Department of Pupil Services

Department of Pupil Services
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
Intensive Intervention (FEW)
Individual Counseling, Student Development
Groups, Insight, Individualized Behavioral
Interventions, Crisis Intervention, Wrap Around,
Referrals for Mental Health, Restorative
Early Intervention (SOME)
Counseling Groups, Social Skills Groups, Check In
Check Out, Suicide Screening & Intervention,
Threat Assessment, Restorative Practice Circles,
PEER, School Ambassadors
Prevention (ALL)
Classroom Counseling Lessons, Character
Education, Bullying Prevention (Stop-Walk-Talk &
Expect Respect), Developmental Assets, Depression
Awareness Suicide Prevention, Substance Abuse
Education, Explicit instruction of PBIS expectations
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
PBIS is a research-based, school-wide systems approach to improve
school climate and to teach students prosocial behaviors.
PBIS school team and faculty commitment
3-5 positively stated behavioral expectations/routines are defined
Lesson plans for teaching expectations and routines are implemented
Reinforcement feedback is provided for appropriate behaviors
Procedures for handling discipline are outlined
Data is recorded and analyzed to make decisions
Action plan is developed, implemented, and evaluated
Depression Awareness/Suicide Prevention
Depression Awareness Suicide Prevention program – Tier 1
• Ninth Grade – Health and Physical Education class presentations.
• Booster program for upper grades (Tier 2) for targeted schools
 Teaches students a simple steps to take using the easy-to-remember acronym, ACT®
(Acknowledge, Care, Tell), if students encounter a situation that requires help from a
trusted adult.
• Based on the Signs of Suicide® program, the only evidence-based program
demonstrating a reduction (40%) in suicide attempts
• Delivered through a planned lesson, educational video, and guided classroom discussion
Suicide Screening and Intervention – Tier 2/3
• Goals are to:
• Ensure student safety
 Refer to school staff with training and job responsibility to professionally assess
suicide risk
• Communicate with parents to find appropriate care
• Provide follow up support
Resilience Building in Our Schools
 Developmental Assets: Tier 1
 Framework for instruction and support.
 Builds on the principles that positive characteristics form the foundation of
the healthy development of children and adolescents
Developmental Assets
 External: Supported through LCPS partnerships with Loudoun County
agencies and work groups as well as collaboration between
student/family and schools.
 Internal: Developed through school counseling activities, classroom
instruction, small group and individual groups and reinforced through
existing programs (PEER, PBIS, Ambassadors)
The 4th “R”: Resilience
Resilience helps students:
 deal with stress and adversity,
 overcome disadvantage,
 be open to new opportunities.
 more successful in school and jobs
 happier in relationships
 less susceptible to anxiety and depression
Restorative Practices
Purpose: To provide a positive approach to resolving conflict, reducing suspension, improving
behavior and developing emotional literacy, empathy, truth telling and responsibility.
 Whole School – Tier One
 This would include the use of restorative language in addressing each other, deliberate use
of behaviors that are considerate of others.
 Classroom/Small Group – Tier Two
 Restorative circles can be used for prevention and create a restorative classroom
environment that builds relationships and teaches basic conflict resolution
 Incident specific - Tier Three
Restorative Conference–is used as a positive discipline alternative.
PEER/Student Ambassadors- Tier Two
 PEER is typically delivered during the
school as a non-graded elective cofacilitated by a teacher, school counselor
and school social worker.
 Student Ambassadors are identified by
teachers and school staff as leaders within
the school community who can be
effective in helping to reinforce school
norms of positive and supportive peer
 The PEER curriculum focuses on teaching
students skills to be a peer resource and
support for students who would benefit
from a friendly and empathetic peer.
Substance Abuse Prevention Services
 Tier one
 Substance Abuse Education Classroom Presentations: provided to 8th and 10th graders on
the risks of substance use and positive alternatives to drugs and alcohol.
 Tier two
 Drug and alcohol assessments
 Substance Abuse Prevention and Education Support groups
 Tier three
 Insight –3 Day Intensive Education/Prevention Program that is required of students who
have violated LCPS’ drug/alcohol policy.
 Individual Substance Abuse Counseling- for students requiring individual support
How can we help?
The central and most consistent
individual is the school
both as a provider and referral
source to other professionals on the
team since they are on site in the
school every day.
The School Counselor as a member of the Pupil Services Student Support
Team, can help students and families access numerous services.
 Elementary – School Counselor
 Middle – Each student has an assigned
counselor and each counselor group has an
assigned “lead” counselor
 High – The Director of School Counseling serves
as the administrator for the department in each
school. Each student has an assigned counselor.
A sample of School Counseling support
and resources…
Classroom – Tier One
 Includes weekly lessons in elementary schools; classroom visits and regular interaction in
secondary schools, Bullying Prevention, Depression/Suicide Awareness
 Teacher consultation/collaboration
 Contributions to student assistance teams or child study
Small Group – Tier Two
 Small groups for social skills, life situations (changing families, transitions)
 Criteria based groups for healthy relationships, identified issues (stress, anxiety)
Individual – Tier Three
 Support for school issues – may result in referral for other school or outside resources
 Provides in-school individual counseling, support and skill building; does not replace outside
Classroom – Tier One
Example-Teacher informs the counselors that many of the 6th
grade students in her English class are struggling with the
academic and social/personal transition to middle school.
School counselors are available to provide…
 Weekly lessons during classroom visit to teach study and test taking skills, time
management, academic goal setting, bullying prevention, depression awareness.
 A needs assessment to learn what students feel is their biggest stressor in transitioning.
 Follow up with teacher and parents to check on individual student progress.
 With parental permission, a referral to student assistance teams or child study teams for
those students who continue to struggle academically.
Small Group – Tier Two
Example-A 4th grader is anxious and angry because his
parents have recently divorced. He throws his books in the
trash and says that school is stupid. Teacher approaches the
counselor with her concerns.
With parental permission, school counselors are able to provide…
• Small or criteria based groups co-facilitated with the school social worker for social
skills, life situations (changing families, transitions), healthy relationships, identity
issues (stress, anxiety, anger management)
• Weekly progress reports to monitor academic and personal/social wellness.
• Follow up with teacher and parents to report on progress.
Tier Three-Individual
Example-A student informs the counselor that her friend not eating or
sleeping because she failed her Chemistry test. In addition, her
boyfriend just broke up with her and the prom is in 2 weeks. Student
reports that her friend seems very withdrawn.
With parental permission, school counselors can provide…
• Individual counseling to support school based issues and skill building – may result
in referral to other schools or outside community resources if needed. This
support does not replace outside treatment.
• A mental health referral to LCPS Mental Health or other outside providers. Parents
are provided with a list of practitioners that includes area of counseling expertise.
• A release to collaborate with a mental health provider to stay current with student
Bullying Prevention-School Wide
 Explicit Teaching of Expected Behaviors – Tier One
 Stop, Walk and Talk – Elementary
 Expect Respect – Secondary
Purpose: Teach students the skills to demonstrate appropriate pro-social
behaviors that will establish and maintain a positive culture built on the
expectation of respectful behavior and the expectation that everyone will
intervene positively when the expectation is not met.
Contact Information
 John Lody, Director, Prevention and Intervention
 Dr. Suzanne Jimenez, Director, Student Services 571-252-1012
 Jeannine Cummings, Supervisor, School Counseling 571-252-1017