10 / September / 2013
Presentation on Data Dissemination:
Strategies for Web-based Data Dissemination
Establishment and Mandate of South Sudan National
Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
Jacob Aguer Yak
IT Officer at NBS
Republic of
South Sudan
The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) is
the principal official statistical agency of
the Government of South Sudan; having
been established under Article 193 of the
Transitional Constitution of the Republic
of South Sudan that came into force on
independent 9th July 2011.
Introduction (contd)
-The National Bureau of Statistics is
mandated to carry out the following:
 Conducting all censuses and surveys that are
carried throughout South Sudan
 Collect, compile, analyze and publish all statistical
information on economic, social, demographic,
environmental and general conditions and
activities of the people of South Sudan
 Monitor and evaluate social impacts of public
policies, programmes and projects
 Monitor the progress of poverty alleviation and
the attainment
Mission and Vision
◦ To be the most excellent collector and source
of quality statistical information on economic,
demographic, social, environmental and
livelihood conditions in South Sudan.
Mission and Vision (contd)
◦ To facilitates and inform the decision-making
process within government, business
community, general public and stimulate
research and inform public debate through
the provision of readily accessible, relevant,
reliable and timely statistics in the economic,
demographic, social and environmental fields
and a quality statistical, monitoring and
evaluation services in general.
The principal official statistical agency for Southern Sudan
was first established way back in 1995 when it functioned as
a Database and Monitoring Unit under the Sudan Relief and
Rehabilitation Association (SRRA).
 Over time, the unit evolved and was renamed the New
Sudan Centre for Statistics and Evaluation (NSCSE) in 2003
under the then SPLM/SPLA administration in the then SPLMcontrolled areas of Southern Sudan. The Centre was
established with a mandate to develop the necessary capacity
to become the professional source and effective provider of
official statistical information for the SPLM-controlled areas.
 This was in response to the urgent need for basic statistical
data in order to support decision-making and enable
programmes and policy monitoring in the South.
Background …. (contd)
Later, under the Southern Sudan Interim
Constitution in 2005, its name was changed
to the Southern Sudan Centre for Census,
Statistics and Evaluation (SSCCSE) and
assigned specific mandates.
Today, the NBS is an autonomous statistics
agent of the Government of South Sudan
(GoSS), and is responsible for collecting,
coordinating, analyzing and disseminating all
official statistical information on economic,
social, demographic,
Background …. (contd)
environmental and general activities and
conditions of the people of South Sudan.
The NBS is also responsible for
conducting all official censuses and
surveys in South Sudan, monitor and
evaluate social impacts of public policies,
projects, programmes and monitor the
progress of poverty alleviation and the
attainment of the Millennium
Development Goals.
The Guiding Principles
South Sudan National Bureau of Statistics has some guiding
principles, regulating its activities, among other things:
 independence
 Fulfillment of citizen’s entitlement to public information.
 Decisions made strictly on professional considerations,
scientific principles and professional ethics regarding the
methods and procedures for collection, processing, storage
and dissemination of statistical data
 Choice of the right sources of statistical data drawn from
various sources such as surveys or administrative records on
the basis of quality, timeliness, costs and the burden on
Major Surveys in NBS
The National Bureau of Statistics in
collaboration with the World Bank is
pleased to release further results for the
Exchange Rate Survey, which is part of the
 NBS carried a high Frequency South
Sudan Survey. The survey uses handheld
tablet computers to collect real-time data
and is currently being piloted in Juba, Wau,
Malakal and Rumbek.
Major Surveys …. (contd)
State-level estimates and projections, 2008-2030
◦ The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) distinguishes
the importance of results‐based plans by providing
needed statistics for monitoring development
performance and progress, especially in the
implementation of major development initiatives and
policies apart from government
◦ Ministries and institutions, the Bureau’s statistical
products and services are sought after by the public
and private sectors, research and training
organizations, NGOs, donors and international
Organizations, the media and the public at large for a
wider variety data available for dissemination to the
users of statistics
Major Surveys …. (contd)
Average Exchange Rates South Sudan, March to
December 2012
 South Sudan Statistical Yearbook 2011
 National Baseline Household Survey 2009. Report
for South Sudan
◦ The information provided in this report is from
National Baseline Household Survey (NBHS)
conducted by Southern Sudan Centre for Census,
Statistics and Evaluation (SSCCSE). After
independence, SSCCSE has changed its name to the
South Sudan National Bureau of Statistics. The NBS
retain full ownership and responsibility for the
information provided in this report and should be
contacted directly for further information on the
provided datasets.
Key Indicators for Southern Sudan
Statistical Year Books
 Census 2008 Priority Results
 Reports, Newsletters and Bulletins
 Brochures and Bulletins
 National Bureau of Statistics’ Annual
NBS Data Dissemination Techniques
NBS website
◦ Contains:
 All Public Statistical data
 Every Detail Information about NBS
Statistical Year book
◦ Published from 2009-2012
◦ Stack holders
 Line Ministries
 States
 NGOs
◦ Produces South Sudan’s maps.
South Sudan Info
◦ Advanced DB used for Tracking Developmental activities.
◦ Recognized by UN tracking MDGs
NBS Data Dissemination
South Sudan TV
Radios in South Sudan
Flyers and Brouchers
Importance of the census in Sudan:
What it is used for and why?
In Sudan, the last successful national population
census dates back more than twenty years. The Fifth
Population Census of Sudan was the country's most
ambitious and important statistical project ever.
 The preparation and execution of the census was a
key requirement for the organization of the mid-term
general elections, and its completion was a significant
milestone in the implementation of the Statistical
Information Strategy that is outlined in the Joint
Assessment Mission Sudan.
 Until the census has been successfully completed, all
survey-based statistics was provisional and subject to
doubt due to the lack of any complete sample frame.
Future plan activities in NBS
The National Bureau of statistics is
developing National Strategy for
Development of Statistics run from 20122017 (NSDS)
Thank you very much