Leadership & Management in National Statistical Office The case of Mozambique

Leadership & Management
in National Statistical Office
The case of Mozambique
João Dias Loureiro
President of National Institute of Statistics of Mozambique
Luanda, Angola
December 2006
Road Map
• Introduction
• Leadership – a quick review
• The development of Mozambique´s National
Statistical System
• The role of Coop Parterns in developing the NSS-M
• Clarity of results
• Final remarks
Currently, the determining aspects of the system of production of
official statistics goes from providing “right indicators” to clearly
guiding the production system to supply data relevant.
Far goes the time in which the producers of official statistics could
consider themselves “beyond suspicion” by the simple fact of
belonging to the State.
Today the relevance of a NSS/ NSO depends on the its leading role
and clarity in managing the System with quality playing a
important role (provision of quality indicators of data provided).
Giving credibility.
To share the Mozambique experience about the importance of
leadership in the definition of a clear vision (clarity) and
strategies for developing its National Statistical System to
respond the needs of the users of official statistics.
• Leadership: capacity & will to rally people to a common
purpose, inspiring confidence & trust.
• Leader is a person responsible for achieving objectives
through the work of others by creating the conditions
required & building + maintaining the team which s/he
belongs to
• The leaders have to manage and transform challenges/
threats posed to opportunities of development
• Staff’s fear of managers has to be removed
• Good climate in the organization helps to remove
restistance (f.i. Confusion, denial, leave…)
• Lead by example, clear focus, communicating,
involvement and linking persons to results
UN Fundamental Principles of Official
1.1 Professionalism
1. Assurance of
The principle of
objectivity in
the collection,
of statistics is
firmly adhered
1.1.1 Statistics are produced on an impartial basis.
1.1.2 Choices of sources and statistical techniques as
well as decisions about dissemination are
informed solely by statistical considerations.
Statistical policies and practices
are guided by professional
1.1.3 The appropriate statistical entity is entitled to
comment on erroneous interpretation and
misuse of statistics
1.2 Transparency
1.2.1 The terms and conditions under which statistics
are collected, processed, and disseminated are
available to the public.
Statistical policies and practices
are transparent
1.2.2 Internal governmental access to statistics prior to
their release is publicly identified.
1.2.3 Products of statistical agencies/units are clearly
identified as such.
1.2.4 Guidelines for staff behavior are in place and
are well known to the staff
1.3 Ethical standards
Policies and practices are guided by
ethical standards.
1.3.1 Guidelines for staff behavior are in place
and are well known to the staff
The Development of Mozambique´s
The Development of Mozambique’ NSS-2
Planning is linked to the process of leadership and clarity. This has to be done with
strong involvement of all stakeholders particularly users.
Three Steps for Developing a SEN:
 Diagnosis of Statistical situation & definition what be done and how (1993)
 Define with clarity the Mission, Vision and Objectives to pursue during a
certain period of time, including the new statistical act
 Develop a Strategic Plan that gives body to the Vision, Mission and Objectives
NSS-M Strategic Plans:
1. 1st Strategic Plan (1998-2002) had the main objective the creation of
foundations of the System, namely:
the adoption of nomenclatures,
the accomplishing of the Population Census that created conditions for
the definition of an updated sample frame for the HH Surveys
the elaboration of a comprehensive plan of Human Resources
Development to undertake the activities identified in the Plan
The Development of Mozambique’ NSS-3
Creation of Statistical literacy and the Image of the Institutions (still in the current
Strategic Plan) were determinant for the confidence, prestige and image of the
NSS-M in general and of the INE-M in particular.
 In order promote statistics literacy, a series of workshop were conducted in
order to sensitise users for better use of statistics.
 In terms of image of the institution, the INE logo was created, uniform for
the surveyors, standardization of INE’s publications covers, the creation of
a webpage, independent financial auditing of the INE accounts and public
access of its results
 The media has also been playing an important role in the dissemination of
official statistics and the image of the INE and NSS-M as whole
The Development of Mozambique’ NSS-4
2nd Strategic Plan (2003/7)
Focus on quality and sustainability.
Give to national professional more command/ responsibility in the
conduction of the tasks and building self confidence among them
Shift from long term consultants to short term consultants, most of them
performing “statistical auditing” at NSS-M
3rd Strategic Plan (2008/12)
It is under process of elaboration since 2005
Core objective identified is: higher frequency, detail and quality of
statistics at district level
Methodology: NSDS (PARIS21)
The staff is involved in the process of planning at all stages. INE since 2000
conducts annual staff opinion survey and the Consultative Councils
discuss the findings to seek solutions and answers to the problems raised
Role of Coop. Partners in developing NSS-M
Play a very important role in NSS-M development
Covers all statistical areas
Program approach / not project approach
NSS-M is the basis for negotiation a new program
avoiding donor’s driven approaches
Steering Committee chaired by INE Head with all
coop partners oversee the process of TA
Financial & TA for the major operations
Training component is one of major items
Same reports & financial auditing reports go to Gov
and Partners
Clarity of Results
“if you are a costumer, the National Statistics brand will mean product of high
quality, measured in terms of relevance, accuracy, timeliness and punctuality in
disseminating results, accessibility and clarity of results, comparability,
coherence and completeness.”
INE understand that Clarity is ensuring that the results accomplished from statistical
operations corresponds to the concepts and specifications internationally
The demand for statistics information can only be adequately fulfilled, if the data
produced and disseminated by different producer are of quality.
Special attention is given to the Methodologies and Quality Management principles,
in order to guarantee that statistical information be relevant, accurate, coherent,
punctual and accessible.
Clarity of Results
Constitute equally general lines of action:
1. Collaboration with universities, in order to carry out methodological studies related
to the use of new technologies and carrying out by different official statistics
surveys for progressive improvement of the accuracy of the statistics produced.
2. To foment and take statistical advantages of administrative records, with particular
emphasis in social and vital statistics, in order to reduce the cost of national
statistical activities and reduce de burden of the suppliers units.
3. To improve the quality of the information, by establishing new methodologies of
collecting, processing and disseminating the statistical information, and through a
systematic and oriented process of quality work and quality declaration
4. Carrying out user satisfaction surveys to evaluate their satisfaction about
statistical products available to them
Clarity of Results
5. Permanent contact with users of official statistical information, particularly the
government, in order to keep always present theirs needs
6. Carrying out annual surveys about quality in order to monitor the methodologies
used for better improvement of quality of statistical information
7. Production of reports about main sources of statistical data, including
administrative registers, source of error, data processing, treatment of noresponse, etc
All the above implies that official statistics in Mozambique are being produced having
in mind, not only users needs, but also under permanent concern of being
adjusted as much as possible to the existing international recommendations.
This permanent concern about the quality included in the NSS-M development
strategy has greatly contributed for the acceptance of the statistical products
disseminated by the System and for its credibility.
INE and partners within and outside the system continues striving to accomplish its
mission and vision according to the following principles:
Customer Orientation
Continuous improvement
Product quality commitment
Accessibility of information
Commitment of leadership
Staff development
Strong link between leadership and clarity.
Implies vision. To be clear about our mission.
Good leadership relies on clear planning goals & involvement of Staff