Strengthening Statistical Capacity in support of progress towards the internationally agreed development goals in the
SADC region:
ECA’s Potential Contribution
United Nations Economic
Commission for Africa
First Steering Committee Meeting of the SADC
Development Account Project
14-16 July 2006, Durban, South Africa
ECA Repositioning
Elements of Programme
Potential Areas of Contribution
The Way Forward
The project is aimed at strengthening statistical capacity-building in support of the MDGs in the region of the SADC
Period: 4 years (2006-2009)
Executing agency: UNSD/DESA
Co-operating Agencies:
SADC Secretariat
Division of Sustainable Development/DESA
This development account is timely in terms of the revamping of statistical activities at ECA
The new Executive Secretary has launched the process of repositioning ECA to better serve
The proposed repositioned ECA structure:
Recognizes the importance of statistics as a cross-cutting issue
Includes a new entity with financial and administrative autonomy:
The new entity will be provided with adequate financial and human resources staff
In the framework of the SADC development account project, the ECA should undertake the following activities
Promotion, coordination of, and advocacy for statistical activities in Africa and monitoring progress of statistical capacity building
Building a data hub at ECA for the provision of development data on Africa
Implementing the 1993 System of National Accounts
Supporting statistical training programmes
Establishing a regional programme for population and housing censuses
Providing technical assistance to African countries
Promotion, coordination of, and advocacy for statistical activities in Africa and monitoring progress of statistical capacity building
To promote the RRSF among SADC countries
To support countries in the design and implementation of their NSDS (organization, legislative framework)
To prepare specific advocacy material for SADC countries for the celebration of the African Statistics Day
Potential partnership:
PARIS21 on advocacy
Building a data hub at ECA for the provision of development data on Africa
facilitate storage and dissemination of statistical information
Design and establish Websites for SADSC NSOs that do not have one to facilitate dissemination of data and increase visibility
Establishing a SADC database on household surveys data to feed the ECA regional household surveys database
Potential partnership:
AFRISTAT for the Websites (best practice)
World Bank (Household Surveys database)
ECE (macro time series database)
IMF (GDDS, Metadata)
Implementing the 1993 System of National
Accounts (SNA)
To prepare a substantive assessment of the implementation status of the 1993 SNA in SADC countries
To identify impeding factors
To organise a workshop for experts to potentially address impeding factors
To produce a manual on best practices in this region based on experts’ workshop
Potential partnership:
ADB (ICP project)
IMF-EAST AFRITAC (Manuel SNA for SADC countries)
Establishing a regional programme for population and housing censuses
During the Census workshop, to organize workgroups on:
Effective use of IT and GIS for census operations
Using the census for measuring new and emerging priority issues
Planning and financing the next censuses
Analysis, dissemination and utilization of census data
Identify resources and expertise to be shared, e.g. IT expertise, exchange of professionals, training materials
Potential partnership:
ICP, US Bureau of Census
Providing technical assistance to African countries
Advisory services in the field of collection and dissemination of statistics and databases
Advisory services in organization and management of NSOS
(ECA has a regional adviser in the area)
Advisory services in household surveys
Potential partnership:
ECA should also contribute in terms of substance and organizational matters in other workshops and activities under this project
Development Account on Gender disaggregated data