Standards:
(refer to the WIDA Consortium Standards)
1. READING AND LITERATURE: Read and respond to literature and other writings representative of Spanish-speaking societies.
A. Apply reading strategies to improve understanding of Spanish printed text: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize, analyze, and evaluate literary elements and techniques used to convey meaning: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
C. Read, interpret, and critically analyze literary and non-literary materials from Spanish-speaking countries and communities: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
D. Read in Spanish for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
2. WRITING: Write to communicate effectively in Spanish.
A. Produce written text in Spanish to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Plan, compose, edit, and present clear and effective writing in Spanish: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
3. ORAL LANGUAGE: Listen and speak effectively in Spanish in a variety of situations.
A. Listen effectively in formal and informal situations: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas using language appropriate to the situation, purpose, and audience: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
4. LANGUAGE USE AND STRUCTURE: Apply knowledge of the function and structure of the Spanish language to communicate effectively.
A. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize and use appropriate language form and style to communicate with different audiences, for different purposes, and in different settings: Middle/Junior High
School and High School level standards.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion related to public speaking.
• Discuss and/or debate social issues.
• Express and explain elements of persuasive
speech public speaking.
• Express opinions and react to global challenges.
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from
authentic audio visual texts relating to the
influence of public speaking.
• Evaluates and interprets written texts and
materials to research their speech topic.
• Produce oral and written reports on a selected
• Explore attitudes when reacting to
persuasive speeches.
• Demonstrate language varieties
within cultures through comparison of
opinions and reactions to a persuasive
. Analyze the relationship between
their opinions before and after a
persuasive speech.
• Make connections between historical
contexts and current attitudes towards
different opinions defending and challenging
their topic.
• Explore public speaking in their own
community or their school and
compare them to issues in Spanish
speaking communities.
• Identify personal connections to
public speaking.
(Facts & Skills)
Corporal Expression
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
• Produce an activity showing understanding on a
current global issue. Refer to possible topics on
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society
related to social challenges.
According to reading selections.
Grammar focus: types of sentences according to purpose of the speech. (Refer to Vision)
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing available
on Vision.
Students will research, write and present a given topic with more than one view, in order to create a persuasive speech.
Students will engage in class discussion about their persuasive speeches.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Students will view, listen, read and
analyze a variety of speeches.
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Peer evaluations on student’s speech
*Suggested rubric on Vision.
Common: Final exam. Please refer to Vision.
*Optional: Identify the best 2 speakers to
participate in the Spanish Language GALA
Competition in May. There would be a list of
words sent by email for the Spelling competition.
Please select the best 2 spellers to participate in
the competition.
Suggested Presentational Task
Students present their written
Students will present orally a
persuasive speech to the class on a
specific topic at the teacher’s
*Suggested rubric on Vision.
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
AP THEME: Contemporary Life
Recommended pacing: 9 weeks
AP SUBTHEME: Education, professions, housing and shelter.
 Thinking as a Researcher: seeking out a prosperous future
WIDA Consortium Spanish Language Arts Standards:
(refer to the WIDA Consortium Standards)
1. READING AND LITERATURE: Read and respond to literature and other writings representative of Spanish-speaking societies.
A. Apply reading strategies to improve understanding of Spanish printed text: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize, analyze, and evaluate literary elements and techniques used to convey meaning: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
C. Read, interpret, and critically analyze literary and non-literary materials from Spanish-speaking countries and communities: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
D. Read in Spanish for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
2. WRITING: Write to communicate effectively in Spanish.
A. Produce written text in Spanish to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Plan, compose, edit, and present clear and effective writing in Spanish: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
3. ORAL LANGUAGE: Listen and speak effectively in Spanish in a variety of situations.
A. Listen effectively in formal and informal situations: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas using language appropriate to the situation, purpose, and audience: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
4. LANGUAGE USE AND STRUCTURE: Apply knowledge of the function and structure of the Spanish language to communicate effectively.
A. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize and use appropriate language form and style to communicate with different audiences, for different purposes, and in different settings: Middle/Junior High
School and High School level standards.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion related to future careers
and professions.
• Discuss and/or debate different post-secondary
career options.
• Express and explain positive changes of postsecondary education.
• Express opinions and react to the difference
between a career and profession.
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from
authentic audio visual texts relating to career
options and work environments.
• Evaluates and interprets written texts and
materials on possible career choices.
• Explore attitudes when reacting to future
careers that don’t exist yet.
• Demonstrate language varieties
within cultures through comparison of
post-secondary education in various
Spanish-speaking countries.
• Analyze the relationship between
effective career and post-secondary
education options and positive life
• Make connections between historical
contexts and current attitudes towards the
demand and needs for certain professions.
• Explore career and professions in
their own community or their school
and compare them to issues in
Spanish-speaking communities.
• Identify colleges and universities
offering a degree or training in the
(Facts & Skills)
How to write a research
How to synthesize
How to write a monograph
Use of APA style
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
chosen career.
• Produce oral and written reports on a specific
postsecondary career choice.
• Produce an activity showing understanding of
post-secondary educational options.
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society
related to educational careers.
According to reading selections.
Grammar focus: coordinates sentences, monograph, APA style.
Students will complete a research project assignment for this unit. Students will use graphic organizers to arrange
ideas, various media (video, audio) tools for research. Pre-reading, during and after-reading activities to enhance
reading comprehension. Grammar and syntax lessons will be integrated in every lesson.
End of unit project using power point or promethean presentation will be presented to peers at the end of the unit.
Students will complete a final research essay using appropriate grammatical structures.
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing.
NOTE: A diagnostic assessment should be
administered to any new student that hasn’t taken
Spanish for Fluent Speakers I or II. Found on
Vision SFS I, 1st quarter.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Students will read and analyze
various text related to possible
careers and professions. Research
information based on presentational
project rubric on Vision. Identify and
use key terms, narrow the topic,
select relevant information, evaluate
sources and demonstrate
responsible use of technology.
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Peer evaluations for oral presentation
and first draft assignments of final
*Suggested rubric on Vision.
Suggested Presentational Task
Oral presentation and expository
essay based on a specific career or
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
AP THEME: Personal and Public Identities.
AP SUBTHEME: Language and Identity, Beliefs and values, Multiculturalism, Believes and Values,
Nationalism and Patriotism.
Recommended pacing: 9 weeks
Thinking as a Reader: Literature as a predictor of our era.
WIDA Consortium Spanish Language Arts Standards:
(refer to the WIDA Consortium Standards)
1. READING AND LITERATURE: Read and respond to literature and other writings representative of Spanish-speaking societies.
A. Apply reading strategies to improve understanding of Spanish printed text: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize, analyze, and evaluate literary elements and techniques used to convey meaning: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
C. Read, interpret, and critically analyze literary and non-literary materials from Spanish-speaking countries and communities: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
D. Read in Spanish for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
2. WRITING: Write to communicate effectively in Spanish.
A. Produce written text in Spanish to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Plan, compose, edit, and present clear and effective writing in Spanish: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
3. ORAL LANGUAGE: Listen and speak effectively in Spanish in a variety of situations.
A. Listen effectively in formal and informal situations: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas using language appropriate to the situation, purpose, and audience: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
4. LANGUAGE USE AND STRUCTURE: Apply knowledge of the function and structure of the Spanish language to communicate effectively.
A. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize and use appropriate language form and style to communicate with different audiences, for different purposes, and in different settings: Middle/Junior High
School and High School level standards.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion related analysis of current
news articles.
• Discuss and/or debate current social issues that
can change our future.
• Express and explain the effects of current
economical changes.
• Express opinions and react to environmental
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from
authentic audio visual texts relating to current
• Evaluates and interprets written texts and
materials geographical movements.
• Explore attitudes when reacting to different
perspectives of social changes.
• Demonstrate language varieties
within cultures through comparison of
social challenges.
. Analyze the relationship between
current changes in the united states
and other Spanish-speaking countries.
• Make connections between historical
contexts and current attitudes towards
different perceptions of technology use.
• Explore current news in their own
community or their school and
compare them to issues in Spanishspeaking communities.
• Identify local changes that might
affect our future.
(Facts & Skills)
Reading analysis
Pre-reading/ post-reading
Information synthesis
Essay writing
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
• Produce oral and written reports on a current
news article.
• Produce an activity showing understanding of
the effects of current changes in our future lives.
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society
related to current changes.
According to reading selections.
Grammar focus: coordinate sentences, present subjunctive mode.
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing, and
evaluate the student’s journal entries. (prompts
can be found in the passing guide at Vision)
*Common Assessments: Midterm
*Optional: Please select the best 2 essay writers
to participate in the Spanish GALA Competition in
Read and analyze different current news articles at the teacher’s discretion. Suggested websites provided in Vision.
Write and present a 5 paragraph essay on a given topic or news article, at the discretion of the teacher.
AP writing and listening practice.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Students read and interpret a variety
of authentic readings on current
news in Spanish.
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Students engage in discussions about
current trends, current events, and
their effects on our future.
Students debate on controversial
events, news or trends.
Suggested Presentational Task
Students create an essay on a
specific news article or event.
Students present their findings to the
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
AP THEME: Beauty and Aesthetics
AP SUBTHEME: Literature, ideals of beauty, contributions to world artistic heritage, performing arts.
Recommended pacing: 9 weeks
Thinking as a Writer: Living the future through dramatic creations.
WIDA Consortium Spanish Language Arts Standards:
(refer to the WIDA Consortium Standards)
1. READING AND LITERATURE: Read and respond to literature and other writings representative of Spanish-speaking societies.
A. Apply reading strategies to improve understanding of Spanish printed text: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize, analyze, and evaluate literary elements and techniques used to convey meaning: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
C. Read, interpret, and critically analyze literary and non-literary materials from Spanish-speaking countries and communities: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
D. Read in Spanish for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
2. WRITING: Write to communicate effectively in Spanish.
A. Produce written text in Spanish to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Plan, compose, edit, and present clear and effective writing in Spanish: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
3. ORAL LANGUAGE: Listen and speak effectively in Spanish in a variety of situations.
A. Listen effectively in formal and informal situations: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas using language appropriate to the situation, purpose, and audience: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
4. LANGUAGE USE AND STRUCTURE: Apply knowledge of the function and structure of the Spanish language to communicate effectively.
A. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize and use appropriate language form and style to communicate with different audiences, for different purposes, and in different settings: Middle/Junior High
School and High School level standards.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion related to dramatic works
of Spanish-speaking playwrights.
• Discuss and/or debate elements of theater.
• Express and explain symbolism within theatrical
• Express opinions and react to different types of
plays from Spanish-speaking countries.
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from
authentic audio visual texts relating to Spanishspeaking theater.
• Evaluates and interprets written texts and
materials related to theater and dramatic works.
• Explore attitudes when reacting to themes
and styles of dramatic works.
• Demonstrate language varieties
within cultures through comparison of
plays and dramatic works.
. Analyze the relationship between
classical and contemporary plays.
• Make connections between historical
contexts and current attitudes towards plays,
playwrights and dramatic writing. .
• Explore theater in their own
community or their school and
compare them to issues in Spanishspeaking communities.
• Identify personal connections to
(Facts & Skills)
Creative writing: drama
Elements of theater
Types of plays
Dramatic structure
Scenic presentation
Theater reading
Scene analysis
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
• Produce oral and written reports on theater and
character analysis.
• Produce an activity showing understanding of
theatrical elements.
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society
related to theater.
According to reading selections.
Grammar focus: subordinate sentences, imperfect subjunctive, perfect tenses.
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing available
on Vision.
*Optional: Begin to identify strong public
speakers to participate in the Spanish GALA
Competition in May.
Students will engage in various pre and post writing activities, based around composing a play.
Students will read and analyze a variety of plays and dramatic works from different Spanish-speaking countries.
Students will compare and identify different styles of theatrical writing.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Students will read various plays and
theatrical works in order to analyze
their different elements. Plays
available in Sendas Literarias 2,
Vision, Español para nosotros 1 and
other sources at the discretion of the
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Monologues, dialogues, reading plays
out-loud, scene work, sketches, group
mini-dramas, character analysis and
Suggested Presentational Task
Class presentation of the students’
final mini-drama.
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
AP THEME: Global Challengces.
AP SUBTHEME: Human rights, diversity issues, health issues.
Recommended pacing: 9 weeks
Thinking as a Speaker: Citizen rights and responsibilities.
WIDA Consortium Spanish Language Arts Standards:
(refer to the WIDA Consortium Standards)
1. READING AND LITERATURE: Read and respond to literature and other writings representative of Spanish-speaking societies.
A. Apply reading strategies to improve understanding of Spanish printed text: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize, analyze, and evaluate literary elements and techniques used to convey meaning: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
C. Read, interpret, and critically analyze literary and non-literary materials from Spanish-speaking countries and communities: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
D. Read in Spanish for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
2. WRITING: Write to communicate effectively in Spanish.
A. Produce written text in Spanish to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Plan, compose, edit, and present clear and effective writing in Spanish: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
3. ORAL LANGUAGE: Listen and speak effectively in Spanish in a variety of situations.
A. Listen effectively in formal and informal situations: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Orally communicate information, opinions, and ideas using language appropriate to the situation, purpose, and audience: Middle/Junior High School and High School
level standards.
4. LANGUAGE USE AND STRUCTURE: Apply knowledge of the function and structure of the Spanish language to communicate effectively.
A. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization: Middle/Junior High School and High School level standards.
B. Recognize and use appropriate language form and style to communicate with different audiences, for different purposes, and in different settings: Middle/Junior High
School and High School level standards.
-Interpersonal -Interpretive
• Maintain a discussion related to public speaking
• Discuss and/or debate social issues
• Express and explain elements of persuasive
speech public speaking
• Express opinions and react to global challenges
• Demonstrates comprehension of content from
authentic audio visual texts relating to the
influence of public speaking
• Evaluates and interprets written texts and
materials to research their speech topic.
• Explore attitudes when reacting to
persuasive speeches.
• Demonstrate language varieties
within cultures through comparison of
opinions and reactions to a persuasive
. Analyze the relationship between
their opinions before and after a
persuasive speech.
• Make connections between historical
contexts and current attitudes towards
different opinions defending and challenging
their topic.
• Explore public speaking in their own
community or their school and
compare them to issues in Spanishspeaking communities.
• Identify personal connections to
public speaking.
(Facts & Skills)
Corporal Expression
Visual Contact
Techniques to control
stage fright
Persuasive speech writing
Different types of
Spanish Fluent Speakers Level I – IIIH – SY 2014 - 2015
• Produce oral and written reports on a selected
• Produce an activity showing understanding on a
current global issue. Refer to possible topics on
• Produce an oral or written presentation
reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society
related to social challenges.
According to reading selections.
Grammar focus: simple and compounds sentences, AP preparation drills, imperfect subjunctive, review previous skills.
NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate
PALS rubrics for speaking and writing available
on Vision.
Students will research, write and present various styles of speeches.
Students will engage in class discussion about their persuasive speeches.
Suggested Interpretive Task
Students will view, listen, read and
analyze a variety of speeches.
Suggested Interpersonal Task
Peer evaluations on student’s speech
*Suggested rubric on Vision.
Common: Teachers will administer a common
assessment to evaluate the students’ proficiency
level at least one week before the departure of
Senior students. Final exam. Please refer to
Vision for both common assessment and final
*Optional: Choose the best 2 speakers to
participate in the Spanish Language GALA
Competition in May. There would be a list of
words sent by email for the Spelling competition.
Please select the best 2 spellers to participate in
the competition.
Suggested Presentational Task
Students present their written
Students will present orally a
persuasive speech to the class on a
specific topic at the teacher’s
*Suggested rubric on Vision.
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