Critical Thinking Name of Evaluator____________________________ Student# ________________ Critical Thinking Rubric: Apply quantitative and qualitative critical thinking skills to develop, access, and use information to analyze business problems and propose feasible solutions. 1 2 3 4 Problem Solving Skills Does not identify and summarize relevant problem and explain relevance. Has a fair understanding of the problem but misses some important issues and details. Solution & problem match. Fails to fully identify causes of problem. Quantitative Analysis Does not provide quantitative analysis. Does not demonstrate knowledge of the tools of quantitative analysis. Has an excellent understanding of the problem and issues. The analysis is thorough. Isolates the major issues and addresses them in the solution. The quantitative analysis is complete and accurate. Applies the appropriate tools of quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis supports points made by student. Decision-Making Skills Alternative solutions don’t match problem, or don’t exist. Unable to process and synthesize information correctly or to recognize problems and issues. Cannot do the necessary analysis. Does not identify alternative solutions. Does not utilize applications software and internet resources to research problems and issues. The quantitative analysis is incomplete with significant errors. Does not effectively utilize the tools of quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis used but not relevant to points made by the student. Processes most of the information, identifies most of the problems and issues, and completes most of the analysis. Fails to express criteria/logic for choosing one solution over others. Fails to examine more than one potential solution. Alternative solutions fail to contain both advantages and disadvantages. Uses some applications software and some internet resources to research problems and issues. Has a good understanding of the problem. Identifies the problem’s causes and ramifications. Analysis fails to address major issues facing the organization. The analysis is missing some details. The quantitative analysis is substantial but incomplete. Utilizes the tools of quantitative analysis. Analysis has some errors. Analysis does not strongly support points made by student. Processes and analyzes information correctly. Recognizes and prioritizes problems/ issues while identifying and evaluating alternative solutions with expressed criteria/reasoning. Fails to address larger ramifications of choosing this solution and fails to point out potential trade-offs. Utilizes most applications software and internet sources to research problems and issues. Utilizes all available applications software and internet sources to do thorough research, identify issues, and solve problems. Use of Computer Technology Processes and analyzes information correctly. Recognizes and prioritizes problems and issues, identifies and evaluates the alternative solutions. Telling story/tradeoffs are explained in logic. Addresses relevant opportunity costs. Total