First Nine Weeks Plan S. Flippo: ELL Listening: Learning to understand English spoken in a wide range of social and academic contexts. Speaking: Learning to speak English, with increasing accuracy and fluency, in order to convey meaning appropriate to a wide range of social and academic contexts. Reading: Learning to read in English with increasing comprehension for a variety of purposes. Writing: Learning to produce written English with increasing fluency and accuracy to convey meaning appropriately in a range of social and academic contexts. Culture: Learning concepts that result in knowledge and awareness of the history and culture of classmates. *Kindergarten Units of Study: (vocabulary related to:) school, family, body, health/safety/fire prevention, senses, feeling, clothing, homes, holidays and celebrations, seasons of the year, days of the week, weather, colors, shapes, letters Aa –Zz and sounds, numerals 0 – 9, counting 1-20, mathematics vocabulary *First Grade Units of Study: (vocabulary, literature, and the content area focus on) People and places, school, citizenship, Sun and Earth, growing and changing, animals and their habitats, long ago and today *Second Grade Units of Study: (vocabulary, literature, and the content area focus on) Citizenship, safety, responsibilities, communities, famous Americans (Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller) *Third, Fourth, Fifth Grade Reading and writing fluency, content area vocabulary enrichment